Viva bad vegas

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Talk of SA❌
Boscos POV:
The night seemed to be a blur of flashing lights, loud music and celebrations. I could hardly walk 2 steps without someone congratulating me on my finale performance. I clung to Daya, knowing we were now free for filming and from episodes airing I finally didn't have to care anymore about touching him in public. Willow, who was still holding her sceptre was pretty fucked up. Almost everywhere we went a bunch of randomers were buying all of her drinks for her, Camden was pretty lit too but no where near as bad as I'd seen him before. Me and Daya managed to finally get sat down at a booth, whilst the other three waited at the bar for their drinks and Daya was clingy. He sat next to me rather than across from me, had his leg firmly pressed up against mine and he was clinging onto my arm like it was the most precious thing in the world. I smirk at him, "what's wrong you big baby?" I ask softly, he blushes lightly "I don't know, I just want to be near you". His words make me melt, I loved when he was soft like this. I stroked my hand down his face as the other three finally made their way over to the table, we spoke for hours about the finale, about vegas and about what we were going to do next. Camden spoke first, "I used to be apart of a ballet school here in Vegas so it's not my first time here", "that's so cool, what was it like doing ballet here?" A drunken Willow asked him. Camden's face fell slightly, not a lot but enough for me to notice and I certainly noticed the way he started to fidget with his hands and look down at the floor. "Cam? Everything okay?" I say softly across the table trying to avert his focus back onto us, "y-yeah yeah, umm it was okay I left after not long though one of the guys made it quite weird for me I guess" he stuttered back. His answer gave me a bad feeling inside, I'd never seen Camden act out in this type of way before, and from what he'd said I could only assume the words. I felt Daya's arm go around me as he sipped his drink with his free hand, and he pulled me in closer to him. Angie did the same with Camden, looking just as sad as he did so I assumed he must know whatever Camden was talking about, and Willow was in her own world, far too drunk and happy to care that everyone around her was loved up. As I drank and laughed with the others, my eyes kept flicking back to Camden, as much as I could see him trying to laugh and join in something didn't feel right at all. "Cmon Cam let's go get a drink" I say smiling, rubbing my hand on his shoulders as I pass and holding out my hand for him to hold as we made out way through the crowds up to the bar. It was hard to even stay on your feet with the amount of pushing back and forth that was happening, and I felt Camden grab onto my waist instinctively to stop me from getting shoved so much, "S-sorry I didn't mean...", "cam it's alright, you're the only reason I'm not fighting for my life on the floor right now" I smiled cutting him off, he smiled back at me before a booming voice cut us both off. "Rex!" Was heard from across the bar, it was weird to hear Camden's boy name, so I assumed it would be one of his friends from somewhere coming to see him after the finale, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Before long a tall and athletically built man was standing infront of us, "damn Rex did you finally give up on boys and get yourself a girlfriend?" The man spat, cruelly eyeing up Camden's hand which was still on my side. "N-no this is my friend" Camden stuttered shakily, using the hand he had on me to pull me behind him in an attempt to make distance between me and this guy. The man laughed reaching out an arm to ruffle Camden's hair, almost spilling his drink as he did it, but Camden stepped back to avoid it, his back now being pressed against me. "Aww Rex don't be like that, you used to let me do a lot more to you than a little hair brush." The air was tense, I could feel Camden's breathing quicken against me, and I found it unreal how busy this bar was yet no one had an idea of the situation we were currently in. Camden didn't reply to him doing his best to slowly walk away, "what's your girlfriend's name Rex?" the man snarled again, "Bosco" Camden replied quietly, so quiet I'm surprised he was even heard. "Well Bosco do you want to know a secret about Rexy over here", I avoid this man's gaze, praying that Daya would be getting worried about what was taking so long and would appear soon to save us. "We used to dance together, then Rexy here developed a little crush on me. Before too long he was coming over to my place every night to practice, we'd have the occasional cuddle, nothing more." I hated where this was going, and me and Camden had now switched roles, he was behind me shaking and whimpering as I was almost toe to toe with this guy. "Then he lead me on, he got changed right infront of me in my room, so I took my chance as any guy would, and he ruined my full bed, couldn't get the blood out for weeks". My heart fell almost entirely out of my body, the grip I had on Camden tightening, "you are fucking disgusting, rot in hell" I say as strongly as I can, "oh really?" He snarls getting right into my face, before I watch as he is shoved backwards. "Get the fuck away from them" Dayas farmiliar voice shouts, as he grabs onto me and Camden and uses his body to shield us from this man. The guy smirks before disappearing off into the crowd, "you guys alright?" Daya said concered as he lead us back to the table, "it's okay Cam" I whisper, holding onto his hand, "I won't tell anybody, it's not my secret to tell". This man had explained Atleast why Camden was so distant when talking about his ballet journey in Vegas. I felt so sad for him, my protective nature made me just want to give him a cuddle and tell him it was going to be okay but I couldn't, not in a bar bustling with fans.   