Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The Kingdom's Guest

"How did your day fare, my love?" Lucian asked earnestly, causing Isabel to flinch. It was the very first time she had ever heard the king call her that way, and it made her heart flutter with happiness.

"It was good. I received my wage today, and I felt overjoyed knowing I can finally help my mother." Isabel smiled genuinely as Lucian brushed his thumb against her lips.

"And you, my king?" she asked.

"Hm... I felt lonely. Court affairs are such a burden for me, and all I could think about was you."

"Me? It is such an honor to have been in your thoughts, my king," Isabel responded, a warm blush spreading across her cheeks.

Lucian's eyes softened as he looked at her. "You are more than just a fleeting thought, Isabel. You are my comfort amidst the chaos."

She leaned into his touch, savoring the closeness. "I never imagined my life would lead me here, to you."

He chuckled softly and the sound sent shivers down her spine. "Fate has a way of bringing us to where we need to be."

Isabel sighed contentedly, her worries melting away in his presence. "I hope my small efforts can ease some of your burdens, Lucian."

"You do more than ease them, my love," he replied. "You give me a reason to endure them."

They sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. Lucian gently took her hand as his thumb traced patterns on her palm. "Tell me more about your day. What else happened?"

Isabel's smile widened. "After receiving my wage, I had the palace courier deliver it to my mother and Mrs. Hawthorne. It feels so good to know they will have what they need."

"You have a generous heart, Isabel," Lucian said with admiration clear in his eyes. "Your family is fortunate to have you."

"And I am fortunate to have you," she replied softly, her gaze locking with his.

Lucian leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "You are my light, Isabel. In a world filled with shadows, you bring clarity and warmth."

Her heart swelled at his words, and she turned to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "And you are my love, Lucian."

He immediately deepened the kiss as his hand cradled the back of her head. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their love. When they finally broke apart, they rested their foreheads together, their breaths mingling in the space between them.

"Stay with me tonight," Lucian whispered. His voice was both a plea and a command.

"Always," Isabel whispered back, her fingers threading through his hair.

They spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other's embrace, their bodies entwined. In the safety of Lucian's arms, Isabel found a home she had never known.


The very next day, Isabel was out in the courtyard sweeping while her thoughts drifted to the previous night. She was so engrossed in her memories that she almost didn't hear the call from across the courtyard.

"Isabel!" one of Chef Henri's assistant chefs shouted, waving his arms to catch her attention. "Come quickly! The royal chef needs your help in the kitchen!"

Isabel promptly straightened up, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "What is it?" she called back, her curiosity piqued.

The assistant chef jogged over, slightly out of breath. "There's an important guest coming today, and Chef Henri needs all hands on deck. He specifically asked for you."

Isabel nodded, handing her broom to another maid before following the assistant chef back into the palace. Helping in the kitchen during such an important event was a significant responsibility, and she was determined to do her best.

The kitchen was a flurry of activity when they arrived. Pots and pans clanged, and the air was filled with the rich aromas of roasting meats and baking bread. Chef Henri stood in the center of the chaos, directing his team with a calm authority.

"Isabel, over here!" he called as soon as he saw Isabel and motioned her to his side. "We have a lot to do, and not much time. I need you to help with the pastries again as you are best in it."

"Of course, Chef Henri," Isabel replied, tying an apron around her waist and stepping up to the counter where a mound of dough awaited.

As she worked, rolling and shaping the dough, Isabel couldn't help but wonder about the important guest. Who could it be to warrant such a fuss? And would Lucian be preoccupied with the guest, leaving their evening plans uncertain?

"Focus, Isabel," Chef Henri's voice broke through her thoughts. "We need these pastries perfect."

"Yes, Chef," she said, snapping back to the task at hand. She moved with precision as her hands deftly formed the pastries since she had been taught.

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