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Dayas POV:
I wake up and feel groggy from drinking the night before, I look down and see the usual sight of Bosco asleep by my side, and Jorgeous fast asleep half on my lap. "Fucking hell" I thought to myself, I was that exhausted last night I must've just passed out. Suddenly I heard coughing coming from the bathroom, and I slowly sat up and moved Jorgeous and Bosco so I wouldn't disturb them. I headed towards the noise and realised it was Camden, he was on the ground with his head in the toilet. "Fucking hell Camden are you okay?" I said as I kneeled down beside him, and started rubbing his back. "I don't remember anything about last night, I feel like total shit" he sniffled. I had such a soft spot for Camden, he truly was just such a genuine soul. "Your okay" I said gently whilst stroking the curls out of his face, "I did have to carry you back over my shoulder from the bar mind you, and you aren't as light as you look!" I joke trying to lift his spirits. He turned to look at me whilst flushing away the sick in the toilet, "fuck, is Bosco mad at me?", "no, not at all. I was the only one who was able to carry you anyway, it was Angie who suggested it". I wet one of the small hand towels and wiped off his face. "Thank you Daya" he said softly, giving me a cuddle whilst still sat on the bathroom floor. "It's okay Lady" I reply, cuddling him back. "Cmon then, I'm gonna grab Sco and head back to my room anyway if you want to get Angie and do the same?", "sco?" He replied, "you really like her don't you, you big softy", "maybe" I say shyly, "we are going on a date today anyway". Camden smiled and got up, reaching out his hand to help me up.
I walk over to Bosco, and slip one hand behind her knees and the other under her back, picking her up with ease without waking her up. "I'll see you guys later" I whisper as I leave Jorgies room and head back along the hall to my own. As I pulled out my room key, I saw the time flash up on my phone "6:23am", "fucking hell" I thought "bed time for sure". I got into the room, pulled back the covers and set Bosco down in bed, she stirred slightly. I pulled off my clothes from the night before just keeping on my boxers, I found my tshirt from the day before and a clean pair of boxers for Bosco. I gently kissed her head causing her to lightly stir, "cmon baby let me get you changed", "too tiredddd" she protested, "just sit up for one minute and I'll do it" I reply whilst gently pulling her so she was sat up. I pulled her dress up over her head, put my tshirt on her before unclipping her bra from underneath it, and sliding down her pants to replace them with a pair of mine. Once she was changed I laid her back down and crawled into bed next to her, she instinctively turned around and began to bury her head into the middle of my chest, throwing an arm over my waist. I set an alarm on my phone for 11am, before setting it down, pulling Bosco closer to me and falling back asleep.

Boscos POV:
Dayas alarm woke me up, it was the loudest thing I'd ever heard. I shake him, somehow he is sleeping right through it. Eventually he wakes up and turns it off. "I can hardly remember last night" I announce as I roll Daya onto his back so I can sit up on his lap. "I swear we slept in Jorgeous' room?", "we did" he said "I had to carry you back here at half 6 this morning". "Why were you up at 6:30 silly?" I asked as I leaned down and lay on his chest facing him. "Camden had me up, he was being sick all morning bless him. He couldn't remember a thing from last night." I certainly could remember, I remembered the way Daya carried Camden home, i remembered the way Jorgeous cuddled into him. I must've zoned out because I was brought back to consciousness by Daya asking "what's up sco? You seem annoyed about something" how could I tell him that nothing was actually wrong, I was just extremely jealous of anyone or anything touching him. Before I could even think what to say he beat me to it, "is it about Jorgeous?" He asked, with a puzzled look on his face. "If it is Sco I'm really sorry, I passed out as soon as we got to her room last night, I don't even remember you cuddling in beside me, next thing I know I wake up to Camden being sick, you in your usual spot and Jorgeous asleep on me". The panic in his face made me feel terrible, "no baby, it's not your fault at all. He was drunk too and just wanted someone to cuddle, and you've got the biggest body out of us all. I just felt I don't know a bit jealous, I don't want to share you", "Blair you'll never have to share me, I love you and only you". He planted a soft kiss on my lips and took my hair out of its usual bun and started to run his fingers through it. "So what time do you wanna go today?" He asked, "how about 3? I want to have a chill morning with more cuddles" I say and I plop myself back down at his side in my usual spot. "3 it is" Daya says as he pulls me in closer to him, "I can't wait".

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