Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

Lucian held Isabel close, his arms wrapped around her as if he could never let her go again. The warmth of her body against his, the familiar scent of her skin—it all felt like a dream he never wanted to wake from. His lips brushed against her shoulder, and for a moment, he allowed himself to believe that this closeness could erase the years of distance and pain between them.

But just as he lost himself in the feel of her, Isabel's voice cut through the haze like a cold blade. "How could you lay your hands on me?" Her words were sharp, laced with a bitterness that sent a jolt of reality crashing down on him.

Lucian stiffened, surprised by the sudden shift in her tone. He had expected resistance, perhaps even anger, but the quiet accusation in her voice was something he wasn't prepared for. His grip on her loosened slightly, but he didn't let her go. Instead, he pressed his forehead to the back of her head, his breath warm against her neck as he whispered, "Isabel... I'm sorry. For everything."

She remained silent, her body tense in his arms, but he continued, his voice low and filled with regret. "I know I've made unforgivable mistakes. I know I've hurt you more than anyone ever could, but I can't change what's already been done. All I can do is beg for your forgiveness and hope that one day, you might find it in your heart to give me another chance."

Isabel's breath caught in her throat, but she said nothing, letting him speak.

"I want our family back," Lucian whispered, his voice trembling with the weight of his emotions. "I want to bring us together again, you, me, and our son. I've searched for Liam for so long, Isabel, and I won't stop until he's safe in our arms. I want to right the wrongs, to fix what's been broken between us. Please... let me make things right."

For a moment, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of their breathing. Lucian's heart pounded in his chest as he waited, his plea hanging in the air. He knew that he was asking for the impossible, but he couldn't stop himself. The thought of losing her again, of losing the family he once had, was too much to bear.

But Isabel hated him more than ever. Isabel finally turned in his arms, her body tense as she met his gaze. Her eyes, once warm with love, now burned with cold fury, glistening with unshed tears. The pain was there, but it was buried beneath layers of anger, resentment, and betrayal.

The past was not just a wound—it was a scar that ran too deep to heal. And when she finally spoke, her voice was laced with bitterness and there was a harsh edge to every word. "You think I could ever trust you again, Lucian? After everything you've done?"

Her question was a dagger aimed straight at his heart, and Lucian felt the sting of it. The fire in her eyes, the raw emotion in her voice, made it clear that the hope she once held onto was gone. She didn't want to hear his promises, his vows, or his apologies. She wanted him to feel the same anguish she had endured.

And so he opened his mouth to respond, but the words faltered. He realized there was no quick fix, no grand gesture that could undo the damage. As he looked into her eyes, now filled with nothing but contempt, he knew that whatever love they once shared had been shattered.

But for Lucian, leaving the palace without hearing even a single hopeful word from Isabel was unthinkable. He wasn't ready to let go—not yet, not ever. The silence between them was deafening, and as he opened his mouth to speak, to plead for something—anything—Isabel moved away from him, her eyes flashing with coldly.

She turned sharply, her back to him as she strode toward the door, her footsteps echoing through the chamber like a death knell. Her heart pounded in her chest, not with love, but with the resolve to rid herself of the man who had caused her so much pain.

Before Lucian could react, Isabel's voice, sharp and commanding, rang out. "Guards!"

The word was laced with authority, a stark contrast to the vulnerability she had shown just moments before. For a brief second, Lucian stood frozen as the reality of what was happening came crashing over him. Then, the sound of heavy boots pounding against the marble floors filled the room, growing louder with each passing second. The doors to the chamber burst open, slamming against the walls as the imperial guards stormed in, weapons at the ready.

Lucian's heart sank. The sight of the guards, eyes alert and bodies tense, drove home the finality of the situation. This wasn't just a dismissal. It was an expulsion, a declaration that he no longer had any place in her life—or in this palace.

Isabel's gaze remained fixed on the far wall, avoiding his desperate eyes. Her voice, calm but steely, carried an air of authority that left no room for argument. "Escort the king out of the imperial palace's gates. Make sure he does not return."

The guards hesitated for a split second, perhaps out of shock or uncertainty at the command, but Isabel's expression left no doubt about her seriousness. Slowly, they stepped forward, closing in on Lucian, their eyes betraying discomfort knowing it's the ruthless king.

Lucian took a step back, his mind racing, searching for the right words—something, anything that might make her stop, make her reconsider. But nothing came.

"Isabel—" he began, his voice low, strained with the weight of his regret.

But she didn't turn around. Didn't even flinch. Her silence was more cutting than any words she could have spoken. It was as if she had already erased him from her heart, from her life even.

The guards reached him with their hands firm on his arms as they led him toward the door. Lucian's heart clenched painfully in his chest, but he forced himself to meet Isabel's gaze one last time. She didn't look at him—her eyes remained distant, focused on some point far beyond him.

As they led him away, the doors closed behind them with a heavy thud. 

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