As I made my way up the stairs I heard Norman's voice, "I figured Ray would be the one to have had figured it out, but for Emma to know about it too?"
"I didn't!" Emma announced, "Phil saw it and told me about it!" Emma spots me and smiles, "Y/N, you're back!" Her smiles fades when she sees how worried I am, "what's wrong?"
The three of them surround me, "I followed them and they decided to go into that room. Don got the key a-and now I'm worried they were just sent to their deaths."
Ray crosses his arms, "we all agreed it was a bad idea. If something happens to them, that's on them."
I frown, "y-yeah but...I could have taken the key and gave it back to Mama."
"But if you did that, I'm sure Mama would be suspicious of them," Norman says, "probably more than what she already may be."
I nod but keep quiet for a moment, I take a deep breath to collect myself. "So what did you three find?"
"There's a set of books by some named William Minerva and all his book plates have Morse code in them," Norman says.
I follow them through the house and into the dining hall, only for us to come to a stop when we notice that Gilda and Don are unexpectedly missing.
I place a hand over my mouth, "oh god, I-I really killed them..!"
I feel someone grab my hand as I look to see that it's Ray, "calm down." He says, "I'm sure they're around here somewhere."
"They're not in the pantry!" Norman shouts as he rushes back over to us.
Emma looks around as she smiles in relief, "Don, Gilda!" She exclaims as she stares at the two behind us.
Don seemed angry and Gilda seemed worried.
"I thought you two—," Emma begins but Ray lets go of my hand and takes a step forward.
"Y/N told us where you two went," Ray states, "she was worried about you two."
"We'll talk about it later," Norman quickly says.
Supper goes by and now we find ourselves in the library, having our meeting with Don and Gilda.
"The secret room leads to a basement," Don states.
"H-How did you two—?!"
"They snuck and grabbed Mama's key, Emma," I inform.
"Did Mom—?" Norman begins.
Gilda shakes her head, "I don't think so. We already returned the key indirectly.."
"What you two did was stupid," Ray scolded, "what if the room was equipped with a camera or some type of listening device? If mom or Sister Krone found out you two would be—!"
"What?" Don angrily asks, "killed?"
Emma stares at Don, "what..?"
"You lied to us about everything. We can't help them because Conny and everyone is already—."
Emma breaks down into tears, "I'm so sorry!"
Don looks over at Gilda, "see? I told you." Don looks over at Emma, "so what else are you hiding?"
"Fine!" I finally blurted, "it's killing me!" Don looks over at me, "I'll tell you everything!" I then begin to spill my guts out to them, everything. I told them everything.
"W-What?" Don stutters out, "demons? A farm?"
I look over at Ray, "th-there's the fact that Ray is a spy for Mama.."
"...all this time..?"
Norman speaks up, "it was for our sake though."
"Then you knew what was going to happen to Conny on that day?" Don asks as Ray crosses his arms and looks away. Don looks at Norman and Emma, "and you both tried to lie to us about all of this?"
Don begins to laugh, "you can't be serious!" Don then punches Norman in the face as he falls to the ground.
"Don!" Ray yells, but that only causes Don to punch him as well.
I gasp, "Ray!" He tumbles to the floor as I rush to his side. "Don, you need to calm down!"
Don grabs Emma by her collar as she winces, awaiting her own punishment...but it never comes.
"Are we that much of a burden? Are that weak and useless that you think you need to protect us..?" Don softly asks as he lets go of Emma. "The lie...was to protect us, right?"
Ray rubs where he was punched and stands up, but I don't dare move.
Don covers his eyes, "I-I thought you were relying on us. I feel so frustrated and...pathetic. Sure we may not be as smart as you guys," Don removes his eyes as tears slip from his eyes, "but aren't we family?"
Don looks over at Norman and Ray and apologizes. "I'm...gonna go cool off."
Don and Gilda leave us alone and in a silence.
Norman gets up and walks over to me and helps me up. I point to his cheek, "that looks nasty."
He shrugs.
"I didn't mean to but...did I really not have faith in them?" Emma wonders with a lowered head.
"I mean, you were prepared for whatever they said, right?" Ray asks the ginger, "you decided that when we would all escape, yeah?"
"I'm going to go and apologize to Don and Gilda!" Emma declares, "you're right. I was prepared for them to be mad, but not to believe us. I was naive, I need to go and tell them." Emma hurries out the door as I look at two boys, gesturing for us to go with her.
We follow behind Emma as she apologizes, "I'm sorry for everything. I was being naive. I didn't fully grasp the situation and I wasn't prepared to believe in you guys."
Norman takes a step forward, "I want to apologize as well."
"I—," Don stutters out, "well, no—. I'm sorry that I lost my cool and punched you two. Are you two okay?" Don pauses and shakes his head, "of course you're not! We should go to the infirmary and get you two patched up!"
Norman assures him that he's okay.
"I'm also sorry for acting out," Gilda says as she looks at me, "and I'm sorry for making you worry Y/N."
"It's okay," I say.
"And Ray has every right to be mad," Don adds.
"Come on Ray," Norman gestures, "it's your turn."
Ray groans, "it's fine. Even in the worst case scenario, I'll take care of it."
"And~..?" I ask.
"And for everything else I did," Ray huffs.
Emma smiles, "now that we're all cool, can I confirm something? If we mess up, we die. And the outside is going to horrible and full of so many enemies...even so, will you two run away with us?"
Don and Gilda nod, "of course!"
"A-And we'll work harder so you can have faith in us!" Don adds.
"So let us help you!" Gilda says grabbing Emma's hand.
"Then our next plan is to scope out the vicinity," Norman states.

Birds Of A Feather (Ray x Reader)
FanfictionGrace Field, a so called "happy house." It's full of mischievous children running about, entertaining themselves and each other. Each child is different and each child has a set of identification numbers to go along with them. While most children s...