Big problem

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Daya's POV:
I woke up and felt refreshed, it felt so good to be able to sleep in and not being woken up and shipped off to a long day of rehearsals. We had an evening flight to vegas tonight, with the van not picking us up until after 9pm tonight. My drag was already all packed up and being held by producers, all that was left was my boy clothes and my personal bits. Bosco was still asleep, she had a rough night I had felt her tossing and turning a lot and whimpering in pain. I hated that I hurt her, I was scared that we'd never be able to just have fun like that without her being in pain. I moved the covers over so I could slip out of bed to go to the bathroom when I noticed blood on the side of my leg, concerned I went to investigate and realised I was coming from Bosco. My heart sank, she had told me just days before how this happened when that other man forcibly had sex with her, did I hurt her just as much as he did? I know she Atleast wanted to do it with me but that wasn't the point. I slid out of bed to go and get something to clean her up with, coming back and waking her up gently. "You're bleeding baby, I'm just gonna get you cleaned up okay". Bosco whined, "fuck baby I'm so sorry" I said trying my best to not get upset as I cleaned off all of the blood from Bosco, and got her a pair of my boxers to wear so she was clean and dry. As I slid them onto her she put her arms out for me, she was clingy today and I didn't mind that one bit. I let her lie however she wanted on me and I turned on the TV for some background noise. Bosco nuzzled into my neck, pulling off my hoodie which she slept in, craving skin to skin contact with me for some comfort. As she settled and started to doze off again I pick up my phone to text Angie in private.
D-"This is a really personal question and it's okay if you don't answer"
A-"What's up? Your scaring me"
D-"well this isn't the question but have you and Camden, you know hooked up"
A-"yeah we have, twice I think. Where is this going Miss Betty?"
D-"is he sore after? Bosco can hardly walk and this time she's bleeding. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what it is. But I feel terrible."
A- "he was a little sensitive the first time but nothing too bad. Is it Boscos first time? She is skinny and if the rumours are true you're not exactly small. It'll just take her some time to adapt to you".
D-" yeah it is her first time, thanks Ange you've made me feel better".
I didn't want to go into detail about Boscos sex life but I needed to hear from someone else that I wasn't a monster, and I felt better knowing that it would just take some time for her to get used to me. Since we weren't flying out till tonight I figured if Bosco was up to it me and her could go out for lunch or something, a little date if you will. I ruffled her hair with my hand and she whimpered, "what's wrong Sco, you're breaking my heart here" I say softly, "I'm sorry baby, it just hurts here and here". She pointed to the obvious place and then her right hip, I pulled the covers back to see what she pointed at and I noticed a bruise on her back, exactly where my thumb had been pressing into her. "Fucking hell baby im so sorry" I feel overrun with guilt before Bosco stops me, "don't be too sorry, have you seen your back?". I get up out of bed and look at my back in the mirror, deep nail marks covered the top of my back and they're sensitive to the touch. "I have something that'll help those, I'm so sorry baby" Bosco said from the bed, before she slowly got up and limped towards her suitcase and retrieved a small tub of Sudocreme. And I go and sit on the bed beside her, she kisses the scratches before taking some of the cream and starting to rub it into my back. It was intimacy like this which I craved, I wanted her to touch my body all the time and to look after me when things aren't right. A knock at our door made me jump, "wait here baby" Bosco said pulling on my hoodie and opening the door to see Angie, "come in" I heard Bosco say. I was thinking she'd forgotten the fact I was only in boxers with cream covering claw marks on my back. I put my hands onto my lap awkwardly as Angie came in and looked me up and down, "wow Daya I'm glad you made such an effort for me" he laughs while I blush. Angie gets comfortable on our bed behind me whilst Bosco heads into the bathroom to use the toilet. "You're wondering why she's sore, what in the hell are you doing to her to have your back in such a mess!"Angie whispers, "I don't even know I just like you know do it the normal way I guess and shit just happens". Bosco comes out from the bathroom, rubbing my shoulders affectionately as she sits down slowly beside Angie. "How are you feeling?" Angie asks Bosco as I turn around to face them, putting a pillow on my lap to cover myself up better. "I'm okay, I take it Daya told you about this" as she looks down at the small blood stain on the bed, "yeah he told me a little" Angie said giving Bosco a comforting rub on her arm. "It feels so good it's just the after math I can't seem to handle" Bosco laughs, "it's this things fault" and she moves the pillow off of my lap leaving me in just my boxers again. "Yeah, I figured it would look like that" Angie laughed and Bosco smiled back, i felt embarrassed. I did not like my body at all, but the way Bosco was always ready to show it off did make me feel a bit better about it. "I best get back to my baby and my adopted baby" Angie said, getting up from the bed and heading towards the door. "Feel better baby, let me know if you need anything" he said giving Bosco a cuddle and leaving a kiss on her head, "bye Betty" I smiled back at him. As I left Bosco came back to bed, cuddling me from behind. "I hated that Sco" I said softly, "what do you mean what's wrong baby?" She said concerned. "Just anyone that's not you seeing me like this, especially with my back cut up it's just like you know, kinda intimate stuff". "Aww baby I'm so sorry I didn't even think, your body's just so perfect I didn't even consider that you wouldn't want people to see it". She kisses my cheek and cuddles me tightly, being careful to not push down on my back too hard. "No it's okay Sco, I'm being a baby about it. I just get so nervous about people seeing me in my underwear, like I know I've got a bit of a buldge and I'd rather that was just for you". "Youre so fucking cute" Bosco said grinning, "I love you so much" kissing all over my face before lying down on her back and pulling my head down into her chest. I cuddled up into her, putting a hand over her waist and letting my head sink into her. "If it makes you feel any better Angie told me she's surprised I've been able to even compete this season considering I've been hooking up with you for most of it". I smiled before shyly pulling the covers up and over my face.

