When It Rains

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A/N: okay uh a lot of angst in this one apparently but what's this?? Followed by fluff??? Ew


The tunnels that Mujika and Sonju once showed us was now our temporary home. A lot has happened since we last saw those two, I wonder if we'd ever see them again.

"There's so many memories here..!" Mark gasps, fondly recalling the memories.

"I didn't think we'd return to this place," Lannion admits.

Emma, Zack, Sandy and Sonya all provide to Chris. They try everything they can to patch the small kid up. Meanwhile, Ray has a meeting with the rest of us.

"Listen up to everyone, starting today this is going to be our new home." Ray explains, "it's not as comfortable as the shelter, but it's safe. The Ratri Clan and the farms don't know about this place. We'll keep watch outside in turns. We'll decide details tomorrow, but for now, you all need to rest."

There Ray goes again, not including himself.

Everyone set up their spots for the night while Ray made his way outside the tunnels to keep watch. I laid down on the ground and shut my eyes, but the only image I could see was the mangled bodies of Yuugo and Lucas.

It was enough for me to be restless.

So, while everyone was asleep, I snuck out of the tunnel. I found Ray standing in the moonlight, which casted a light glow on to him. He seemed so ethereal in the moment.

I walked over to him as he spun around and pointed his gun at my head, the metal was cold.

My eyes widened as I jumped back, "woah! I'm friendly! I'm friendly!"

Ray sighs and lowers his gun, "don't scare me like that."

I apologize, "sorry."

He shakes his head, "what're you doing out here anyway? I told you and everyone else to sleep."

I cross my arms, "that's not fair. If I'm asleep, you should be asleep too. You know Ray, I've noticed that you tend to not include yourself in a lot of stuff. You know if you don't sleep soon, your body will crash and you'll just pass out."

"I've slept recently," he says.

"Oh yeah?" I tease, "and when was that?"

"Last night," he replies.

"And for how long?" I continue.

"...long enough."

I laugh, "so like three minutes?"

"It was ten actually," Ray argues.

"Oh wow, ten whole minutes!" I couldn't help but laugh at Ray's poor excuse.

He moved away from me, "someone has to keep watch. I would rather sacrifice my own health than the others."

"Ugh," I groan, "you're still on that whole sacrificial thing? Doesn't that grow tired after a while?"

"You wouldn't have to hear about it if I was dead," Ray comments.


I couldn't imagine seeing my best friend dead before my eyes, and yet, I could.

"Don't say that."

He frowns, "I'm not gonna die. I already told you that. I promised you after all."

I sit down on the ground and place my hands on my cheeks, "but a promise is nothing more than a promise. People break promises every day, Ray. You can have good intentions but then—," I paused as an image flashed in my mind.

Ray's mangled and bloodied body. You could barely tell it was him, there was no discerning features to indicate it was him...yet I knew it was.

I felt an arm wrap around me as I was torn away from that awful idea.

Ray had pulled me into a side hug. "It won't happen. I don't intend to break my promises."

"Did you only decide to keep watch because of Yuugo and Lucas?" I blurt out, surprised by my own words.

Ray doesn't respond, but his silence gives away his answer. I sigh and pull away from him, "you don't need to feel guilty for that Ray."

"Yes I do," he says. "If I had gone with them—if I had stayed behind with them, they wouldn't have died!"

I frown. Seeing Ray going through so much internal turmoil was a rare sight to some, but not to me.

"Ray, I told you earlier, they did it for us. It's like when Norman got shipped," I explain. "We have to continue for them. We have to push through because one day we'll see them again, a-and we can tell them all about it."

Ray doesn't say anything. He just quietly leans his head on my shoulder. "I'm tired." He mutters out, "I'm tired of everything."

I didn't say anything. I just let him speak his mind.

"I wish I wasn't born sometimes. If I wasn't born, then I wouldn't be here suffering," Ray admits. "What if I had died in that fire? Would everyone be happy? Would you be—?"

I slapped Ray across the face as his eyes widened and he held his cheek. "What the f*ck Y/N?!"

"Ray, you're so stupid! You're an idiot! You told us you weren't considering suicide anymore, yet here you are, complaining that you didn't do it!" I yell, "make up your damn mind!"

I felt tears prick my eyes, but I tried to hold them back. "Would we be happy? Would I be happy if you died? Are you hearing yourself right now?!"

He doesn't say anything.

"You know deep down how I would feel and how everyone else would feel. You don't even have to entertain the idea," I say. "You're tired Ray. We're all tired. But we can't give in, and we sure as hell can't give up. Especially me." I state, "because when I get out of here," I take a sharp breath, "I-I'd like us to enjoy being together."


"You said so yourself, yeah? If we didn't live in this bullsh*t demon world, we could be together. Well, guess what Ray? I'd love to see that world and for us to be together. God Ray, that's the only thing that's kept me from not ending it all these last few months."

"You really like that idea so much?"

I nod, "yeah I do! So you need to find your hope and cling to it."

He lowers his head, "ugh! You're so positive it's disgusting."

"I guess I'm disgusting then," I shrug.

"You're not disgusting..!" Ray quickly says, "you're very pretty!" His eyes widen at what he said, "ignore that last comment."

I smile, "how could I forget you saying that? You've said it twice now, raindrop."

Ray stands up, "I hate you...a lot."

I stand up as well, "sure you do. Anyway, can we go to sleep? I'm getting sleepy."

"Go," Ray says.

I grab his hand, "not without you."

He looks at our hands and looks at me. He sighs, "fine. Lead the way."

I pull Ray into the tunnels and over to where my stuff and bed was. Ray took his bag off and placed his beside mine.

Ray and I laid in silence for a moment before I faced him, "you're pretty too..."

Despite the dark room, I could see the blush coating his face. "Be quiet, you were the one who wanted to sleep," he whispers back.

I smile and shut my eyes, "goodnight."


I felt a hand wrap around my waist. It startled me at first, but I couldn't help but embrace it.

"I love you, sunshine."

"I love you too, raindrop."

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