I watched as Angie cuddled Camden before speaking, "yall okay to head out soon?" I nodded which lead Daya and Willow to do the same. We all got up and head towards the exit of the bar, Camden sticking close by Daya for protection. Angie ends up walking beside me, and Willow is Inbetween us all. "Thank you, for you know, helping him" he says trying his best to flash me a smile. "It's okay Ange, I know what he's going through, I can't imagine how traumatic it would be to see that person again." I said holding onto Angies hand as we walked out into the cool breeze of the night. "He only told me a couple of weeks ago, and that was because we were about to do it and he kinda freaked out on me a little bit. I had to go real slow for him". I smiled, knowing Angie was taking good care of my friend. "We were the same" I say with a faint smile, "Daya had to go so slow the first time I was so nervous, but it does get better and easier I promise" I say reassuringly, as I can finally make out the building which is our hotel in the distance. "We were going to try again later, but I never brought any protection" Angie muttered, "we have some I can bring it to your room" I said with a smile, "if there his I'm not sure they're going to fit..." he said whilst looking up at Daya who now was walking with Willow on his back and Camden holding his hand. "It's okay, I brought some for me too" I smiled squeezing his hand, Angie smiled "thanks Bosco" he said softly before telling me his room number. As we enter the hotel lobby Daya gives Camdens hand to Angie and then puts Willow down onto Angies back since her room was closer to theirs than ours was. Daya reaches out for my hand, before walking me into the elevator alone. "Cams pretty shook up" he whines, "could hardly get two words out of him the full walk home". "You're sweet" I mutter, stroking my thumb down his face making him smile. He rests his head ontop on mine, as we make our way out of the elevator and back to the room, I watch as Daya strips off into his boxers for sleeping and it makes my heart hurt for Camden, not being able to imagine anyone seeing someone like that and pouncing on them. I start looking through our drawers and bags in search of the stuff I'd promised Angie, "what you looking for Sco?" A confused Daya said from the bed. "Angie and Cam were wanting to, you know do it. But they never brought anything so I said I could give them some of mine." Daya looked puzzled before the penny dropped "aww here" he said going into a small pocket on his suitcase and handing me a brand new box of the ones in my size. "You got these for me?" I said puzzled but my heart also melting at the same time. "Y-yeah" he stuttered, "just to have incase". I placed a soft kiss onto his lips before I opened the box and grabbed 2 out of it. "I'll be right back" I say softly as I head out of our room to go drop them off to Angie.

Daya's POV:
I waited in bed for Bosco to get back, already missing her even though it had only been minutes since she was last here. I craved the feeling of my skin on hers, needing that closeness. I nuzzled one of the pillows and pulled the covers up tightly to my chest, needing to feel some pressure there. I hear the door open and close again, and Boscos familiar figure can be seen in the dark. "What you doing cutie?" She says, staring at me. "I just want to cuddle" I whine tapping the open space on the bed beside me. She rolls her eyes playfully before pulling off her outfit from the night and pulling on one of my white vest tops from the floor and a pair of boxers before settling down beside me in bed. I whine, pulling on her top, desperate to feel her skin against mine. "What's wrong baby" Bosco says softly, stroking my face. "I want that off" I whine quietly, letting my head rest down on her shoulder. "You're such a baby, you know that" she laughed, pulling off her top and lying back down, putting her arm around me and pulling me up onto her chest. "I wish everyone could see how much of a big baby you actually are behind close doors" she teased, stroking down my back sending shivers through my body. "I am not" I protest, causing Bosco to stop tickling my back. "Hey!" I whine craving her touch, "point proven" she smirks. I sign and roll my eyes, watching as Bosco turns on the tiny hotel TV and starts to flick through the channel's, "yes!" She cheers making me open my eyes and look at the TV, almost jumping out of my skin when I see 'Jaws' playing on the screen. I hide my face into Boscos chest "this traumatised me as a kid" my voice muffled from my face being so deeply pressed against Bosco. "I couldn't go in a bath or swimming for weeks!". Boscos laugh filled the room, "you are so gross" she laughed, "hey I still went in showers!" I protest back laughing, only being cut off by Bosco placing a soft kiss onto my lips. I kiss her back softly, "you're so perfect Trenton" she whispered when our faces are nose to nose, "I'm so inlove with you" her voice shaking as she speaks. She wraps both of her arms tightly around my neck and squeezes me tightly. "I'm so inlove with you Blair" I whisper back. We smile at one another, like a couple of kids on the playground. My mind suddenly flashed back to tonight, how protective Bosco had been with Camden, I'd seen her in a new light, and it just made her all the more perfect to me. "What happened tonight Sco, with that guy?" I asked gently, pawing at her chest. Bosco went quiet for a moment, pondering what to say, before settling me back down onto her. "He was just a bad guy, remember Camden going quiet about him doing ballet in Vegas?", I nodded gently, looking up at her. "Well he used to dance with that guy, Cam had a crush on him and used to go over to his place. The guy took advantage of Cam one day when he was getting changed, and really hurt him. He came over and was taunting him about bleeding onto his bed sheets, it was horrible." Boscos voice cracked as she told the story. My heart breaking for my friend, "you got there just intime, like always" Bosco said softly, stroking her fingers down my neck. "My boy" she whispered, turning off the lamp beside the bed, leaving just the glow from the TV lighting up the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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