Cat dad

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Boscos POV:
I shuffled my feet excitedly as I watched the farmiliar sites of Montana appear out of the aeroplane window. I loved landings they were my favourite part of the full flight, Daya on the other hand was not a good flier. He clung to my hand nervously his nails digging into the palms of my hands, "you're okay you big baby" I chuckle as I try to soothe him. We had both traveled with just a singular suitcase between us, with production keeping ahold of our looks and other items for us whilst we visited home. "I can see my apartment from here!" I joke as I point off to a town which resembled a blob on the horizon, I finally get a chuckle out of Daya just as the wheels hit the runway and we have landed. The two of us managed to navigate our way through the airport before getting an Uber out to my apartment. "Are the cats in the apartment right now?" Daya asked excitedly, "yeah they are" I replied happily, "my drag sister Irene has been feeding them every day for me". He smiled, I had never met anyone so excited to meet 2 cats, but he was adorable so I didn't mind. In the back of the Uber, I laid my head on his shoulder and had my hand sat upon his thigh. Although was home, Daya now felt like my home, his familiar smell and calming nature were all I needed. It wasn't a long drive to my apartment from the airport so not long after we pulled up outside my building. Daya thanked the driver and lifted the suitcase from the trunk, carrying it upstairs for me. "I could hardly lift that off the bed this morning, how are you managing to lift it up 3 flights of stairs?" I ask in amazement, "it's not that heavy Sco" Daya laughs back at me. As I open my apartment door and walk inside my cat's turn to look at me, before resuming their naps. "Unbothered as usual boys" I remark to them scoffing. Daya walked in with his mouth open, "Bosco it's beautiful in here!" He gleamed, "hey kitties" he called out to them, and much to my annoyance they both got up and came over to check him out, rubbing themselves against his ankles lovingly. "Boys I think you've forgotten who your mom is" I laugh as Daya gleams from the cats approval. "I suppose now you just need Fendis approval and I can smack a ring on it then?" Daya joked. I showed him around my quaint apartment, it was filled with plants and pictures of me in drag alongside some horse paintings which I liked a lot. I took him through to our bedroom, quickly moving some of my clothes so he too could have some closet space and his own nightstand, before I ran to move things around in the fridge so his insulin had its own spot too. "Do I need to get you any special sugar free versions of anything?" I question, wanting to be able to care for Daya the way he cares for me. "No baby it's okay, I eat what I want then fix the damages after. I'll just need some form of high sugar kids juice boxes or something for my lows", "perfect, we will go out this afternoon to get some supplies okay?" I say as I walk across to him and collapse into his lap on the couch. "I love it here" he says resting his head against mine, "I love being anywhere with you" I reply kissing his forehead before straightening up his cap.

Daya's POV:
I watched Bosco in the kitchen making us something for lunch, while one of her cats had made its home in my lap, and the other had itself tangled around my feet. Although they had never done anything like this before, it felt so incredibly normal. Being in an apartment with someone I didn't know 2 months ago, cooking with pets that weren't mine around felt normal. I knew I wanted to make it official with Bosco, I was just debating whether or not to do it after we'd filmed the last few episodes for drag race. Afraid somehow production would find out and try to put us against one another, I also wanted it to be special. Bosco deserved that. "Thats lunch ready baby" Bosco called through, "if love to come get it but I'm a bit tied up through here by your kids" I laugh as Bosco appears from the kitchen carrying 2 plates of avocado toast with egg. "Ohh boys, you guys are obsessed with your new dad aren't you, it's okay I am too" she whispered to them hoping I wouldn't hear but I did. "Thank you baby" I say as she hands me my plate, she's a good cook too! I think to myself, starting to question why a woman like this hadn't been married off years ago. After we'd eaten Bosco put our plates into the kitchen before she squeezed herself under my arm without disturbing either of the cats, "say cheese" she said as she took a family picture of the four of us. "Do you think they'll like Fendi?" I asked Bosco, worried that they might not be dog liking cats. "Oh they are unbothered at everything, as long as Fendi doesnt maul them they'll love eachother." I smiled, Fendi was probably half the size of one of the cats so I was encouraged that our family dynamic would work just fine.  We didn't move from the couch for the rest of the night, the sun began to set and we watched it from Boscos bay window she had overlooking other apartment buildings, and spent our night watching crappy reality TV that was all so addicting. Eventually we decided it was bed time, I picked Bosco up and she curled herself in tightly to my chest, and carried her through to the bedroom where she stripped down into just a tshirt and a thong and climbed under the covers, I pulled off my shorts and top and got into bed aswell. Bosco started to trace over my tattoo like usual before she said "Daya do you grow a lot of hair, I know you shave a lot for drag but if you left it would it grow?" I laughed, "well I am bald, but yeah I get stubble after a couple days, and my chests bad for it too, why?". "I don't know" she replied, "maybe these couple of weeks you can not shave and we'll see what happens?", "oh you want to see me as a manly man" I tease while playfully tickling her. "Maybe" she replies laughing, before resting her head in the crook of my neck and kissing my cheek. "Goodnight Trenton" she whispers "I love you". I smile before replying "Goodnight Blair, I love you more".

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