Tiny couch

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Boscos POV:
Finale night was finally here, it was so strange now being recognised on the street, having people chant my name, ask for pictures or autographs. It was amazing, but it also sucked, I missed being able to walk arm in arm with Daya in the streets, or just being able to quickly go and do something. The season airing had been a surreal experience, the influx of fans was crazy, but so was the influx of hate. People saying I was a bully, people hating that I was trans, people reading my package to filth. It hasn't been easy, I'd spent many nights crying alone whilst scrolling through the comments on my posts, but my level of hate was nothing compared to what Daya was getting. He'd had people post his address, threaten to hurt him, telling him to off himself. It had been awful, I'd seen him cry before, but not often. Now every other night he was calling me in hysterics, and it was killing me inside. However he also had a lot of fans, and they did stick up for him on every single post which had definitely been helping. Something the two of us also enjoyed doing was typing in our names onto TikTok and watching the edits people had made of us, they made me look hot as hell and I lived for it. I triple checked that my look for tonight was in my bag, along with everything I needed for vegas, I petted the cats and left a note for Irene on my fridge for their feeding schedule before heading out the door and making my way to the airport. Luckily i managed to make it all the way to the gate before even being recognised, and a couple of photos later id made it onto the plane unscathed. "Thats me taking off now, I'll see you soon baby" I text Daya, I knew he was already in the air but atleast he'd see it once he'd landed. Once the plane took off I tried to get some rest, knowing tonight would be a late one with the rest of the top 5 since the new queen would officially be crowned. I took a deep breath and relaxed my body, eventually managing to get some shut eye only waking up when the plane hit some turbulence on our descent into vegas. It was strange not feeling Daya's hand shoot into mine whenever the plane bumped, I had missed him so much. The plane landed, and I managed to get through immigration and get my suitcase, I headed to the Uber rank when a familiar voice made me freeze in my tracks. "BOSCO!!" I heard from across the arrival hall, it was Camden, Daya, Angie and Willow all running towards me. Camden got to me first, hugging me so tightly he almost knocked me to the ground. "Guys what are you doing here!" I say beaming with smiles, "we've all been here for a few hours and had nothing better to do so we figured we'd come get you" Willow said shyly, giving me a tight squeeze. Daya looked down at me smiling, "hi baby" he said softly, and I wrapped my arms around him tightly letting him lift me off of the floor and I let my lips crash against his. "Don't worry, I'll wait" Angie groans playfully, as Daya lets me down I give him a tight cuddle. "I missed you Ange" I say softly smiling up at him. "I missed your hooker ass self too" he smiled, "cmon then, the vans waiting" Camden said holding onto my hand and walking with me. Daya grabs my suitcase and bag and walks behind me as Willow grabs my other hand and walks swinging our arms playfully. We make our way out to the van and Daya puts my stuff into the trunk before climbing into the van beside me. I let my head fall onto his shoulder and my fingers intertwine with his, "I missed you so terribly" I whine, "I think you're going to need to move in with me after tonight" I say smiling, joking a little bit, but also serious. "Maybe we can get our own place, in a bigger city?" Daya says seriously. My heart skips a beat and I smile back at him, "I'd like that" I say softly. "Are you guys nervous?" Daya asked Camden and Willow who were deep in conversation, "a little" Camden said, "but it's not like anything I can do now will change it", "yeah I'm the same" Willow said softly. "That's a good attitude to have, anyway we will all be fucked up by the end of the night regardless who wins the crown" I smile at them both. We pull up outside the hotel, "you're sharing with me" Daya smiled as he collected my suitcase from the trunk and put his arm out for me to hold on to. Leading me to the elevator and upstairs to our room. "Do you guys want to get ready then come to me and Cams room for predrinks?" Angie asks the group and we all nod excitedly. Knowing I had no pressure tonight and I could just enjoy the moment was a relief, and I was so excited for it. I collapse onto the king bed in me and Daya's room, his stuff already laid out in the bathroom and closets, "I'm so glad your tidy" I said laughing as I admire how perfectly his toiletries are lined up on the unit. Before opening the mini fridge to make sure his insulin was there, "good job" I praise making him blush slightly. "Is this for tonight?" I ask admiring a long pink gown that's hung up over the bathroom door, "yeah it is, do you like it?" He asks nervously, "it's really different to my usual stuff...", "I love it, you're going to look like a woman tonight!" I tease him before letting myself fall into his lap. "Shit" I say then jumping back up from him and rushing to get my look for tonight from my suitcase so it wouldn't be crushed, hanging my black sparkly gown up on the coat hooks by the front door. "Wow Sco" Daya says whilst admiring my dress, "just a little something I magicked up" I laugh as I finally get to lay down beside him. "Production must love how horny this top 5 is, only having to book 3 hotels rooms" I laugh as I curl up beside him, sliding my hands up his shirt desperate to feel his smooth skin. We lay in silence for awhile, just enjoying the fact we were together again, the only noise being the occasional relaxed sigh when I'd trace shapes onto Daya's chest slowly, and he'd return the favour by brushing his fingers through my curls. The silence was eventually broken by Daya, "we better start getting ready baby" he said standing up, I already missed his warmth, but he was right we had a lot to go. I took the bathroom mirror, whilst he took the vanity mirror on the desk in the room, this way we each had enough space to get ready.

