The following morning couldn't have been any less chaotic. We had woken up to the screams of Gilda, only to find out that Alicia and Dominic were missing.
Nat rubs his eyes, "maybe they went to use the bathroom."
"Nu-uh!" Lannion exclaims, "their weapons are missing!"
"Do you think they snuck out to find Yuugo and Lucas?!" Gillian suggests.
"We'll split up and search," Ray declares, "we have to find them!"
And finding them we did.
When we emerged from the tunnels a gunshot was heard as it echoed through the forest. We were all immediately on guard as we rushed toward the source, only to find Dominic screaming in pain as he held his ankle.
"There you are...!" A familiar voice is heard as we see a man shuffling forward with Alicia in his grasp. It was Andrew, or rather what was left of Andrew. His face was mangled, only half of it remained to show his true self, while the other half showed his bones and muscles. The eye on the mangled side was slightly popped out and some of his skull was exposed.
I felt like puking.
"I found you all...! Finally!" He let out a laugh as it echoed around us, "on your knees, now!" He demands as he shoves the gun to the temple of Alicia's head.
So, that's what we do...we surrender.
He laughs again, "I am going to kill every last one of you!" He quickly pulls the gun away from Alicia and begins to fire at some trees, "there's no use in trying! You're all just food! You're nothing more than demon meat!" He puts the gun back on Alicia's head, he then steps on Dominic's back who lets out another blood curdling scream.
We all gathered our weapons as we aimed them all at Andrew, prepared to fight. He laughs, "you think you can shoot me, Emma?"
Emma hesitates.
"You're Emma, right? I heard about you from Phil," he explains.
"What did you do to Phil?!" Don tells as Andrew sends a warning shot at Don.
Andrew puts the gun back on Alicia's head, "you all care about your family. And you're all kind, every last one of you! It's disgusting!" Alicia then begins to cry, "the one who was with these two? Do you know what happened?" He asks, "they died all because they couldn't pull the trigger! They hesitated to shoot because I am human!"
He laughs again, "'he's human. He'll feel the pain.'" He mocked us in a high pitched voice, "that's what you all think. You're all absolute idiots! It makes me laugh! And those two guys who tried to kill me and my men? They were just as foolish! They died!"
An eerie silence fell over us as our worst fear had been confirmed.
"They were strong, and it surprised me. But one protected the other and the other couldn't leave with the other. In the end, they died in the explosion that happened," Andrew explains. "The explosion was to kill me, yet here I am! I'm alive!"
Emma readies her gun to shoot.
"You won't shoot me Emma. Besides, if you shoot me, I'll shoot her," he says pushing the gun into Alicia's head once again.
A gunshot rang through as we spotted Oliver up in a tree, who had shot the bullet. It landed in his shoulder as he dropped Alicia and his gun. It didn't take long for his body to be littered in bullets.
Zack grabbed Alicia and pulled her away while Emma ran for Dominic. But it was almost too late. Any second later and Andrew would have killed Dominic, but luck was on our side, and a demon showed up and ate Andrew instead.
We used this opportunity to flee.
We returned to the tunnel with heavy hearts and despair over our heads. Oliver was the first to speak, "Yuugo and Lucas went out with honor. They protected us up until the very end."
The first one to break was Gillian who crumbled to her knees and let out a scream and cry of pain. This made almost everyone follow.
"Look what I got while we were out," Ray begins, gaining everyone's attention. He throws an owl onto the ground, there was something strange about it.
"An owl?" Thoma asks.
"A recording device," Ray corrects. "This is how that guy knew where we were, not only that, but they used to it help avoid the security cameras around the bunker."
"So this thing helped them locate the cameras and informed the enemy of our escape," Pepe concludes.
Ray nods, "probably. I should have realized it sooner, but knowing that now, this place is no longer safe. They could have more cameras and I'm sure the Ratri Clan already knows of this spot."
Gilda frowns, "but where will we go?"
"Oliver," Emma calls out to the older kid. They both nod at each other has Oliver pulls out a crumbled up sheet of paper.
"Everyone!" Oliver announces, "Lucas received a phone call at the end."
Don smiles, "th-then Mr. Minerva must be alive!"
"Or it could be one of our supporters," Nat adds.
Everyone began to get upset knowing that there may never be a place for us to live, but Emma was able to give everyone hope. "We're going to obtain that, remember? We've got two more months before we can change the world! We'll be able to do it. Not only for us, but also for those we lost along the way! That's why we have to keep going!"
And so, we set out to find our new home.

Birds Of A Feather (Ray x Reader)
FanficGrace Field, a so called "happy house." It's full of mischievous children running about, entertaining themselves and each other. Each child is different and each child has a set of identification numbers to go along with them. While most children s...