Six days until the escape and today was action day, and I couldn't help but be anxious. Regardless if Sister Krone is on 'our side,' Mama isn't still. She's the biggest threat today.
"Let's go over the plan again," Ray begins, "after lunch and during our recess," he points to himself, "I'll distract mom." Ray then points to over to Emma and Norman, "you two will inspect the wall and vicinity." He then points over to me, Gilda and Don, "you three will be stationed just outside the south window of the second floor. I'll signal in case I can't distract mom, you then will need to tell Emma and Norman immediately so they cancel the inspection."
I cross my arms, "and if you fail, we stop, right?"
Ray nods, "exactly. But that's worse case scenario. It's all over when mom thinks we're uncontrollable. Mom's objective is to ship out the four with the highest scores once we're mature enough. She's taken care of us so that we grow and not be shipped out prematurely. If she can control us, that's what she would prefer to do. That's just who 'caretaker' Isabella is."
"Oh, and there's no shipment next month." Ray says, "so even though our plan follows through in six days, we actually have up until January."
"Ray," Norman speaks up, "Y/N, can we speak with you?"
Me and Ray agree and follow them inside, only to hear about what happened last night when Norman and Emma went to meet with Sister Krone.
"What?!" Ray and I exclaim in unison.
"Sister Krone knows how to break the tracking devices?!" Ray adds.
Norman nods, "there were a few benefits and disadvantages. But overall, I'd like to move up the escape. When can you break the tracking devices?"
Ray walks over to his bedside table and opens the drawer. He pulls out a black box and sets it on top of the table. I tilt my head curiously at the box before looking at Ray, "and what's a box gonna do?"
"It's what's in the box idiot," Ray sets as he takes the top off and reaches inside. "I got this last night from mom." Ray pulls out a camera and lifts it up and snaps a picture. The flash goes off which stuns the three of us.
The picture pops out of the bottom as he grabs it and fans it a little with a smirk, "with this, we can break the tracking devices whenever. Depending on what we learn about the vicinity, we can move up the escape date."
"We can't give her the evidence," Norman says.
Emma nods, "we'll need to finish our investigation quickly."
"Yeah, but don't change how we deal with him," Ray states. "We'll deal with Sister Krone separately."
"Okay, if we're done talking about that!" I smile as I reach over and grab the picture from Ray's grasp. "Let's look at the picture!"
I show it to Norman and Emma as they look at it. I begin to laugh, "we look so ugly! Like deer caught in headlights!"
"Don't call yourself ugly, Y/N!" Emma says, "you're so pretty!"
I give Emma a light shove, "stop it! You're making me blush!"
"Regardless," Ray begins, "we need to hide the camera along with my other rewards."
Ray shows us the secret spot in the floor board where he kept all his rewards. We had to help move his things to another spot in secret in case Sister Krone tried anything. Ray however was one step ahead and left a note in the original spot for her to find.
Once recess came around, Ray went toward Mama to distract her while Emma and Norman ran into the woods. Meanwhile, Don, Gilda and I positioned ourselves below the south second floor window. I stared at the window with an anxious feeling.

Birds Of A Feather (Ray x Reader)
FanficGrace Field, a so called "happy house." It's full of mischievous children running about, entertaining themselves and each other. Each child is different and each child has a set of identification numbers to go along with them. While most children s...