Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: His little sister

Isabel watched as Lucian leaned in to kiss Victoria in front of the congregation. Her heart ached with every second that passed, but she forced a smile and clapped along with the crowd in congratulations. It had taken days—no, hours—of thinking, but she had finally come to a decision. She would be happy for Lucian. He deserved joy, and she didn't want to be a burden to him by showing too much of her emotions.

As the newlywed king and queen turned to face everyone, Lucian's eyes met Isabel's. She smiled at him, a smile she hoped looked peaceful. Inside, she felt anything but. There was a storm raging within her, but she had made her choice. She would support him, no matter what. Lucian looked at her with an expression she couldn't quite place. It looked like a flicker of something deep and painful in his eyes. But in Lucian's head, he wished he was seeing her cry, rather than this mask of serenity she wore.

As she noticed his intense gaze, she immediately curtsied in reverence before turning around to return to the kitchen. As she walked away, she felt the weight of his eyes on her back. It took all her strength not to look back, to keep moving forward, and to uphold the decision she had made.

Isabel busied herself with the tasks at hand, trying to lose herself in the familiar routine. Yet, Lucian's face, his gaze, and the feel of his lips on hers haunted her. It was a bittersweet torment.

"Isabel, are you alright?" Anne asked with her voice filled with concern, snapping Isabel out of her own reverie.

Isabel looked up, startled. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit tired, that's all."

Anne gave her a sympathetic smile. "It was a beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?"

Isabel nodded, unable to trust her voice. Beautiful, indeed, but also the most painful moment of her life. As the day wore on, she forced herself to keep that smile, to keep her emotions in check. For Lucian's sake, and for her own sanity, she had to remain strong.

So as the day wore on, Isabel remained outside the hall and by the well scrubbing pots and plates with her mind distant and detached. Maybe it was her way to stop herself from crying if she ever sees Lucian and Victoria together. And although Isabel knew she does not have the right to feel that way as she was only a mere servant and a shameless lover of the king, she still wished he did not marry someone else.

By evening, the palace festivities had reached their peak. Music and laughter echoed through the corridors as nobles and dignitaries toasted to the union of their king and queen. But Isabel remained outside only to avoid the grand hall where the celebrations were at their liveliest.

Isabel's fingers began to bleed as she dug into the soil with her bare hands, tending to the flowers in the garden her king always loved to visit. The rich earth grew wet with her tears as they flowed unchecked from her eyes to her chin. She had tried to suppress the pain, but it surged up, relentless and overwhelming. Despite the blood staining her fingertips, she didn't stop digging.

A scream bubbled up inside her, a desperate need to shout to the world that Lucian was hers and no one else's. But she could not. She must not.

Silent sobs wracked her body as Isabel finally stopped and sat on the ground, wiping her tears with her apron. Her breath hitched as she tried to compose herself as the ache in her chest were nearly unbearable.

"You shouldn't do that, or your eyes will get infected," a gentle voice spoke behind her.

Isabel started and quickly stood, turning to see who had spoken. She immediately bowed, unsure of who the young noble lady was.

The young lady giggled softly with an understanding. "I am Princess Leticia, King Lucian's younger sister," she introduced herself.

Isabel's eyes widened in shock, and she quickly curtsied deeply. "Your Highness," she stammered, her voice trembling. "Forgive me, I didn't recognize you."

Leticia smiled kindly. "There's no need for formalities. I know not many recognize me, as I've been away for years studying medicine overseas."

Isabel's surprise was evident, but she tried to maintain her composure. "I see, Your Highness."

Leticia's smile widened. "I only came to see my brother get wed," she added.

There was a moment of silence between them until Isabel spoke, "Do you need me for something, Your Highness?"

"Oh! No... I simply walked out of the hall because it was too loud and noisy. Celebrations are not my cup of tea. I prefer quietness, so I decided to take a walk in the garden," Leticia explained.

"Then, I will take my leave, Your Highness," Isabel said, attempting to excuse herself, only to be stopped by Leticia.

"Uhm... can you accompany me? It has been so long, and there have been many changes in the palace," Leticia pleaded with a gentle shrug.

Isabel hesitated, "But... would you be okay with someone like me, Your Highness?"

"Oh hush. I have no such prejudices. Come with me," Leticia insisted warmly.

Isabel looked at Leticia with hesitation and curiosity in her eyes. Finally, she nodded. "Of course, Your Highness. I would be honored."

As they walked through the garden, Leticia admired the blooming flowers and neatly trimmed hedges. "The palace has changed so much since I left," she remarked. "Tell me, what is your name?"

Isabel glanced at her, surprised by the question. "My name is Isabel, Your Highness."

"Isabel," Leticia repeated with a smile. "How have you found it here?"

Isabel hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "It has been... an experience, Your Highness. There is always so much to do."

Leticia glanced at her, sensing there was more beneath her words. "It must be difficult, especially now with the new queen."

Isabel's heart tightened at the mention of Victoria. She forced a smile. "We all have our duties, Your Highness. It is an honor to serve."

Leticia stopped and turned to face Isabel as her expression softened. "I see more than you might think, Isabel. I can tell you care deeply for my brother. Ever since the ceremony, I have witnessed how you looked at him and how he looked at you."

Isabel's eyes widened, and she quickly looked down, feeling her cheeks flush. "Your Highness, I—"

Leticia placed a gentle hand on Isabel's arm. "You don't need to say anything. Just know that I understand. Love is a complicated thing, especially within the palace walls."

They continued walking in silence anf the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of the celebration inside the palace. Leticia led Isabel to a quiet alcove where a stone bench overlooked a small pond.

"Sit with me for a moment," Leticia said, patting the bench beside her.

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