Chapter 45

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Chapter 45: The Invitation

When they reached the house, Isabel knocked on the door, which soon opened to reveal a pleasantly surprised Mrs. Hawthorne. "Isabel! Tristan! What brings you here?" she asked, stepping aside to let them in.

Isabel smiled warmly. "I just wanted to talk to you about a few things, Mrs. Hawthorne. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice."

Mrs. Hawthorne waved her hand dismissively. "Nonsense, dear. You’re always welcome here. Come in, both of you, and let’s sit by the fire."

As they settled by the fire, Isabel took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Mrs. Hawthorne, I wanted to thank you for taking such good care of my mother while I was gone. It means more to me than I can express."

Mrs. Hawthorne reached out and patted Isabel’s hand. "Oh, Isabel, it was no trouble at all. Your mother is a dear friend, and I was happy to help. How is she faring now?"

"She’s doing much better, thanks to you. Your kindness has been a great comfort to her," Isabel replied, her voice filled with gratitude.

Mrs. Hawthorne smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that. Teressa is a strong woman, but everyone needs a little help now and then."

Tristan, who had been quietly listening, reached into his cloak and pulled out a small, neatly wrapped package. "Mrs. Hawthorne, we wanted to give you something to show our appreciation for all you’ve done," he said, handing the package to her.

Mrs. Hawthorne’s eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, my! You didn’t have to do this," she exclaimed, taking the package and carefully unwrapping it.

Inside was a beautifully crafted brooch, modest but elegant, clearly made with great care. Mrs. Hawthorne gasped, her eyes welling up. "This is lovely. Thank you so much."

Isabel looked at Tristan, her eyes wide in shock as she asks in a whisper. "When did you manage to prepare a gift for Mrs. Hawthorne?" she asked, bewildered.

Tristan simply smiled, a twinkle in his eye. "We wanted to do something special for you, Mrs. Hawthorne. Your kindness deserves to be recognized."

Mrs. Hawthorne watched the exchange, a smile spreading across her face. "You two make a wonderful couple," she remarked, her voice warm with approval.

Isabel blushed but couldn't suppress her smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Hawthorne."

There was a moment of silence as Mrs. Hawthorne appreciated the colored brooch Tristan gifted her. Then Tristan spoke again.

"Actually, ma'am, our wedding would be two days from now..." Tristan pauses and glances at Isabel.

Isabel's eyes widened at Tristan's sudden marriage announcement. She hadn't expected they would be married so soon, and she was definitely not informed of any arrangements.

"Uh, haha... My love, may I speak with you for a moment?" she awkwardly chuckled, gesturing for Tristan to step outside with her, excusing themselves momentarily from Mrs. Hawthorne.

Once they were at a safe distance from Hawthorne's house, Isabel immediately spoke up.

"Tristan, you never informed me the wedding would be so immediate," she said, her tone tinged with concern. She worried they wouldn't have enough time or resources to prepare for a proper ceremony.

But Tristan chuckled softly and placed reassuring hands on Isabel's shoulders. "You're worrying too much," he sighed.

"Her Highness has discreetly arranged for an intimate and solemn wedding to formalize our union. We can't afford to delay it, Isabel. Sooner or later, your condition will become apparent, and the truth will be discovered. I do not wish to jeopardize our situation simply due to your apprehensions. You've demonstrated resilience through numerous trials, have you not?"

Isabel listened as her worry slowly subsided under Tristan's calming demeanor and knightly tone.

"I suppose you're right," she conceded with an evident resignation in her voice. "It's just... all happening so quickly. I hadn't prepared myself for it."

Tristan smiled gently, his gaze softening as he looked at Isabel. "I understand. I know how you feel. You are a young woman and I am a young man. I too worry at times but trust me, this is the best course of action for both of us. We must seize this opportunity to secure your safety and my duty."

Isabel nodded. "Very well. I trust your judgment," she replied, finally calming down.

Tristan squeezed her shoulders affectionately. "Thank you. Now, let us return to Mrs. Hawthorne and inform her of our plans."

As they returned to Mrs. Hawthorne's house, Isabel and Tristan found her waiting patiently by the fire with a curious expression on her face.

"Is everything alright, my dears?" she inquired as her gaze shifted between them.

Tristan stepped nodded with a confident smile gracing his features. "Indeed, Mrs. Hawthorne. We have come to a decision regarding our upcoming nuptials."

Mrs. Hawthorne's eyes widened in anticipation. "Oh? Pray tell, what is it?"

Tristan inclined his head respectfully. "We would be honored if you would consent to be one of our witnesses at our wedding in two days' time," he announced, his tone formal yet sincere that Isabel admired about him.

Mrs. Hawthorne's expression softened, touched by the request. "Oh, my darlings," she exclaimed, placing a hand over her heart. "I would be delighted to bear witness to your union. It would be my pleasure."

All of a sudden, she started listing things off, her enthusiasm infectious. "If it is in two days... What about the wedding dress, Isabel? Have you chosen one yet? And the food! We must have a proper feast. Oh, and flowers—roses would be lovely, don't you think? And music! We can't have a wedding without music!"

Isabel and Tristan exchanged amused glances, both taken aback by her sudden burst of energy.

"Mrs. Hawthorne," Isabel began gently, "it's going to be a very small, intimate ceremony. We don't need anything too extravagant."

"Nonsense, my dear," Mrs. Hawthorne insisted, her eyes sparkling. "Even a small wedding deserves to be special. We must make it a day to remember!"

Tristan chuckled, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Your excitement is truly heartwarming, Mrs. Hawthorne. We hadn't planned on anything too grand, but your suggestions are certainly welcome."

Mrs. Hawthorne clapped her hands together. "Wonderful! Leave it to me. I shall help with the preparations. You just focus on being happy."

Isabel smiled warmly, feeling a genuine joy despite the fact that she will be wedded to such a kind man for different reasons. "Thank you, Mrs. Hawthorne. Your help means so much to us."

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