Daya Betty?

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Boscos POV:
"Bosco you are safe" thank goodness I was so happy to hear RuPaul say those words. I have made it through my premiere episode, my burlesque act went really well, it stood out but in a good way. Although I was safe watching June and Orion have to lip sync made me realise just how real the now competition is. It had been such a long day and I was exhausted. I couldn't wait to return to the werk room and de-drag. We all knew that we were the first premier, so we still had a full group of other girls to meet.

I took a deep breath as we stood outside the werk room, waiting to make our entrance to meet the other group of girls. "We've got this dolls" Kerri said encouragingly, I smiled back at her. "Let's have each others backs in here" Kornbread said whilst giving us all a glare, so we all knew she wasn't messing around. It was finally time for us to make our entrance, we positioned ourselves around one of the tables and gave the other group of girls a nasty glare. It felt almost standoffish for a moment before the silence was broken by Jasmine "HEY SISTERS" she shouted before running across to greet us. A lot of the girls already knew other girls from back home and raced to see them, so I already felt like an outsider. "What's your name gorgeous" Deja asked whilst embracing me into a hug, "hi, I'm Bosco" I replied with a smile. "Aww like the chocolate syrup" she sniggered at me. With the most serious tone I could muster, I replied "no, like my dead childhood dog" I kept my face as serious as I could before I burst into a fit of laughter. Messing with people was one of my favourite things to do.

Before a long, we were back to chatting as a large group, "so who went home from your group?" Kornbread asked. "She was called Daya Betty" Angie replied. I don't know if it was her Southern accent or not, but the name just seemed to stick in my head. If she's diabetic, that is one of the best drag names, I've ever heard, I thought to myself quietly in my own head. "What about y'all's team?" Angie asked. "She was called Orion Story, I guess it was a short story" Kornbread laughed. As bad as I felt that queens had already gone home. I was so thankful that it wasn't me. A loud voice suddenly brought me out of my own head and back into reality "i don't know about you guys, but I am getting the fuck out of drag" Jasmine called out and we all agreed. I couldn't believe how different everyone looked out of drag myself included. The other girls circled around Alyssa already proclaiming him the trade of the season. Whilst I unpacked I watched the rest of the room, seeing who was getting close and who would be a good potential friend. As close as she was already getting with Angie, there was something about Camden which I loved. I wasn't sure if it was the British accent or the ginger curly hair, but either way he definitely was the type of person I'd love to have as a friend whilst I was here.

With everyone unpacked, we loaded up the vans and headed back to the hotel. I couldn't wait to be able to spend some time alone and finally get some much-needed sleep as I was completely exhausted. I had underestimated how exhausting there's a full process was going to be. I went for a quick shower dried myself with the scratchy Hotel towels then finally settled in bed. I turned on the TV, there was a comedy film playing that looks like it was from the 80s. "Oh well" I thought, it'll do for background noise. I was weird like that I couldn't sleep if the room was silent, I struggle to sleep on my own at all for that matter. At least the TV was drowning out the sounds coming from the room next door. I had no idea who was in it, but the constant sound of suitcase zips and suitcases being flung open was quickly starting to drive me crazy. As I close my eyes and started trying to fall asleep, the name Daya Betty came back into my head. There was something about that name and I had to put a face to it, I loaded up Instagram and found Daya's page. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe someone with so much talent has been sent home first. The punk Rock aesthetic of Daya's drag was right up my alley. "God Bosco you're such a stalker" I thought to myself as I scrolled further and further down the Instagram page. I eventually stumbling along a picture of Daya out of drag, and my eyes widened. He was my type to a T, piercing blue eyes, amazing teeth and tattoos. Seeing him almost made me excited for the reunion as it would be the first time I get to meet him. As it approached 1am I decided I best get some sleep. Who knows what tomorrows challenge would be.

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