Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Leticia smiled as her eyes reflected the calmness of the setting. "I find this place very peaceful. It's a perfect spot for sharing stories, don't you think?"

Isabel nodded respectfully. "Yes, Your Highness. It is indeed."

"Please, call me Leticia," she reminded Isabel with a gentle smile. "I want us to speak as friends, not as a princess and a maid."

Isabel hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright, Leticia."

Leticia leaned back, her gaze drifting over the pond's surface. "My time overseas was both challenging and enlightening. I studied medicine in a bustling city far from here. It was a place where people from all walks of life came together, sharing their knowledge and experiences."

Isabel listened intently, captivated by Leticia's words. "It must have been quite different from life here in the palace."

"It was," Leticia agreed. "Back there, I was just another student, not a princess. I had to earn my place among my peers through hard work and dedication. It was liberating in a way, to be valued for my skills and knowledge rather than my title."

Isabel smiled, finding Leticia's story inspiring. "You must have learned so much."

"I did," Leticia replied, her eyes shining with passion. "I learned about the human body, how to treat wounds and illnesses, and the importance of compassion in caring for others. But more than that, I learned about myself. I discovered a strength and resilience I didn't know I had."

Isabel admired Leticia's determination. "It sounds like you found your true calling."

Leticia nodded and while she was reminiscing her memories she remembered about Isabel's bleeding wounds on her fingers. She just then noticed the red stains on Isabel's apron and recalled how the maid had wiped her tears with it earlier.

"Let me see your hands," Leticia said suddenly, her voice gentle but firm.

The humble maid felt relunctant but complied. "They're just small cuts, Your Highness. It's nothing."

But Leticia was insistent. She took Isabel's hands in her own and started examining the wounds. "You should not be doing that, or your eyes will get infected," Leticia advised.

As she inspected Isabel's fingers, Leticia's expression changed. Her eyes widened as she felt Isabel's pulse. There was something unusual, something that made Leticia's heart skip a beat.

"Isabel, you..." But Leticia chose to stop her words, as it would be something critical to speak of.

"You know... You should get some rest," Leticia ordered and suddenly stood up.

Isabel looked up at her, a little confused by her sudden change.

"Ah. Yes, Your Highness," Isabel responded.

Leticia composed herself, trying to mask her earlier concern. She offered Isabel a gentle smile, hoping to ease the tension she had unintentionally created.

"I'll see you around. Take care of those hands," Leticia said before turning to leave the garden.

Isabel watched the princess walk away, feeling  slight unease. She glanced down at her hands as  the throbbing pain was now amplified by Leticia's sudden worry.

When she finally decided to make her way out of the garden, a sudden burst of cheers startled her. She immediately hid behind a large tree and watched as the doors of the grand hall opened. People flooded out, throwing flowers and cheering for the newlyweds.

King Lucian and Queen Victoria made their recessional march while their hands were clasped together. Victoria beamed, her smile radiant as she waved to the crowd. Lucian, however, seemed in an uneasy state, his eyes darting around as if searching for something—or someone.

Isabel’s heart clenched as she watched him. She knew he was looking for her. She pressed herself closer to the tree, trying to remain unseen. Her mind was flooded with emotions. She couldn't bear to see him like this, yet she couldn't bring herself to leave.

Lucian's gaze finally settled in the direction of the garden. For a brief moment, their eyes met, even from a distance. Isabel saw a flicker of relief and longing in his eyes, but it was quickly masked by his kingly composure. She forced herself to look away as she took a deep breath to steady her racing heart.

The crowd continued to celebrate, oblivious to the silent exchange. Lucian and Victoria proceeded down the steps, surrounded by well-wishers. Isabel knew she had to stay hidden. She couldn’t ruin this moment, no matter how much it pained her.

As the couple moved further away, Isabel quietly slipped out from behind the tree, making her way back to the maids' quarters. She would rather sleep on a cold hard bed than think of what Lucian and Victoria could be doing on their first night together as husband and wife. The thought of their intimate moments, the things Isabel and the king had done behind closed doors, and the warmth of his embrace all haunted her.

Her footsteps were heavy, echoing her sorrow as she walked through paths. The maids' quarters were quiet as all the others were still at the grand hall or the kitchen. Isabel pushed open the door to the small room and sank onto the bed.

She curled up, wrapping her arms around herself, trying to chase away the memories. She remembered how Luciano had made her feel safe and cherished, how his whispered words had filled her with hope and love. Now, those moments felt like a distant dream that she would forever cherish.

Isabel stared at the ceiling while tears streamed down her cheeks. She knew she had to be strong, to hide her pain and continue with her duties, for her mother. But tonight, in the solitude of her room, she allowed herself to grieve for her broken heart and hoping as well for the king and queen's happiness.

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