A few days had passed and I was feeling a lot better. I was still sore and depending on the direction my body was turned, my wound would hurt. But overall, I was feeling a lot better. Though you couldn't tell Ray that.
"While I was at Goldy Pond I found out a lot of information. For starters, William Minerva is just a pen name and doesn't really exist. Not only that I found out where all the exits are to the human world. James Ratri or William Minerva gave us a multitude of options to take, we could go to the human world where supporters would save us, stay here and end the plantations or find the Seven Walls...whatever that is." I explained as I handed Ray the pen, "not only that, I got a pen topper with some new information."
Ray takes the pen and twists it open as the screen appears with all the new information that Lucas and I looked at while under the hunting grounds.
Everyone gasped in shock due to the sheer amount of new information I was able to obtain.
"S-So there really was something..!" Nat gasps.
"Mr. Minerva is dead!" Alicia cries.
"The way to the human world is an elevator?" Thoma and Lannion say in unison.
"To think," Anna begins, "there was a passage way at Grace Field."
"This is amazing..!" Don gasps, "passageways, blue prints of the farms, supporters, the Lambda Project, the Seven Walls."
"There's even a way of how to contact our supporters!" Gilda points out, "if we do that, can we go to the human world?"
"Probably," Ray suggests, "but it's also dangerous. The Ratri Clan...for generations their family had to uphold and protect the promise. They were the ones giving children to the demons and farms. I'm sure the one who killed Minerva is out there roaming freely."
Gilda's eyes narrow, "that means whoever killed Minerva is surely to come for us."
Ray nods, "so even if we do escape, our safety is guaranteed. The underground passageways are probably protected by the Ratri's. Plus, it's a whole other issue if the human world will accept us. Not only that, if we flee, another war may break out."
"I don't want war," Emma states. "A-And I want all the other children from the farms to be to escape with us. Not only them, but also the friends we made recently." Emma says referring to the kids from Goldy Pond. I want to feel all the children. I want to create a world where children are no longer seen as food. But first, we need to make this world peaceful so we will not be pursued." Emma takes a deep breath, "Mujika told me about the Seven Walls and that if I wanted to create a new future, I needed to find it. So for that, I need to make a new promise with him."
"He is a being who stands above all demons and is past the Seven Walls," Lannion reads. "Are you sure if we make a new promise, we'll be free?"
"It says here that Mr. Minerva never made it to the Seven Walls, nor did he ever meet him," Nat adds.
"I know it'll be hard, but I know we'll be able to find the Seven Walls." Emma states, "but this is the only option I can accept. So, will you all join me?"
We all beamed at Emma, exclaiming and agreeing that we would join her every step of the way, even if it was dangerous.
"Alright, so then we have five things to do," Ray begins to list, "get in touch with our supporters, find the Seven Walls, meet with him and make a new promise, and return to the farms to grab the other kids."
Emma nods, "all within two years."
Ray crosses his arms, "then our first priority is seeing if we can get in touch with the supporters."
"H-Hang on," Emma says as she makes her way toward the door way, "I want to tell Yuugo and every one else, I need their opinions too."
"You don't need to," Yuugo says from the doorway, "I totally support a world where children aren't eaten."
"But are you sure about this?" Emma wonders.
Yuugo sighs, "it's a crazy idea and it'll be dangerous."
Despite the clear and obvious danger, everyone was full heartedly supportive of Emma's wishes.

Birds Of A Feather (Ray x Reader)
FanficGrace Field, a so called "happy house." It's full of mischievous children running about, entertaining themselves and each other. Each child is different and each child has a set of identification numbers to go along with them. While most children s...