Chapter 66

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Chapter 66: Burn the world for you

"No... No... L-Liam..." Isabel frantically stuttered, her eyes wide with fear and disbelief.

Victoria, who had been watching felt triumphant. Everything was falling into place perfectly. And so she concealed her satisfaction by swiftly changing her demeanor, adopting a look of concern and innocence as she knelt down to comfort her son, who was also trembling in fear.

"What dead boy, my love?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing, masking her true intentions.

Julian's eyes were wide with horror, still fixed on the scene before him. He struggled to find his voice, his small hands clutching at Victoria's dress. "The boy... the one they were carrying... he looked dead," he whispered, his voice breaking.

Isabel's breath caught in her throat as she took in Julian's words, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes widened with the sudden realization that the young boy Julian had seen was, indeed, her own son. Her entire world seemed to crumble around her, and she gasped for air, her breaths coming in sharp, panicked bursts.

"Liam... Liam..." she whimpered, her eyes darting between Lucian and the open door behind which her son had been taken. The realization hit her with the force of a sledgehammer—her son might have been killed by the king.

The pain in her eyes was evident, a raw, unfiltered agony that made Lucian flinch as he met her gaze. It was as if her suffering pierced through the walls of the palace and reached straight into his heart. The sight of her desperation and heartbreak stirred something deep within him.

Before Lucian could react, Isabel lunged at him, her fists pounding against his chest in a frenzied attack. Each punch was fueled by a mother's anguish, but the force of her blows was no match for the king's unyielding frame.

"You did this!" she cried out, her voice breaking with the weight of her grief. "You killed my son!"

The royal guards stationed by the door rushed to intervene, seizing Isabel and pulling her away from Lucian. With a swift and practiced motion, they threw her back with barely a hint of effort as her body hit the floor with a harsh thud.

"Insolent woman!" one of the guards roared, his voice echoing through the room. "You dare lay your hands on the king?!"

Before Isabel could scramble to her feet, the guard's hand swung out, the back of it striking her face with a resounding slap. The impact sent her sprawling onto the cold floor, her cheek stinging from the blow and her nose began to bleed.

"Silence her!" the guard barked, his eyes blazing with righteous fury. "Or she will suffer the king's wrath!"

Tears streamed down Isabel's face as she lay there, her sobs muffled against the floor. Lucian who was caught off guard by his own guards hurting Isabel, felt his rage boil over. With a swift motion, he drew his sword and pointed its sharp tip directly at the guard's neck.

The room fell into a stunned silence. The guard's eyes widened in fear as he looked down at the blade pressed against his throat.

"How dare you lay a hand on her!" Lucian's voice was deadly calm, each word laced with icy fury. "She is under my protection. Harm her again, and you will pay with your life."

The guard trembled, nodding quickly, his bravado evaporating in the face of Lucian's wrath. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I meant no disrespect."

"Get out of my sight," Lucian hissed, lowering his sword but keeping his gaze locked on the guard. "All of you. And YOU." He emphasized, glaring at the queen.

Victoria hummed with her chin up as she turned and walked away with the prince. Lucian, however, caught the tiny smirk that played on her lips before she finally disappeared down the corridor.

The guards also hurriedly retreated, leaving Isabel and Lucian alone in the room. Lucian sheathed his sword and turned to Isabel, his expression softening as he knelt beside her.

"I did not hurt your son, Isabel... Believe me." he began, reaching out to wipe the blood from her nose. But Isabel slapped his hand away, her eyes blazing with anger.

"You have the guts to say that when you were about to have my son thrown in the dungeon?!" she roared, her voice trembling with rage and fear.

But her courage suddenly broke, and tears began to flow from her eyes once more. Her voice cracked as she pleaded, "Please, give me back my son... I am begging you... I want my son..."

Lucian's heart ached at the sight of her desperation. But somehow, he was comforted at the mere fact that she has become meek before him.

And so he reached out again, more gently this time, his hand hovering near her face. "Isabel, listen to me. I swear I didn't hurt him. I will find him and bring him back to you." He spoke assuring her as he felt that he was finally getting her favor now that this has happened.

Isabel's sobs intensified and her body shook with the force of her grief. She wanted to believe him, but the fear for her son's life was overwhelming. "You don't understand," she cried, her voice a whisper now. "He's all I have. Please, Lucian, don't take him away from me."

His eyes softened as his own lips formed into a smirk. He moved closer, his presence imposing and his voice dangerously gentle. "I promise you, Isabel," he said quietly, pulling her close into an embrace. "You will have your son back."

Isabel stiffened in his arms, but Lucian held her firmly, his hand stroking her hair in a gesture that was both comforting and possessive. "Trust me, Isabel," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "I have always looked out for you. Even when it didn't seem like it."

She attempted to push him away, but Lucian's hold was strong. Instead, he tightened his grip slightly, his tone soothing but insidious. "Deep down, you know I still care for you. I have made mistakes, but I am still the man who loved you first. Remember that."

With a deep breath of her scent, he added. "Isabel, I love you beyond measure. You shall have everything your heart desires, but promise me you will never attempt to flee from me again. Should I ever lose you, I would set the world ablaze to find you."

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