Now He Uses One He Saw On A Grave

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A/N: sorry for the 2 week hiatus uhhh wattpad was broken but now it's fixed??


"So Phil and the younger kids are still at the house," Norman trails off, "but you all worked so hard to get here. I'm sorry that I was so late into finding the shelter. If I hadn't been late then—."

"But that was because of the Ratri Clan!" Gillian exclaims.

"After you were shipped out, where did you go Norman?" I ask.

He begins to unbutton his vest and undoes his tie, he then unbuttons his shirt. "I was at Lambda 7214," Norman informs. "A site for experimenting on children."

"Th-That emblem is the same one as Adam's!" Yvette gasps.

"How did you get out?" Ray asks.

Norman fixes his clothes, "I escaped." He admits, "I found an accomplice, and with the help of Minerva's supporters we destroyed Lambda."

"A supporter?" Rossi asks.

Norman nods, "he called himself Smee, he was the one who gave Sister Krone the pen. Although he is now dead. The purge that was sent out by Peter Ratri—the head of the clan now—I'm sure wiped all the supporters out of his clan. But before Smee died, I was able to gain his knowledge and network."

I couldn't help but feel guilty, like I was suddenly the worst person on earth. We were out here complaining about our issues, but I never once considered the possibility of someone having it worse.

The most we had was finding shelter, our travels and our friends being killed...but Norman? He was experimented on, and for no reason at that.

"Then that announcement..?" Emma trails off.

"That was me too," Norman nods. "I thought that if I called myself Minerva you would all listen. I created this paradise, I used my networks, threatened the Ratri Clan, declared war on demons...I took James Ratri's name for convenience."

Ray speaks up, "I've got a lot of questions for you and everyone working with you, but I'd like to know...what are you trying to do?"

Oh. Yeah, that's a good question. He's creating a paradise for children, this hidden base is proof enough. Not only that he's destroying farms and he took the name of someone.

Norman smirks, "clever. But I need to ask you something too. Do you all know why demons eat humans? Why they have to eat us? Do you know what demons truly are?"

"What do you mean..?"

"Aren't they just monsters?"

Norman shakes his head, "they do not have forms, so they eat humans to maintain one. Nobody knows what they first looked like, but I suspect they were similar to bacteria. Bacteria multiplies due to binary fission. They don't change shape, they only multiply by cloning." He explains, "then how did they evolve? The answer is spontaneous mutation and horizontal transmission. In horizontal transmission, an organism absorbs the genes of another organism."

My eyes widen, "so they evolve by...eating..?"

Norman nods at my conclusion, "they absorb the genes of what they eat, and inherit that genes characteristics. If they eat a fish, they'll gain the characteristics. If they eat a bird, they'll gain the characteristics." He pauses for a moment, "if they eat humans, they'll gain the characteristics. By eating humans, they gain intelligence, form and our language. Humans became their favorite meal and so they sought out for them. Humans feared them, and called them various names. The reason they eat us is because if they don't, they'll return to their original state. It's vital that they eat us. That is why they eat us."

"So that's why there are so many shapes and sizes..."

"A-And to think that's why farms exist..."

"This is why my goal is eradicate the demons," Norman states. "If a demon doesn't eat a human for six months, it returns to a wild beast."

"Could you really destroy all the farms?" Gilda asks.

"You saw Zazie, yes?" Norman hums.

Emma nods, "yeah. He cut down three demons with one strike."

Norman nods, "that is because he was born in Lambda. It is a place for more diverse and high quality meat...mass produced meat for the higher ups. Five aristocrats and the Ratri Clan came together using any methods necessary to create these children. That is the experimental farm, Lambda 7214."

I felt sick to my stomach as Norman continued on about Lambda. There was constant drugging, experiments and breeding going on. These children who were selected from other farms were thrust into this inhumane environment. As the experimenting continued, some would gain abnormalities.

"If we train that power, we can defeat the demons. Ironically, all of this was created by the demons." Norman taps his temple, "we can use our intelligence against them. So, we shut down Lambda and the similar farms. I was able to save most of them." He gives a sad smile, "I thought a long time while at Lambda. Emma would want a future where everyone is safe and happy. And for that, she would need a way to save everyone, right Emma?"

The girl nods.

"I also wanted to create that future where my friends and family are happy. This time though, I'll be able to live with everyone," Norman explains. "And so, this is my answer...I already have a plan and firepower, as well as other arrangements. Instead of running away to the human world, we will annihilate all the demons in this world. Let's establish a spot here in the demon world for us!"

Within seconds, almost everyone was cheering for Norman's proposal. Everyone but Emma and I.

"This is amazing!"

"We can kill the demons!"

"I never imagined we could kill all those demons!"

"With no more demons, there'll be no more shipments! We won't be eaten or hunted!"

"But what about the Seven Walls?"

"I thought we were going to go and go to the human world..?"

Don speaks up, "that plan is risky and has flaws."

Ray nods, "yeah. Besides, we now have a plan to get rid of all the demons. This is the better option."

"Isn't this great Emma?" Yvette asks. "All the kids will be saved!"

"We'll kill the demons and defeat the Ratri Clan!"

"We can be happy here!"

Gilda smiles, "I'm so glad...this way, you won't be burdened anymore, Emma."

"As long as we've got Norman, anything is possible!"

Norman smiles at Emma but looks over at me as he notices my troubled expression. "Is something wrong Y/N? You seem upset."

"It's just," I hesitate for a moment. "I don't like this plan."

I can tell Norman wants to say something, he probably wants to accuse me or something else that's far fetched. But he only smiles, "I see." He then claps his hands together, "well then, we can discuss all of this at a later time. But I'm sure you're all tired, and I have prepared rooms for you all. Allow me to take you there."

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