Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Crowned Parasite

"Your wife is right, brother. Listen to her. I will take care of Isabel," Letecia smirked, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes, and turned away, leaving Lucian standing there, torn and conflicted.

Lucian felt frustrated and helpless as he watched his sister walk away with such confidence. .

Letecia left the pavilion and decided to head straight to the palace physician's clinic with the guard, maintaining a calm exterior. But as soon as she was finally out of sight from Lucian and Victoria, her sudden change in demeanor shocked the guard.

Letecia lifted her heavy skirt and ran as if she did not care for the world. Her face was filled with worry. As she ran, her hair began to unravel, and the guard was amazed to see how Letecia was showing him her unroyal side. This was not the composed and regal princess he was accustomed to.

When they finally arrived, Letecia did not take another moment. She burst through the door, her voice ringing out in urgency. "Where is Isabel!?"

The young physician immediately stood, bowed, and greeted her. "Your Highness," he began, but she cut him off.

"Speak," she demanded, her eyes fierce and unwavering.

"Your Highness, she has been under stress. She is losing weight, and I could barely feel the child's heartbeat," he informed her nervously.

Letecia's heart tightened at the news. She took a deep breath, drawing on her medical knowledge. "Move aside," she commanded in a steady voice. She approached Isabel, assessing her condition with the trained eye of a medical student that she is.

She instructed the attendants to bring specific herbs and remedies, guiding them through the preparation with precision. Letecia's hands moved deftly as she mixed the concoctions and gave them to Isabel, all the while murmuring reassurances.

"Isabel, you need to hold on," Letecia whispered, her voice soft yet determined. "I will not let you or your child suffer any longer."

As the hours passed, Letecia worked tirelessly, her focus unwavering. The physician and attendants followed her lead, their respect for her growing with each decisive action she took. Letecia's unrelenting determination and medical expertise began to stabilize Isabel's condition.

Finally, as night fell, Letecia took a step back as her face was streaked with sweat and exhaustion. She glanced at the physician and spoke. "She will recover," she said, her voice firm but weary. "Ensure she gets rest and proper nourishment."

The young physician nodded, his admiration for Letecia evident. "Yes, Your Highness. We will take good care of her."

Letecia gave a final, lingering look at Isabel, her expression softening with relief. "You are safe now," she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

She then took a deep breath and stood straight. "Make sure nobody else knows about what happened. Do not let the king inside. Make any excuse necessary," Letecia ordered. The physician and his attendants bowed respectfully, acknowledging her command.

As Letecia left the clinic, intending to return to her chambers, she was confronted by Victoria, who appeared from around a corner with a smug look on her face.

"How is she? Dying? Oh... Poor maid... all alone," Victoria snickered evilly, her voice dripping with mock sympathy.

Letecia paused but her expression remained calm. She regarded Victoria with a measured gaze before responding. "It's fascinating, Victoria, how quickly you forget the importance of loyalty and compassion. But then again, those are qualities that can't be learned through your cheap theatrics and underhanded schemes."

Victoria’s smirk widened as she folded her arms. "Scheming? Oh, Letecia, don’t project your own ambitions onto me. It’s not my fault that the king's attention is on me, where it belongs. Isabel is just a distraction, a commoner with delusions of grandeur."

Letecia stepped closer with her gaze unwavering. "Isabel is more noble than you will ever be, Victoria. She possesses a heart and spirit that cannot be tarnished by your venom. You, on the other hand, are nothing more than a hollow vessel, empty of any true substance. You do not deserve any respect from anyone. Your power is as fragile as the lies you tell yourself."

Victoria’s eyes narrowed, her smug expression slipping. "Respect is earned by power and position, Letecia, something you seem to misunderstand. The court respects me because I am the queen, and soon I will bear the heir. What do you have? A title with no real influence."

Letecia raised an eyebrow, her voice calm but cutting. "Influence isn't about titles, Victoria. It's about the trust and love people place in you. Lucian might be your husband and he might be blind to your true nature, but I see through your facade. And don’t think for a moment that your position is unassailable. I am also of royal blood."

Victoria’s face flushed with anger, her voice rising. "You overestimate your importance, Letecia. You’re just a spoiled princess playing at being a protector. Isabel is finished. She will never have a place here, not as long as I’m queen."

Letecia’s eyes flashed with pity and disdain. "Your cruelty will be your undoing, Victoria. Because you are nothing more than a scheming harpy, clinging to power by sheer luck and manipulation. Isabel has a place here because she has earned it with her kindness and integrity, qualities you wouldn't recognize even if they slapped you in the face."

Victoria stepped forward, her voice now a hiss. "You’re delusional, Letecia. This is a game of survival, and I play to win. Isabel is just a pawn, and so are you."

Letecia smiled serenely, her tone dripping with scorn. "Then perhaps it's time you learned that not all games are won by those who cheat. True strength lies not in manipulation, but in the courage to stand by those who need you, and in the wisdom to see through the lies we tell ourselves. You may wear a crown, Victoria, but you will never truly be a queen. You're nothing but a parasite, feeding off the power and love of others because you have none of your own."

With that, Letecia turned and walked away, leaving Victoria seething in the hallway as her smugness was replaced by a burning rage. The princess had delivered her message, and the queen was left to contemplate the strength and cunning of the woman she had underestimated.

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