Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: It is my duty

Isabel slightly bowed to the kitchen staff, including the royal chef, for their attention and cooperation during her little tutorial.

"Thank you all for your hard work and patience," Isabel said warmly with a gentle smile gracing her lips. The staff responded with nods and smiles of their own, clearly pleased with the efforts.

As she was about to grab the tray to bring it to the king and queen, Isabel suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Her vision blurred, and she swayed on her feet. The room seemed to spin, and she reached out to steady herself, but her strength faltered.

Anne, who had been watching Isabel closely, noticed the sudden change in her demeanor. "Isabel!" she called out, rushing forward just in time to catch her before she could fall back.

The royal chef, Henri, hurried over with concern etched on his face. "Isabel, are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Isabel blinked rapidly, trying to shake off the dizziness. "I... I'm fine," she insisted, though her voice lacked its usual steadiness. "Just a bit lightheaded. It's nothing."

Henri frowned, clearly unconvinced. "You should sit down for a moment. You've been working too hard."

Anne guided Isabel to a nearby chair, easing her down gently. "Let's get you some water," she said, turning to one of the younger maids who quickly fetched a glass.

Isabel took a few sips, the cool liquid helping to clear her head slightly. "Thank you," she murmured, though her face still showed signs of strain.

"Isabel, you can't go out there in this condition," Henri said firmly. "You need to rest."

Isabel shook her head, determined despite her body's protest. "No, I have to deliver this to the king and queen. It's my duty."

Henri did not want to argue and instead ordered his daughter, Anne, to take the food to the king and queen. Anne immediately agreed and moved towards the tray. But just as Isabel stood to insist that she bring the tray, her body gave out, and she collapsed to the floor.

Panic erupted in the kitchen as everyone rushed to her aid. "Isabel!" several voices called out in alarm. Anne dropped to her knees beside Isabel, trying to rouse her, while Henri barked orders to the other staff.

"Get some water! Quickly!" he shouted, his voice tense with worry.

One of the maids hurriedly brought a pitcher of water and a cloth, while another fetched a cushion to place under Isabel's head. Anne gently dabbed Isabel's forehead with the damp cloth, her hands trembling slightly.

"Isabel, wake up," Anne pleaded softly, her voice filled with concern. "Please, wake up."

Henri knelt beside his daughter and Isabel, his expression grim. "We need to get her to her quarters. She needs rest and care."

Two of the kitchen staff carefully lifted Isabel, carrying her with utmost care. Anne followed closely, her face pale with worry. As they left the kitchen, the staff exchanged anxious glances, their earlier excitement now replaced by a heavy sense of concern.

Henri turned to the remaining staff. "Let's finish preparing the tray. Anne, take it to the king and queen once we're done."

Anne nodded, though her thoughts remained with Isabel. She quickly gathered herself and focused on the task at hand, knowing it was what Isabel would want.

As they finished preparing the tray, Anne took a deep breath and lifted it carefully. She made her way to the garden where the king and queen awaited, her steps steady despite her worry.

When she arrived, she found King Lucian and Queen Victoria seated at a beautifully set table, surrounded by the lush greenery of the royal garden.

"Your Majesties," Anne said with a respectful bow as she approached. "I bring the tea and pastries."

Lucian looked up as soon as he heard a different voice and his eyes began searching for Isabel. "Where is Court Lady Isabel?" he asked, obviously disappointed.

Anne hesitated for a moment before replying. "She is unwell, Your Majesty. She collapsed in the kitchen. We are taking care of her."

Lucian's face darkened with concern, but he quickly masked his emotions. "Thank you," he said, his voice tight. At that very moment, all Lucian wanted to do was run —run and find Isabel. But the only words that went out of his mouth were simply a command.

"Ensure she receives the best care."

Victoria's eyes flickered with interest as she watched the exchange, but she remained silent, her mind clearly at work. She had noticed Lucian's reaction, the concern that laced his voice, and the way his eyes darted around looking for Isabel. It was all too telling, and she didn't miss a thing.

"Isabel has always been so dedicated," Victoria finally said, her tone deceptively sweet. "It's no wonder she's worn herself out. Perhaps, my love, you should have another court lady assist her until she recovers."

Lucian glanced at Victoria, his expression unreadable. "I will consider it," he replied tersely, turning his attention back to Anne. "Please keep me informed of Isabel's condition."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Anne replied, bowing once more before stepping back.

Victoria sipped her tea, her eyes never leaving Lucian's face. "You do seem particularly concerned about her, Lucian. It's admirable how you care for all your servants."

Lucian forced a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I care for all who serve this palace diligently... My queen... Isabel has proven herself to be indispensable."

"Indeed," Victoria murmured, her eyes narrowing slightly. She leaned back in her chair, watching Lucian carefully. "I'm sure she will recover soon. In the meantime, let's enjoy our tea."

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