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Daya's POV:
"Good morning Bosco!" The familiar knock and shout of the producers giving us our morning wake up reminded me of where I was. "Reunion day" I thought to myself, I was excited for this, based on the fact I had had arguments with half of the cast whilst filming I knew I was going to get a good chunk of screen time today, and we had been told to ham up any drama we had. Which was funny, because our cast all got on it was actually hard to try and play up for the cameras when they were rolling. It felt weird not just being able to get up and go, and having to get into drag at the hotel. "I'm going to go get ready baby" i say to a very tired Bosco who is having a hard time waking up. She turned over and burys her face into me stroking her fingers through my chest hair which I was about to go and shave off. "Too tired" she whined, climbing up onto me rubbing her eyes. I used my fingers to brush the hair out of her face, "are you going to shave" she mumbled as she nuzzled her face against my chest, "yeah I was going to just now" I reply softly, not wanting to speak too loudly and scare her. "No" she whined "i don't want you too". She looked down frowning, I sighed and thought for a minute. "Right well I need to do my face, but I can leave everywhere else for another week untill we film the finale okay, my outfit for today is up to my neck anyway". A beaming smile lights up Boscos face, "is that you happy now" I laugh as I tickle her sides, "right I need to go and get ready, I'll see you soon darling" I say as I kiss her lips and head back to my room to get myself ready. I loved my reunion look, a gold bodysuit with a cape that sat on one shoulder, paired with a blonde wig. I kind of look like a superhero/ villain which I suppose was kind of my character throughout the season. I'm half way through putting on my face and I can hear Bosco frantically running around in her room, "she definitely can't decide what to wear" I think to myself as I turn on the TV for some entertainment whilst I finish up getting ready. It was only 10:30am and I really just needed to finish my eyebrows and put on my stuff, so I had time to kill. "How is everyone getting on?" I text into our S14 groupchat, "I'm ready!" Camden replies. "Yeah cos you don't have any lips to paint on" Angie replies making me chuckle. A few other girls say they're ready or almost done, reigniting my excitement for the day, I was hoping I'd be beside Bosco since we were both in the finale, and I was beside her alphabetically. My face was finished now it was time to tuck and get into my look, I hated tucking it was so painful. But I managed to get it done and get into my look, I just put trainers on with it for now, I didn't fancy trying to get into the vans being over 7ft tall with heels on. I sat and watched TV for a while and before long it was 11:50am, so I decided to check on Bosco then head down to the lobby. She opened her door and looked breathtaking, a chain inspired outfit and a red spiked wig, it was perfect. She had her heels on so this was the closest we'd ever been in height and I didn't like it. "You look gorgeous Daya" she said smiling at me, "you look pretty good yourself Sco" I laugh, holding out my arm for her to hold on to as we made our way downstairs and out to the vans.

