Incredible 8

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Dayas POV:
As I sat and finished up my dinner I could tell Bosco was in pain, she shuffled uncomfortably in her seat trying to keep a smile on her face. I felt bad, I didn't like seeing her sore. "Are you okay?" I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "yeah baby don't worry" she said as she kissed my cheek and held my hand under the table. "What sort of challenge are we hoping for tomorrow?" Jasmine asks the group. It felt strange now they're being so few of us compared to what we started with. "Well we've had a couple design challenges already" Angie added, "and we've just sung and danced so maybe an improv challenge?", we all nodded contently apart from Jorgeous "I fucking suck at acting" she sighed, "you are such a liar!" Deja shouted out "you were high for the last one, have more confidence in yourself Jorge!". As we all got up to head back to our rooms Bosco was moving very slowly and stiffly, "what's up with you?" Camden asks after tapping her on the arm. "I think I just slept funny last night" Bosco said calmly, "I've hurt my back". Camden raises an eyebrow and looks and me, I pretend I haven't noticed her and look away. I desperately wanted to comfort Bosco but I didn't know how to help her feel better, I took her into her own room and got her settled on her bed with a drink and put the TV on for her. "Just stay there and relax" I tell her, "I'm gonna go sort something for you". Once back in my room I rummaged around my luggage for some pain killers and decided to run her a bath. I made it hot, but not too hot and added some of the hotel body wash for some bubbles. I went back to her room to get her, handed her the painkillers and watched her quickly take them. "Cmon then sco" I said, "I've ran a nice bath for you, do you want carried?". Bosco looked exhausted and without saying a word put her arms up so I could lift her. Once she was in my arms she tucked her head into my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. I took her back through to my room and sat her gentle on my bathroom unit, "want me to help you get in? Or do you want to do it yourself sco?" I ask, "help please" Bosco whispers back to me whilst putting her arms up so I can start to undress her. Once she was ready I picked her up again and lowered her down into the warm bath, "come in with me" Bosco says looking up at me. "I can't baby" I reply, "I'm too tall for a bath, but I'll sit right here beside you!" I say as I sit down on the floor and reach my arm over into the bath and start to play with her hair, which is tied up into a messy bun ontop of her head. 

Boscos POV:
"The bath is definitely helping" I think to myself, the warm water and Daya playing with my hair is so relaxing, I just want to stay here forever. After around 20 minutes the water starts to cool down and I'm ready to come out, feeling like a new woman. Daya hands me my towel and we head through to his bed, before long I'm half asleep on his chest still wrapped up in my towel, "here baby" he says as he hands me a pair of his boxers and a tshirt to change into, I throw on his clothes and jump under the duvet, the warmth raidiating from Dayas body making my eyes feel heavier and heavier.
"Morning Daya" I jump awake, as one of the producers bang on the door. "She's alive" Daya jokes as so looks over at me, "I was worried you'd died off" she laughs. "I was just so tired last night, I can't imagine why" I reply as I tickle his side. "Cmon then, breakfast time I'm starving!" Daya says as he jumps up out of bed and gets changed for the day. We head downstairs together linking arms, before sitting down beside Willow and Deja who are sat chatting excitedly about the day ahead.
Back in the work room we are split into two teams, and are tasked with doing a panel. Not only do I have Daya, Jasmine and Jorgeous on my team but I also get the role I was desperate for, being the moderator. I am excited about this challenge, it's like a combination of reading a girl down, whilst still being informative.  The other team do very well, Willow in particular is killing this challenge, I'm nervous as my team prepare to go. "We've got this" Daya says as she rubs my back. He was right, I was so proud of the performance I gave, and he killed it too. Our other team members struggled as we sort of steam rolled over them, but everyone's runway looks for tonight are sickening. "Shoulder pads" is such a broad category and I am so excited for what I'm wearing. Whilst we get ready, I scan the room and see what Daya is piecing together for his look. Camo pants and a silver body armour type top with spikes on the shoulders, every time I think he can't get any hotter, he gets hotter! 
"Bosco, you're a winner baby", a winner again I can't believe it, it takes everything I have to not break down on stage. Daya was safe again which is always a relief and even though our other two team members were in the bottom, they both survived the lip sync. Another amazing day all around, and to top it off tomorrow is our rest day. "We really are the incredible 8" Deja cheered as we exited the stage and I was met with hugs from all the girls. "Let's get lit tonight" Jorgeous called out after hugging it out with Jasmine, "I'm in!" I shouted.

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