Boscos POV:
I loved babying Daya more than anything, he felt so small when he was cuddled up against me. It was moments like this where all the pain my body was in seemed to just disappear and my restless night was forgotten. I stroked Daya's face and traced out the words "I love you" onto his back over and over again. "Do you wanna go on a date today Blair?" Daya mumbled from my chest, "I would love that Trenton" I laugh back kissing his forehead. I get up, earning a whine from Daya as he's left alone in bed. "I need to start getting ready" I laugh, tickling down his back. It was sunny outside, so I put on a simple black ribbed dress which sat perfectly between the tops of my legs and my knees. "Bra or no bra?" I call over to Daya. I definitely was at the point still I could go without, but it just made everything a little bit more visible. "Whatever you're more comfortable with Sco" he called back over from the bed. Ugh he melts my heart, I settle on going braless to hopefully give him a little bit of a treat and then I start putting on my makeup. I hear a thud and assume that's Daya finally gotten out of bed, and my thoughts are confirmed when he crawls into the bathroom to wash his face before getting his clothes on. He disappears off into the bedroom again only to be back a moment later, fully dressed and ready to go. My eyes flutter up and down him admiring him, he's wearing a black vest top with an off the shoulder overshirt, black cargo shorts and his high top black converse. "Wow" I say to him smiling. "As much as I love you with no clothes you, you're pretty damn hot with clothes too". We finally make it out of the hotel and start to wander around the streets trying to find a place to eat. I switch between holding onto Daya's arm or holding his hand, I love both and can't pick which one I'd rather be doing. We walk down a sidewalk where some construction workers are digging something up, one whistles as me which I ignore and simply cling to Daya tighter, before a second one shouts "damn lady where you going? Can I come with?" I look at the floor, praying we can just get down this street and away from them, then a third shouts "hey tell that f*got to leave you alone, come spend some time with a real man". Daya stops suddenly and my heart drops, he turns around and pulls me so I'm behind him, "what the fuck did you just call me". "Daya cmon leave it" I plead trying to pull him away worried about what could happen next, "you heard me" the man shouted back. Daya put his hand behind him for me to hold for comfort, "call me it again, I fucking dare you" as he steps closer to the guy. Daya looms over him and was very intimidating when he was angry. The man goes back to working without saying another word, Daya smirks feeling happy with himself before turning around, holding my hand tightly and walking away as quickly as we can. "I hate the people here, they're so rude" Daya laughs as we eventually both decide on a small coffee shop which sells pastries. We both eat and drink our stuff, and spend the full time laughing at random things. We talk about how funny it is that everyone keeps calling Daya gay and not clocking Me at all, as bad is it is to be heckled on the street, it is nice to be passing so easily. "You excited for the plane?" Daya asks, tilting his head like a puppy. "Yeah I am, I'm just hoping I can sit down for that long without bleeding out" I laugh, but Daya doesn't. "I am genuinely sorry Sco, I didn't realise it was going to be a long process to get you used to me, please don't let me go fast next time". "You're just a big baby" I tease, "Youve not done a thing wrong darling, I promise you". I see a smile creep up onto his face, before we both decide we best head back to the hotel to get our bags and get ready for the airport. As the sun begins to set there's a chill in the air, as I get up to leave the cafe I feel Daya put his shirt over my shoulders for me to wear home, "thank you baby" I smile at him, happily sliding my arms into the oversized shirt. We make it back to the hotel without any dramas thank goodness and have just enough time to grab our belongings, say goodbye to the hotel for now and head into the van. It was finally finale time!

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