Boscos POV:
The reunion was an emotional one. Daya and Jasmine went at eachother hard, and although I knew it was for the cameras Daya broke down. I had never seen him cry like this and it broke my heart, I did what I could on set holding his hand and rubbing his thighs whilst he cried. I was just happy we were beside eachother. There were a lot of good moments too, funny parts of the season that didn't get enough attention at the time and wholesome parts too like me, Jasmine, Kerri, Willow and Kornbread talking about our gender journeys. All in all it had been a really fun day and it was going to be a great reunion to watch on TV. We all loaded back up into the vans to leave set and go back to the hotel, and I was excited to have a chilled out evening. Me and the rest of the top 5 had the rest of the week to rehearse our 1 minute numbers for the finale with our songs, before it was filmed next Saturday. I loved my finale song and I had a great concept for a dramatic outfit reveal, it was devilish which I felt like was my brand at this point. It was hard to not share my plans with Daya but we had all been told to not tell one another what we were doing and we wanted to follow the rules. In the van I was sat beside Jorgeous, he laid his head onto my shoulder. "I'm really proud of you Bosco" he said which took me by surprise, "you were so brave for saying all that stuff today, and after we all get home you'll be rich and be able to do whatever you need to get to where you want to be". My eyes filled up with tears, I'd always gotten on with Jorgeous but hearing this type of encouragement from him melted my heart. "Thank you baby" I replied leaning my head ontop of his and holding onto his hand. It made me realise how massive Daya was feeling how small Jorgeous' hand felt in mine. "Is anyone up for the pool later?" Deja said optimistically. "It was so fun the other night". "I'll put it in the chat for you old man" I said laughing as I typed his message into our groupchat. All of the girls in the other van started to thumbs up the message, "you're in luck" I laugh, "everyone's up for it".  As we arrive back to the hotel Deja gets us all together in our group and told us to go de-drag, then head up to the pool and we could all meet there. I couldn't wait to get out of drag, I felt like I was melting from all of the stuff caked onto my face. We headed back to our rooms to get ready, it felt strange going from a wig, makeup, heels and a full look to just a bikini but I was glad of it. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and put on a pair of sunglasses, suddenly my door swung open and it was Daya in his swimming stuff, carrying his little fanny pack of medicine. "Ugh I've never been so relieved to untuck in my life" Daya said as he flopped down on my bed with his hand down his shorts fixing himself. "I live my whole life tucked" I reply with a scowl and he smirks back at me. With that I throw on a tshirt and we head up to the pool, it's late afternoon so the sun isn't as intense which is just how I like it. I decide to actually go into the pool today, having to remind Daya to take off his pump before he runs off to jump in with Camden and Alyssa. I sat down on the edge with my legs in the water, it wasn't that I couldn't swim, I just wasn't a water baby like some of the other girls were. I watched doe eyed as Daya roughhoused with the rest of the boys, before I noticed him change. He looked suddenly exhausted and confused, and he was breathing heavily. "Daya?" I shout over the pool "are you okay?"  He doesn't reply but I see him slowly walking towards me, I run to get his phone to scan his arm, I can feel that something isn't right. He eventually makes it to me and I grab his arm and scan it quickly, "your sky Fucking high you need insulin right now" I say trying to not let the panic show in my voice. By this point he is struggling to walk so Camden, Angie and Deja all help me to pull him out of the water and get him lying down on a sunlounger. I pull a vile of insulin out of the bag he had prepared and a fresh needle, pulling the units of insulin into it before wiping his thigh with an alcohol wipe and stabbing the needle into him, Daya flinching will always make me feel terrible and I just wanted to comfort him. I get all of the contents of the needle injected into him before pulling it out and disposing of it. "You're okay, it's okay you'll feel normal again soon" I say stroking his forearm. It's almost like I can see the life being breathed back into him and his eyes go back to their usual icy blue. "Thank you baby, you're so good at all of this" he smiled as he tapped his arm and proudly showed me the green being displayed on his phone screen. "You're so welcome" I smile back, "please don't play too rough now" I say half joking and half serious as he makes his way back into the water after kissing me on the head on his way past. "That was seriously impressive" Willow said as she sat down next to me where Daya had just been. "He taught you how to do all of that?" She said seeming genuinely amazed at what I'd just done. "Yeah I guess" I replied, "I got him to tell me all about it, and I had to give him a shot before but he wasn't so out of it so he could talk me through it a little better than he could today. Now I've spent so much time with him I can almost feel when he's not right but him being high is alot more scary than him being low." Willow smiled at me as I spoke, "Damn you love him so hard Bosco, I knew it before but I haven't seen how much you love him now." The other girls all kept coming over to me to ask how I was, and telling me how impressed they were with me. I didn't feel like I'd done anything crazy, I was just doing what needed to be done to keep my boyfriend healthy. "Sco cmon in" I hear Daya shout from the pool waving me over, I reluctantly head over to him and only get in because he's offered to let me go on his back. I cling to him tightly, the cold water sending a shiver through my body, "don't tell me your scared of the water" Daya teased as he walked with me on his back into the middle of the pool, "I'm, I'm not scared" I stutter, squeezing my legs tighter around him, terrified he was going to drop me somewhere I wouldn't be able to touch the bottom. He felt me tighten up on him "hey, hey Sco it's okay I've got you I'm not going to drop you". His comforting words helped me to relax a little bit and I started to go limp with my head on his shoulder. "Aww mom and dad" Orion shouted from the sunloungers, telling us to smile so he could take a picture of us. "Cuties" he said as he admired the photo he'd taken. Daya took me back to the edge of the pool and held onto me whilst I climbed out and returned to the safety of dry land. Although his numbers were okay, he was still feeling drained from his high, and he was limping slightly on his leg where I'd had to inject him. He came out the water with me and lay down leaving a space for me to go beside him, I pull out a dry towel and open it up, throwing it over Daya's lap to stop anyone's wandering eyes before I lay down in his arms beside him.

Dayas POV:
I get lost in her eyes, they are just so stunning. I feel her hook her leg over my hips underneath the towel she had put on top of me and she closes her eyes with her head on my chest as the setting sun beats down on us. I pull at her bikini top, making sure she's covered up and I feel her shudder slightly with my touch, "you're okay Sco it's just me" I whisper to comfort her. "How are you feeling" I jump as Kerri sits down beside us. "I'm better now, I really felt rough before Bosco sorted me though", "as scary as it was, now I know you're fine I feel like I can say it. Watching those three try to pull your big ass body out of the water was mildly entertaining" Kerri smirked and I laughed back. "I'm surprised they even managed, I'm heavy as hell". "Yeah 6'5 of pure muscle and attitude Miss Betty" Kerri laughs before Kornbread cuts us off. "I think I'm gonna call it a night you guys" and the rest of us all agree, judging by the fact that Bosco is now asleep on me and i have a sore leg I think bed is definitely a good option. "Can someone carry her down for me?" I ask looking over to Camden and Angie. "I would but in limping". "I'll be able to" Camden said smiling, coming over and asking where to hold onto her, I guide his hands around her back and underneath her legs and he scoops her up and we all walk to the elevators together. "Cmon you" Angie says as he puts his hands onto my waist to steady me as a hobble out of the elevator. "How times have changed it's not usually you two needing carried" Angie laughed as I opened my room door and Camden placed Bosco down onto the bed, "thank you guys" I smile as I close the door behind them and head off into a shower.

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