Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Lie to me, My king

Isabel and Lucian stood at a secluded spot in the palace grounds where they were hidden from prying eyes. The moonlight filtered through the leaves as Isabel's heart pounded in her chest. Although the king has reassured her not to worry about anything at all but Isabel's mind was racing with questions she dreaded to ask.

"Your Majesty," she began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are the rumors true? That you are to marry the princess of the West Kingdom?"

Lucian's breath caught, and for a moment, he remained silent. The hesitation was enough to make Isabel's heart sink. When he finally spoke, his voice was flat, devoid of emotion. "The rumors are true."

He couldn't bring himself to look at her. He knew what he would see—pain, betrayal, and heartbreak. Isabel's heart ached at his words, and as she decided to step closer, her eyes searched his face for any sign of deceit or hope.

"Why won't you look at me?" she asked with trembling voice. "Do you love her?"

Lucian's heart broke at the sound of her tears. He immediately shook his head, his voice urgent and firm. "No, Isabel. I do not love her. The only one I love is you."

Her tears flowed freely now, her hands trembling as she gripped his. "Then don't marry her, Lucian. Please. I beg you."

His heart ached at her plea, and he felt a crushing weight settle on his chest. He wanted nothing more than to promise her the world, to assure her that they could be together without any obstacles. But he knew the reality of his position. The alliance was not crucial for the stability of his kingdom, but it was vital for Isabel's safety. Rejecting the marriage would have dire consequences. But all of this, he could not tell her. He didn't want to burden her nor make her feel guilty of the decision he is trying to make.

"Isabel," he said softly but his voice was filled with regret. "You know I would do anything for you. But this marriage is not something I can easily refuse. It's for the sake of the kingdom."

She looked at him, her eyes filled with desperation and pain. "But what about us? What about our love?"

Lucian pulled her into a tight embrace, his hand gently stroking her hair. "I love you, Isabel. That will never change. But sometimes, as king, I must make choices that hurt the ones I care about the most."

Isabel buried her face in his chest Her sobs  muffled by his clothing. She knew deep down that she was asking for the impossible, that her request was selfish. But she couldn't help it. The thought of losing him to someone else was unbearable.

"I don't want to lose you," she whispered with her voice breaking.

"You won't," he promised in a resolute voice. "We will find a way. I will always find a way to be with you, no matter what."

Isabel clung to him desperately. She knew their path was fraught with challenges and that their future was uncertain. But in that moment, she let herself be wrapped in his arms, she allowed herself to believe in his promise. Even if she knew eventually, she would have to let him go.

Gradually, her sobs subsided. She pulled away slightly, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Lucian smiled softly, thinking she had decided to return to the bedchamber he had prepared for her.

But then Isabel took a step back as her gaze dropped to her feet.

"You should go back to your room, Your Majesty," she said quietly, her voice still trembling but firm in her resolve.

Lucian's smile immediately faded, replaced with a look of concern. "Isabel, please—"

"No," she interrupted, shaking her head. "It's for the best. If anyone sees us together... it could ruin everything. Your reputation, your future..."

He reached out to touch her, but she stepped back again, avoiding his gaze. "Please, Lucian. Just go."

He stood there in shock although her reactions are expected. And so Lucian decided to give her time to accept and understand everything. Slowly, he nodded his head. "I understand," he said softly. "But remember, Isabel, my feelings for you haven't changed."

She looked up as her eyes met his for a fleeting moment before she glanced away. "I know," she whispered. "But we have to be careful."

Lucian took a step back, his eyes never leaving her. "Goodnight, Isabel."

"Goodnight, Your Majesty," she replied with her voice barely audible.

With one last look, he turned and walked away, each step feeling heavier than the last. Isabel watched him go while her heart ached with sorrow. When he was finally out of sight, she let out a shaky breath and turned toward the maids' quarters.

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