Daya's POV:
Bosco took my breath away, she looked absolutely beautiful. "You look incredible Bosco" I said softly, admiring her from head to toe. She held out her hand for me to squeeze, worried we'd mess up eachothers faces if we did anything more, "cmon then baby, let's do this" I say as I pick up a pack of straws from my bag, and Bosco grabs the bag full of Vodka and we head to Angies room to start drinking. "You guys look incredible!" Camden said as he swung open the door, he was showing a lot more skin than usual in his look but he looked amazing, everyone did actually. We made ourselves as comfy as we could be In floor length gowns and started to drink whilst Willow was incharge of music. She put on Catwalk, making us all laugh as we sang our own verses along with the song. I could tell her and Cam were nervous, being completely in the moment one minute before, becoming reserved again the next. Whereas me Bosco and Angie were tipping back drinks like no one's business, partly to get rid of the disappointment we all ultimately felt, but also partly because we just wanted to have a good time tonight. We stayed in their room for around an hour, tipping back as many drinks as it was possible too, laughing about the season and the fan reactions, and just in general being excited to see how our performances were going to look watching them back on TV. "I can't remeber anything about my routine" Bosco laughed loudly, the alcohol clearly having an affect on her already, "the whole thing was such a blur when I did it". I felt the same way, when I had done my number I felt like I wasn't even in my own body, it was over so quickly and seemed to just be a blur of lights and dancers around me. After a few more drinks we finally head downstairs to the lobby where the van is waiting on us to take us to the studio where we were going to be watching the finale. The buzz alcohol and excitement in the van is electric, with Bosco and Angie leaning on eachother to both stay upright, I laugh watching them wobble their way into the studio once we arrive, "you've got to be kidding me" I laugh staring at the set. The couches looked like kids furniture and were about half a foot off of the ground. "There's no way your big ass is fitting that's for sure" Angie laughs punching me in the side. I looked like a Great Dane trying to fit in a small dog bed as I collapsed down onto the couch and my legs basically took over the entire set. "Daya what the fuck" everyone laughed as I shuffled around, basically ending up kneeling down on the ground in the end. I was glad I'd had more than a few drinks because this was probably the most uncomfortable I'd ever been in my life, Bosco sat with her back facing towards me so whatever part of my body was actually on the couch she could lean back against. I threw my arm along the back of the couch, partially to steady myself but more-so so I could have my arm around Bosco. She laid her hand onto her Lap, leaving a perfect loop in her arm which I was grabbing onto at every opportunity. The vibes were immaculate as we watched the finale unfold infront of us, there were tears of laughter, of sadness and a whole lot of hooting and hollering as everyone's individual performances played out. Boscos was incredible, I felt beyond proud of her. "You didn't tell me you looked that sexy in your number" I tease into her ear, clutching her arm in my hand. "I was going to say the same to you dragonfly" she teased back, leaning herself back so her back was touching my shoulder softly. Angie was drunk, hyping every one up like she was someone's auntie. It was hard with the cameras being there, I desperately wanted to cuddle Bosco, but holding onto her arm would have to do. Eventually it was down to the finale lipsync. My eyes darted between the screen, Camden and Willow, I felt so nervous for them. Camden had told me before that he felt as if during his crowning only half of the confetti cannons had went off, whereas when willow filmed hers they all went off. I had tried to reassure him that I'm sure it was nothing, but judging by his face in this moment I think he knows it's not going to be his time. The finale lipsync was incredible, it was amazing to watch and when the song ended Camden and Willow kissed on stage. It was nothing more than a friendly kiss, but it made me long to be able to kiss Bosco infront of the cameras. We waited nervously for the winner to be announced, and it was Willow. We all cheered and huddled around her, my arm staying completely interlinked with Boscos, my legs numb from me being twisted up on these tiny couches. It was a euphoric moment, all of the filming and waiting and stress and it was over just like that. I had a girlfriend and friends for life.

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