Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Keep Isabel Away

Time seemed to fly by as the kitchen staff worked in harmony. Each person was contributing to the preparation. Isabel felt a sense of pride in being part of such an important event, knowing that her work would be enjoyed by the palace's esteemed guest.

"Isabel, pass me that bowl of berries," one of the assistant chefs called out. Isabel quickly grabbed the bowl and handed it over, exchanging a brief smile with her colleague.

"Thank you. You really have a knack for this," he said with a hint of admiration in his voice as he looked at Isabel's work.

"Thank you... as well?" she replied, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. "I've learned from the best."

Chef Henri overheared their exchange and gave a satisfied nod. "Indeed, she has. You've come a long way since you first joined us, Isabel."

Isabel's smile widened. "I'm just grateful for the opportunity, Chef Henri. I never imagined I'd be here, working alongside all of you."

"It's well-deserved," Chef Henri said, his tone sincere. "You've shown dedication and skill. Now, let's make sure these pastries are perfect for our guest."

As they continued to work, another assistant chef, Marie, leaned over and whispered, "Did you hear who the guest is?"

Isabel shook her head, curiosity piqued. "No, who is it?"

Marie glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. "It's said to be a visiting noble from a neighboring kingdom. Some say it's a duke with ties to the royal family."

"A duke?" Isabel repeated, her eyes widening. "That explains all the extra preparations."

"Exactly," Marie said with a grin. "It's not every day we get such high-profile visitors."

Isabel's thought began to wander. A duke with ties to the royal family could mean important political discussions and alliances. It made sense that the palace would go to great lengths to impress such a guest.

Just then, chef Henri clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention back to their tasks. "Focus, everyone. We need to make sure everything is perfect."

"Isabel, how's the pastry filling coming along?" Chef Henri asked, inspecting her work.

"Almost done, Chef," she replied, carefully spooning the rich, fragrant filling into the delicate pastry shells.

"Excellent," he said, watching her with a critical eye. "You're becoming quite the expert. Keep up the good work."

As the last tray of pastries was placed in the oven, Isabel wiped her brow, feeling exhausted but accomplished. She had done her best, and now it was time to see the fruits of their labor enjoyed by the palace's important visitor.

Chef Henri stepped back and surveyed the kitchen with a satisfied nod. "Excellent work, everyone. Now, let's get everything plated and ready for service."

But Isabel had something else in mind.

"Royal chef," Isabel began hesitantly, "may I help bring the preparations to the dining hall?"

Chef Henri's expression tightened briefly before he masked it with a warm smile. "Oh, Isabel, your work here is invaluable. We need you in the kitchen to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"But the preparations are almost done," Isabel protested gently. "I'm sure the others can handle the rest."

"The final touches are the most crucial," Chef Henri insisted, his voice firm but kind. "Your attention to detail is needed here."

Isabel had no other choice but to respond with a nod although reluctant, sensing there was no room for negotiation. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his insistence than he let on, but she didn't press further.

Unbeknownst to Isabel, Lucian had specifically instructed Chef Henri to keep her in the kitchen. The king wanted to ensure she does not witness what was actually happening and to avoid any unwanted attention from the visiting noble. Chef Henri, bound by the king's orders, could only offer vague excuses to keep Isabel from leaving.

But while Isabel was busy gathering a few spices from the barrels outside the kitchen, she overheard a group of palace maids chattering as they walked by. At first, she paid no mind to their conversation and focused instead on her task. But then, a snippet of their discussion caught her attention, and she froze.

"Did you hear? The king is welcoming the princess from the West Kingdom today," one maid said excitedly.

"Yes, I heard she’s quite beautiful," another maid replied. "They say she's here to discuss an alliance."

Isabel's heart skipped a beat. A princess from the West Kingdom? Why hadn't she heard about this before? She tried to push the thoughts aside, but a sense of unease began to settle in her chest.

One of the maids continued, "I wonder if this means a marriage alliance. It would make sense, wouldn't it? Strengthening ties between the kingdoms."

The possibility made Isabel's stomach churn. She shook her head, trying to focus on her task. But the conversation had planted a seed of doubt and worry in her mind.

The maids walked away still chatting animatedly. Isabel took a deep breath and steadied herself. She had to finish her work and return to the kitchen, but the news lingered in her thoughts like a shadow.

As she returned to the kitchen with the spices, she noticed Chef Henri watching her closely. "Is everything alright, Isabel?" he asked, his tone concerned.

"Yes, Chef. I just..." She paused and breathed, "Haa... I overhead that the princess from the West Kingdom is here to meet the king." she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Chef Henri's eyes softened with understanding. "Yes, it's true. She's here to discuss matters of importance with the king. But don't let it trouble you. Focus on your work."

Isabel nodded, though her mind was still reeling. She couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. Was the king's affection for her genuine, or was she merely a distraction from his royal duties? Are the rumors true? Maybe it is not but that is what Isabel wanted to think. She decided she would rather hear it from the king himself.

As the day wore on, Isabel found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. The kitchen was bustling with activity, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the princess and what her presence might mean for her and Lucian.

Late in the afternoon, as the final preparations for the feast were being made, Isabel approached Chef Henri once more. "Chef, may I help bring the preparations to the dining hall now?"

Chef Henri hesitated, then shook his head. "I'm sorry, Isabel, but we still need you here."

Isabel felt a pang of disappointment as the realization hit her. The royal chef was trying to keep her away. "Of course, Chef. I'll do my best."

As she returned to her duties, the news about the princess continued to gnaw at her. She couldn't help but wonder what Lucian was doing and how he felt about the princess's visit. Will he cave in if the princess was truly here for a marriage alliance?

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