Chapter 87

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Chapter 87: A Story to Tell

Isabel sat by the window with an open book in her hands. The room was quiet as if it was saved only for the occasional chirping of birds outside and the soft murmur of her voice as she read aloud. Her fingers traced the words slowly while her brows furrowed in concentration.

She stumbled over a particularly tricky word and her voice started faltering. "P-prosperous," she muttered, trying again with a bit more confidence. "The kingdom was... prosperous and... flour—" She paused, biting her lip as she struggled with the unfamiliar word. "Flour-ish-ing."

A quiet chuckle came from across the room, and Isabel looked up, startled. Ilyana stood in the doorway with her usual warm and gentle expression. The Empress had been watching her daughter from a distance while her heart swelled with affection as Isabel diligently worked through the text. The sight of Isabel, so intent on mastering a skill she had been denied for so long, filled Ilyana with a profound sense of joy.

"You're doing wonderfully," Ilyana said, stepping closer. "Reading can be challenging at first, but you're making great progress."

Isabel blushed as a shy smile tugged at her lips. She looked down at the book as she felt a little bit of pride and self-consciousness. "Thank you," she murmured. "It's... it's harder than I thought."

Ilyana nodded as her eyes sparkled with encouragement. "It takes time, but you're getting there. The more you practice, the easier it will become." She reached out, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from Isabel's face. "You have a natural curiosity, Isabella. It's a beautiful thing."

Isabel's smile faltered slightly at the name. She glanced up at Ilyana with her eyes wide in surprise and confusion. "Isabella?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

Realizing her slip, Ilyana's expression softened with a hint of sorrow and tenderness in her gaze. She had been so immersed in the moment, so caught up in the joy of seeing her daughter learning and growing, that the name had slipped out unconsciously. It was the name that she had always intended for her daughter. The name she had whispered to herself in moments of longing and heartache.

"I'm sorry," Ilyana said softly, sitting down beside Isabel. "I meant Isabel." She hesitated, searching for the right words. "Sometimes... names can hold a lot of meaning, and 'Isabella' was a name I've always held dear. But you're Isabel, and that is beautiful in itself."

Isabel looked down at her book while tracing the edges of the pages with her fingers. "Oh...?" she whispered but now her voice was tinged with curiosity. "Was the name Isabella someone you cherished very much?" Her question was innocent, yet it unintentionally touched a sensitive topic.

For a brief moment, Ilyana was taken aback as her expression faltered. Isabel noticed and immediately panicked, her eyes widening in alarm. "I! I apologize, Your Grace! I didn't mean to—" she began, her words tumbling out in a rush.

But Ilyana laughed softly, cutting off Isabel's nervous apology with a reassuring smile. "Hush, dear, there's no need to apologize," she said warmly. "Yes, Isabella is someone very dear to me."

Isabel hesitated yet her curiosity piqued once more but unsure if she should press further. "Is... is that why you are so kind to me, Your Grace?" she asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

The empress's gaze softened as a tender smile graced her lips. She then paused and searched for the right words. After a deep breath, she gently took the book from Isabel's hands and placed it on a nearby table. She took Isabel's hands in her own as she began, "Let me tell you a story."

Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, as she continued, "Once upon a time, in a grand and prosperous empire, there was a young woman blessed with beauty, grace, and wisdom. She was admired by all who knew her, not just for her noble birth, but for her kindness and strength of character. This woman found love with a man who, at first, seemed to embody all the qualities she admired. He was charming and handsome, and their union was celebrated throughout the empire."

"Their marriage was a joyful occasion, filled with laughter and hope for the future. The empire rejoiced, and the couple was showered with blessings. They built a beautiful life together, full of warmth and love. They shared dreams of a family, and soon, their wish was granted." The empress's eyes took on a wistful glow as she spoke of happier times.

A tender smile curved her lips as she recounted the arrival of their child. "They were blessed with a baby girl, whom they named Isabella. Even in her first few days, she was a light in their lives. Her parents adored her. They marveled at her tiny fingers, her soft coos, and the way she seemed to bring a new kind of joy into their lives."

The empress's voice grew softer while tinged with nostalgia. "Isabella was everything they had hoped for and more. She was a treasure, a precious gift they cherished. The young woman, now a mother, felt as though her life was complete. She had a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, and a future secured in the empire."

Ilyana's expression shifted and a shadow of sorrow darkened her features. "But life, as it often does, took an unexpected turn. Despite the happiness they shared, there were undercurrents of insecurity and doubt. The husband, though outwardly devoted, harbored fears of inadequacy. He felt overwhelmed by the expectations placed upon him, believing that he could never truly measure up to the greatness of his wife."

Her grip on Isabel's hands tightened slightly as she continued. "One stormy night, when the heavens seemed to mirror the trouble within their household, the young mother was awakened by the cries of her newborn daughter, Isabella. The baby, only a few days old, needed comfort and care. As the mother rose to soothe her child, she discovered her husband's betrayal."

The empress's voice faltered and a flicker of pain crossed her face. "She found him in the arms of another, seeking comfort from his insecurities in the most hurtful way. In that moment of weakness and confusion, the husband made a desperate decision. He fled with their baby, Isabella, believing he was saving her from a life overshadowed by her mother's greatness and the burdens of the imperial legacy."

Ilyana looked into Isabel's eyes while her own were filled with unshed tears. "Isabella was taken from her mother, leaving behind a heartbroken woman who had lost not only her child but also the man she once loved. The mother was devastated, her world shattered in an instant. She searched, yearned, and waited, hoping that one day, the daughter she had lost would return."

With trembling hands, Ilyana reached out and gently cupped Isabel's cheek. Her touch was warm but filled with an overwhelming sadness. Her eyes were misty as she continued and her voice was barely above a whisper. "All these years, I kept hoping, praying that somehow, somewhere, we would find each other again." She paused.

"And now she is here... as if the heavens heard my cries for those long years..."

Her composure faltered, and a single tear slipped down her cheek, quickly followed by others. The empress's sorrowful sobs filled the room, each one a release of the anguish she had carried for so long. "You are my daughter, Isabel... My beautiful Isabella... my baby..." she cried, pouring her heart out.

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