Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Embroider me to your heart

After the tense meeting in the throne room, King Lucian retired to his royal study, hoping to find peace alone. As he delved into the documents spread out before him, there came a hesitant knock on the door.

"Enter," Lucian called out.

The door creaked open, revealing the imposing figure of Head Minister Marlowe. His expression was unreadable, but there was a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver down Lucian's spine.

"Your Majesty," Marlowe began, his tone deceptively calm. "We need to talk."

Lucian's eyes became that of someone on alert.

"What is it, head minister Marlowe?" Lucian asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"It seems you underestimate the consequences of your defiance, Your Majesty," Marlowe's voice dripped with menace as each word carried the shadow of a looming storm. "If you persist in your obstinance, the kingdom will suffer. And so will you."

Lucian's heart thundered in his chest and a cold dread settling in the pit of his stomach. Marlowe's threats were not idle. They were a promise of destruction, a warning of the chaos to come.

"You think yourself untouchable, but you are gravely mistaken," Marlowe continued in his tone, low and dangerous. "If you do not comply, I will not hesitate to expose your illicit affair to Princess Victoria and the Five Kingdoms' Highest Court. They will see Isabel as a threat to the throne, and she will pay the price."

The words struck Lucian like a blow. The realization of the danger they posed sent a jolt of fear through his veins. The image of Isabel's life hanging in the balance filled him with helpless rage, fueling his determination to protect her at any cost.

"You are not doing this for the sake of the people, head minister. What is your goal?" Lucian asked.

But even as he braced himself for the coming storm, Marlowe's eyes gleamed with malice, his lips twisting into a cruel smile.

"I simply want you to marry the princess and have an heir, Your Majesty. That is all I want. After that, you can do whatever you want."

With a heavy heart and of resignation, Lucian realized the situation. Marlowe held all the cards, and the threat against Isabel's life hung over him like a dark cloud. In the end, he knew he had no choice but to make a sacrifice.

"Fine," Lucian muttered through clenched teeth, his voice tinged with defeat. "I will marry Princess Victoria in exchange for your silence."

Marlowe's smirk widened into a satisfied grin, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "A wise decision, Your Majesty. I trust you understand the consequences of going back on your word."

Lucian raised his chin tersely, his jaw clenched in frustration. He hated himself for succumbing to Marlowe's blackmail, but he couldn't risk Isabel's life.

And so Marlowe left the room victoriously, leaving Lucian alone with his thoughts as guilt washed over him. He had betrayed Isabel, the woman he loved, and condemned himself to a life of misery for the sake of political expediency.

But as the weight of his decision settled on his shoulders, Lucian knew that he would do whatever it took to protect Isabel, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness in the process.


Immediately after three days, the news was announced, and it reached far and wide. But Isabel was not aware. She was so focused on embroidering her name on the handkerchief she meant to give the king as Anne taught her to when she was startled by the faint rumors she suddenly hears.

"Have you heard? Goodness! I am in too much bliss for this royal marriage!" A woman's voice echoed, cutting through the peaceful atmosphere of Isabel's quarters. Startled, Isabel looked up from her needlework, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of the impending union.

She listened intently as the murmurs grew louder, weaving through the corridors like a gentle breeze. The news of the king's betrothal was met with excitement and anticipation. But each whispered word left little pinches of ache in her chest.

'Marriage? What marriage?' Isabel asked in her mind.

As the chatter swirled around her, Isabel's hands faltered, the needle slipping from her grasp as she struggled to comprehend the meaning of the news. The handkerchief lay forgotten on her lap as her lips began to quiver.

"So, it is true!" another voice chimed in with a tone tinged with disbelief. "I never imagined His Majesty would take a bride so soon."

Isabel's fingers trembled as she continued to stitch, her movements becoming erratic as she struggled to maintain her composure. She wanted to block out the voices, to retreat into the safety of her own thoughts. But the words lingered, haunting her like a ghost from the past.

"I heard it's Princess Victoria of the West Kingdom," a third voice interjected, its tone hushed with awe. "She's said to be the most beautiful woman in all the realms."

Isabel's heart sank at the mention of the princess's name with a pang of jealousy gnawing at her insides. The thought of the princess standing by the king's side filled Isabel with dread she couldn't quite shake.

"Surely, it's for the good of the kingdom," a familiar voice offered, its tone attempting to quell the rising tide of speculation. "An alliance with the West Kingdom would strengthen our ties and secure our borders."

The words echoed hollowly in Isabel's ears, their intended reassurance falling flat against the backdrop of her inner struggle. She knew the practicality of such a union, understood the political motivations behind the king's decision. But none of that lessened the ache in her heart, the sense of loss that threatened to consume her whole.

As the conversation continued to swirl around her, Isabel forced herself to focus on her work, her hands moving mechanically as she struggled to push aside the pain threatening to overwhelm her. But deep down, she knew that no amount of stitching could mend the shattered pieces of her heart.

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