Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Failed Jealousy

Isabel quietly headed to the royal kitchen as per the king's orders. As soon as she arrived, the palace maids immediately surrounded her with questions full of curiosity.

"What was that, Isabel? It was the first time I've heard the king desperately call out to someone!" one of the maids exclaimed, looking to the others for confirmation.

Everyone else instantly nodded in agreement as another maid spoke, "True. Maybe the king was too uncomfortable with..." She paused and cleared her throat before continuing in a hushed tone. "...the new queen. I mean, everyone in the palace can see that ever since the wedding, the king has seemed reluctant to wed her."

But then, her statement was immediately cut off by Emily.

"Ladies, please. Mind your words! If the royal guards hear us, they will have our heads!" she warned almost in a whisper, and the maids immediately fell silent. But Anne, the oldest among them, took Isabel aside.

"What do you need, Court Lady Isabel?" she asked politely, making Isabel chuckle, almost forgetting the troubles in her head.

"Please, do not be too polite. I am only Isabel," she lightly interjected.

"Hm. A king's court lady is never 'only a court lady'. I have known you for quite a while, but I did not know you were already serving the king so closely," Anne chuckled awkwardly and apologetically. "Also, I apologize for the others' behavior. What happened earlier has made everyone in the palace think that His Majesty is clearly attached to his court lady."

Anne's words sounded too good for Isabel. She smiled at the statement and replied with a nod.

"As much as I would like to have a long conversation with you, the king has ordered me to prepare a little something for... Her Majesty," Isabel said.

"Oh? Let me help you then!" Anne volunteered and took her back to the royal kitchen.

"Chef Henri!" Anne called out playfully as the royal chef instantly turned to face Anne. His face brightened up the moment he saw her, and Isabel almost mistook it for something else until he spoke.

"Ah! My beautiful daughter, what brings you here?" the royal chef asked, arms wide open.

Anne smiled and went to give her father a warm embrace. "I am sure you already know Court Lady Isabel," she began, stepping away to introduce Isabel.

"Of course!" he answered gleefully, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Great! The king wants you to prepare some tea and pastries for him and the queen," Isabel commanded with the confidence of someone who had been known by everyone for a long time.

The royal kitchen's skilled chefs immediately took initiative, beginning to prepare the king's usual afternoon tea favorites. One of the pastry chefs suddenly stopped and humbly bent down to whisper something to the royal chef.

"Chef, the last time I remember, the king's preference for pastries is specifically Isabel's handmade almond tarts," he spoke softly. Henri realized that ever since Isabel had personally prepared the king's food, his taste had drastically changed.

Henri looked at Isabel and scratched his head before giving a sigh. "Do you need some space to prepare?" he asked in resignation, making Isabel smile.

"No need. If you would allow, Royal Chef, I would love to teach you how I make the king's favorite almond tarts," Isabel offered.

Anne chuckled excitedly and clapped her hands. "I want to learn as well! May I?" she asked.

"Of course, Anne. The more, the merrier," Isabel replied warmly. "Let's start with the almond tarts."

Isabel gathered the ingredients with practiced ease, her movements precise and confident. She set out flour, sugar, butter, almonds, and other essentials on the counter. The kitchen staff watched attentively as their curiosity piqued.

"First, we need to prepare the dough for the tart shells," Isabel began, measuring the flour and sugar carefully. "It's important to get the proportions just right. Too much flour and the tarts will be dense, too much sugar and they'll be overly sweet."

Henri and Anne leaned in closer, taking notes. Isabel mixed the ingredients with her hands moving carefully and gently. She added butter, working it into the mixture until it formed a crumbly texture.

"Now, the secret to making the dough tender is to handle it gently," Isabel explained, her voice calm and instructive. "You don't want to overwork it. Just bring it together enough to form a cohesive ball."

She demonstrated and pressed the dough lightly until it held together. Then she wrapped it in a cloth and set it aside to rest. "While the dough rests, we can prepare the almond filling."

Isabel moved on to the filling, combining ground almonds with sugar, butter, and eggs. The aroma of the ingredients mingled, filling the kitchen with a warm, inviting scent.

"The filling should complement the tart shell, not overpower it," Isabel said while stirring the mixture. "A balance of flavors is key."

Once the filling was ready, Isabel turned back to the dough, rolling it out with careful precision. She cut it into small circles, pressing each one into a tart mold.

"Now, we fill the tart shells with the almond mixture," she instructed, demonstrating the technique. "Make sure not to overfill them."

Anne tried her hand at it but her movements were a bit clumsy at first. Isabel guided her patiently, showing her how to fill the tart shells with care.

"Perfect," Isabel said, nodding in approval as Anne successfully filled her first tart. "It takes practice, but you're doing well."

As they continued, the kitchen was focused in the activity. The tarts were placed in the oven to bake, filling the room with a delicious aroma.

While waiting for the tarts, Isabel turned to the tea. She selected the finest leaves, brewing them to perfection. "Tea should be brewed at the right temperature," she explained. "Too hot, and it becomes bitter, too cool, and it won't release its full flavor."

Henri watched closely, impressed by Isabel's meticulous attention to detail. "Isabel, you have quite a talent," he remarked, genuinely impressed. "No wonder the king prefers your creations."

Isabel blushed slightly at the compliment but maintained her focus. "It's all about paying attention to the details," she said. "Each ingredient, each step-everything matters. Also, I also learned from the best." she answered referring to Mrs. Hawthorne.

Anne nodded enthusiastically. "I never realized there was so much to it."

As the tarts finished baking, Isabel carefully arranged them on a tray, adding a touch of elegance to the presentation. She poured the tea into fine china cups, completing the setup.

"There," she said, stepping back to admire their work. "I think it's ready."

Henri and Anne nodded in agreement, clearly impressed with the results. "Thank you, Isabel," Henri said. "You've taught us something valuable today."

Isabel smiled, feeling a small sense of accomplishment despite the troubles in her heart. "I'm glad I could help."

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