Chapter 57

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Chapter 57: Married Life

Tristan jolted awake while his heart was pounding as if trying to escape his chest. He blinked against the bright morning light streaming through the window, momentarily disoriented. He immediately glanced beside him and found Isabel's side of the bed empty, with the sheets neatly arranged. Panic surged through him as he threw off the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Isabel?" he called out, his voice hoarse and tinged with urgency.

But there was no response.

He quickly dressed himself and rushed out of their room as his mind raced with fear. Once he descended the stairs, the scent of freshly baked bread and the sound of soft laughter reached his ears. And when he entered the kitchen of their humble home, he saw his mother-in-law seated at the table, feeding Liam breakfast.

"Good morning, Tristan," Teressa greeted warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Have some breakfast."

"Where is Isabel?" Tristan asked, barely able to mask his anxiety. He scanned the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of her but she was nowhere to be found.

Teressa’s smile faded as she noted the worry in his voice. She set down the spoon and turned her full attention to him. "She left early this morning. She mentioned having errands to do and supplies to buy at the village market."

Tristan frowned. "Did she say when she would return?"

Teressa shook her head. "No, but she seemed troubled. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I just did not expect her to leave so early." He answered and forced a tight smile on his lips.

Liam looked up from his plate, his eyes bright with curiosity. "Will mother bring back more apples, father? She promised we would pick the best ones together."

Tristan's heart ached at the innocence in his son's eyes. He tousled Liam’s hair, striving to maintain a composed demeanor. "I am sure she will, my son."

Teressa watched him carefully, sensing the underlying tension. "Tristan, if there is something troubling you, perhaps I can help."

He then took a deep breath, endeavoring to steady his thoughts. "Thank you, mother. I just need to find her and make sure everything is alright."

His mother-in-law nodded, her expression one of quiet understanding. "Take your time. Liam and I will manage."

Tristan hesitated for a moment, then turned and made his way to the door.

His mind was a storm as he stepped outside and began heading to the village square. The morning sun cast long shadows across the village path and the air was crisp. The village was already coming to life with the sounds of merchants setting up their stalls and children playing in the streets. Tristan walked briskly towards the market with his heart heavy with worry and regret.

As he arrived the bustling market square, he then scanned the crowd, searching for any sign of Isabel. Vendors called out their wares, and the air was filled with the mingling scents of fresh produce, baked goods, and spices. Tristan pushed through the throng of people while his eyes darted from face to face.

"Isabel!" he called, but his voice was lost in the noise of the market. He quickened his pace, weaving through the crowd when he spotted Mrs. Hawthorne, standing by a fruit stall. He hurried over to her, hoping she might have seen Isabel.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hawthorne," Tristan greeted, slightly out of breath. "Have you seen Isabel today?"

Mrs. Hawthorne looked up from her basket of apples and smiled kindly. "Good morning, Tristan. Yes, I saw her earlier. She seemed in quite a hurry and mentioned needing to gather a few things. She headed towards the baker’s stall, I believe."

"Thank you," Tristan replied, relief washing over him. He nodded and moved on, making his way towards the baker’s stall at the far end of the market.

As he approached, he finally caught sight of Isabel. She was standing by the baker’s stall, clutching a small basket filled with bread and other supplies. Her face was pale, and she seemed lost in thought, her brows furrowed with worry.

"Isabel," Tristan called softly as he neared her.

Isabel looked up, startled, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Tristan? What are you doing here?"

He flinched at her response, the question cutting deeper than he expected.

'Why would she ask that? She knew I was supposed to be buying supplies with her, and yet... she acts as if she did not want me here,' he thought.

"My love, I woke up and you were gone. I was worried," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Isabel's expression softened, and she quickly masked any traces of her inner turmoil with a bright smile. "I am sorry, Tristan. I did not mean to cause you concern. I thought I would get a head start on the day."

Tristan studied her while his eyes were searching for any hint of the pain she might be hiding. "I wanted to help. We were supposed to do this together."

"Yes, of course. But you need your rest, and I thought I could manage." She answered maintaining her smile, though it seemed a bit forced.

Without hesitation, he immediately reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently and was about to speak when Isabel pulled her hand back, excusing herself. "I really must finish here, Tristan. We can talk later."

Tristan felt a pang of hurt as he watched her put on a brave face. He nodded, though his concern remained. "Alright. Let's get what we need and return home."

And so they moved through the market together with Tristan helping Isabel gather the remaining supplies. He noticed the way she carefully selected each item, her movements deliberate and methodical, as if trying to distract herself from deeper thoughts. Despite her composed demeanor, he could sense that she was deeply troubled. But he chose not to meddle. Atleast not yet.

Once they had gathered everything, they began the walk back to their home. The village was bustling with activity, but their journey felt oddly silent.

When they reached their home, Teressa had just finished bathing Liam. She looked up as they entered as her eyes were filled with concern. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, mother," Isabel replied, her smile unwavering. "We just finished the errands. Thank you for watching Liam."

Teressa nodded, though her gaze lingered on Tristan, searching for any sign of what might have transpired. "Of course, dear. I am glad you are back."

Tristan set down the basket of supplies and turned to Isabel. "Shall we talk now?"

Isabel hesitated for a moment, then forced another smile. "Actually, Tristan, I need to prepare lunch. Perhaps later?"

Tristan's heart sank as he nodded. "Very well."

While Isabel busied herself in the kitchen, Tristan could see the strain in her eyes and the way she carefully avoided his gaze. He longed to reach out to her, to bridge the growing distance between them, but he felt helpless, unsure of how to penetrate the walls she had suddenly built around herself.

He stepped out of the kitchen, giving her space, and sat down at the table with Liam. Teressa joined them as her eyes were filled with sympathy.

"Tristan, give her time," Teressa said softly. "She will eventually forgive you from whatever argument the two of you had just been through. She is your wife after all."

"I know," Tristan replied, his voice heavy with guilt. "I just want to make things right."

Teressa patted his hand and then, with a playful glint in her eye, said, "You know, dear, a little quarrel between a husband and a wife is quite alright. Why, I remember when Isabel's father and I first married. We would bicker over the silliest things. He once insisted that the hens preferred a certain kind of grain, and I thought he was mad."

Tristan couldn't help but smile at the image. "Did you ever resolve that argument?"

Teressa laughed lightly. "Oh, he eventually saw sense, but it took a fair bit of convincing. And a few pecks from the hens to prove my point."

Tristan chuckled, feeling some of the tension ease. "I suppose it's all part of a married life."

"It is," Teressa agreed.

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