Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: A Prince he was supposed to be

"Stop! Let go of me!" Isabel's voice echoed through the corridor, choked with fear and desperation.

Lucian's grip tightened around her arm like an iron vice as he continued dragging her towards his chambers. Isabel stumbled on the uneven floor, her heart pounding with terror. With a sudden jolt, she fell to her knees, the impact sending a sharp pain through her. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably, overwhelmed by helplessness.

"Please," she pleaded, her voice trembling, "let me go. Give me back my child!"

Lucian remained unmoved, his expression cold and resolute. He tightened his hold on her arm, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "You dare carry another man's child? I will not let him near you ever again!"

Isabel gasped, fear and defiance mingling in her eyes as she struggled against his grasp. "No! Liam needs me. Let me go! Where are you taking him?!"

Ignoring her pleas, Lucian roughly pulled her to her feet and continued propelling her towards his chambers, his steps relentless.

"Is this why you ran away from me? You used my decisions as an excuse to leave. No. You ran away with that man. But it doesn't matter. He will answer to me," Lucian declared with a glare as he pushed Isabel inside his chambers.

Lucian immediately slammed the door close keeping Isabel from escaping his grasp. He then grabbed both her shoulders squeezing them tightly that made her flinch.

His voice reverberated with fury through the opulent chambers and his eyes blazed with anger and hurt. "For six years, Isabel! I searched for you, pleaded for your understanding. I protected you at every turn, and this is what I get in return?"

Isabel stood before him, her hands trembling in defiance. Tears streaked down her cheeks, her voice raw with emotion. "No... no... No! You imprisoned me! You never loved me, Lucian! You treated me like an object, something to admire and possess. But I am not yours anymore! Let me go!"

Her resistance only fueled Lucian's rage. He stepped closer, his breath hot with frustration. "You belong to me, Isabel. I won't let you leave again. You are mine. I care less about that child nor that man. I will have them exiled."

Isabel backed away, fear and defiance warring within her. "You... you cold-hearted bastard!"

Lucian's grip tightened on her arms, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "You forget your place, Isabel. You forget who I am."

She shook her head, tears blurring her vision. "No, Lucian. I remember exactly who you are."

With a sudden surge of strength, Isabel wrenched herself free and dashed towards the door. But Lucian immediately lunged after her, grasping her wrist with a fierce grip. "You will not defy me," he snarled, his face contorted with rage.

But Isabel twisted out of his grasp, her heart pounding with terror. She reached the door and opened it only for it to be slammed shut in front of her.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a low voice and grabbed her waist, turning her to face him.

"You think you can run away once more? Where are you off to? To that bloodied, beat up bastard?" He growled angrily.

Isabel's eyes widened in fear. "What did you do to him?!" She asked.

But Lucian responded with a chuckle before answering, "You do not need to care for a nobody."

"A nobody?! That man is my husband! Hurt him and I swear I will do everything to make you suffer!" Isabel warned.

Yet, in everything she said, the threats did not seem to reach him. But a word rang in his ear that almost instantly made him burst into another fit of rage.

"What?" Lucian asked trying to make her repeat what she had said not because he did not hear, rather he wanted to make it clear.

"Tristan is my husband. He is the man who accepted and protected me after the mess you have made of me. And I..." Isabel paused as her eyes gleamed of another wave of tears threatening to spill the moment she remembered the argument she had with him.

She shouldn't have argued with him. She should have shown him love in all ways he deserved.

"... I love him..."

Lucian was taken aback by her words.

"No." He opposed and glared at her. "You belong to me, body and soul. You ought to love only me."

But Isabel's response was calm as she placed a hand on his cheek.

"Your Majesty, you cannot keep me in this palace ever again. I will not let you. I do not love you anymore, Lucian." Isabel spoke as her tears finally  streamed down her cheeks.

"You--!" Lucian uttered and grabbed her hair, forcing her to look him in the eyes.

There was a moment of silence as he looked at the hatred in her eyes.

"You... are not allowed to utter another word." He suddenly spoke and let her go.

Lucian straightened himself and looked at her. "Maybe I needed to weaken your resolve. Should I put all my anger on the child?"

At the mention of Liam, Isabel's lips quivered and her hands begin to tremble.

"No, Your Majesty! I am begging you, please do not hurt my son!" She pleaded falling on her knees, crying.

The sight made Lucian chuckle in satisfaction but he was not that fully satisfed knowing well that the man who took Isabel away from him was still alive and breathing somewhere in the palace dungeon.

"Alright, maybe not the child. I am not that ruthless." He smirked and turned his back on her.

"But maybe that man you call husband can quench my anger. Should I have him beheaded?" He bitterly spoke and left his own chambers locking it from the outside to keep Isabel inside.

He could still hear her voice yelling and screaming as she put all her strength trying to open the door. But to no avail. He then stomped his way towards another room further away from his, as the guards keeping the room safe, bowed and greeted him.

"Is the child inside?" He asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." One of the guards answered. And so without another second to waste, he opened the door to see Liam sat on the bed like the well-behaved child that he is.

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