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Boscos POV:
This was hard. The rehearsal hours were long and my body was exhausted, we had all been getting woken up at 6am put in the vans and taken to a large building with several different dance studios within it, behind assigned one each so we could rehearse for the finale. My routine didn't have a lot of moment, it was more visual with my main gag being a reveal. But even with the moment being minimal, the sheer repetitiveness of having to run it over and over again was getting to me. By this point it was Wednesday, we were only halfway through the week. If we weren't rehearsing our own routines, we were practicing our walks for our entrances, or being assigned our marks where to stand. We also had the big finale lipsync song to learn, if we were going to be one of the top two. It was alot and I was struggling, the long hours meant this was the most time I'd spend without Daya since I'd met him and when I would see him at night we were both exhausted. But the girl I was most worried for was Camden, I knew her routine would be some sort of dancing as she so good at it, and judging off how mentally and physical exhausted he was I was assuming it was a lot of dancing. "How is everyone?" I put into our top 5 groupchat whilst on a water break, "I'm having to have a break, my body can't take a lot more today" Willow replied, "me too, the last 3 run through I've cried the full time" Camden said. I felt awful knowing exactly how everyone was feeling, I just really wanted to see Daya and be held by him. My dancers were cute, but none of them compared to him. The rest of the girls in the Cast had been flown to Vegas the day before, so they had some free time before shooting for the finale, whilst the 5 of us were still in New York I assumed because it would be easier to find studio space here. We were due to fly on Friday morning, then film on Saturday evening. I was enjoying every minute of the experience, but at this point I couldn't wait for filming to be over. "Thats you done for today Bosco, go rest up, you guys have a full day of rehearsal tomorrow" I looked up from my phone to see my choreographer infront of me. "Thank you" I say smiling, hoping that meant all of the girls were going to be done for the day. I checked the time, it was just after 1pm. I felt like I had all of the time in the world and I was even more thrilled when I walked down to the studio exit and saw Angie. "Angie!" I called out and rushed to give him a hug, the dark circles under his eyes telling me all I needed to know about how he was feeling. We spoke quietly, becoming growingly concerned about the other three who were no where to be seen, before too long we saw a figure moving down the hallway, it was Daya and he had Camden on one hip and Willow on the other, carrying them both like they weighed nothing. "Sorry I took so long guys" a breathy Daya said as he finally made it to me and Angie, "these two are done in, they cut rehearsals today because they were so worried about them" the concern on Dayas face and the way he was protective even over his friends made me just want to kiss him. Angie rushed over to see Camden who was still in Daya's arms, reaching His hand up to ruffle Camden's hair, "you're okay honey" Angie comforted him softly before the van eventually pulled up outside, "I'll get them in the van" Daya said as he looked towards me, I could tell he was feeling guilty about not showering me with attention as soon as he saw me but his hands were quite literally full. We all walked out to the vans together, I stuck close behind Daya incase he needed help as he managed to get both Willow and Camden into a seat on the van. "Thank you Daya" Willow said softly using all the energy she had left to smile up at him, and Angie thanked him on Camden's behalf as he flopped down onto Angies shoulder. I finally sit down beside Daya and lean myself into him, "you are so fucking cute did you know that?" I ask him rubbing my hand up and down his biceps which are bulging out like he's just done a workout. He smiled and rested his head on top of mine, "Lady was in the studio beside me, I couldn't make out her song but I could hear the beat of it. He must've ran it 50 times. I ran into him in the hall leaning against the wall trying to stay standing up, then about 3 steps away Willow was sitting on the ground, I couldn't have left them.", I felt my heart flutter in my chest, "you're a good guy Trenton, a really good guy". I feel him relax when I say that and he intertwines his fingers with mine. The van ride from the dance studio back to the hotel was a lot longer than the trip from the set to the hotel was. So we actually had enough time to unwind a bit before arriving. "How did your rehearsals go?" Daya asked me softly, "it went good, I feel like I will be doing my routine in my sleep I've went over it that many times" I laugh, "what about yours?", "I'm the same i really like my number but not when having to do it 300 times every day!" I laughed as I let my head fall into his lap and pull my legs up to the seat beside me. I feel for his pump with my hands before flopping down completely, as I didn't want to lean on it incase I hurt him. Before I managed to find a comfy spot to settle down on him, and suddenly the stress of the day seems to fade away.

Daya's POV:
All five of us must've fallen asleep on the van ride home, only being woken up by the driver as we pulled into the hotel. A tired Bosco rose up from my lap, rubbing her eyes as she did, everyone seemed to feel better after a sleep except for Camden. As we were getting out of the van Angie looked at me for help with Camden. "It's okay I've got him" I said with a smile as wrapped my hands around his waist and picked him up so he was on my side, he wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. Willow held onto Angies arm and they walked in together, "do you want carried sco?" I turn to her, "I'll go on your back" she smiled as she climbed up me putting one of her arms over Camden in an attempt to comfort him, ruffling his curls as she did. "Cmon then you two" I said as I started walking in behind Angie and Willow. Even though I was tired, I managed to make it into the elevator with both of them cuddled into me. I followed Angie down the hall to the room her and Camden were now sharing to get him tucked up into bed, Bosco still clinging onto my  back using all of her strength to keep herself there. "I say we all have a sleep and then maybe do something later with All five of us?" I suggest as Angie gets both Camden and Willow cuddled into him. "That sounds great, I'll message yall when we wake up and we can figure something out". I smile before turning around to head out the door back to Boscos room. "It's so sexy how strong you are, but I like it better when it's just Me" she said as we walked down the hallway towards our room. "Dont tell me you're getting jealous back there Miss Blair" I tease as I open the door and get us both inside, "no im not jealous he was just cuddled into my spot" she protested, "is there anywhere on my body that isn't you're spot?" I ask as I reach my hands back to spin her from my back onto my front, sitting down on the bed so she now was in my lap facing me. "I just like all of it" she said looking down at her hands,  getting shy. Before reaching up to touch my collarbones, tracing along them before rubbing my shoulders. I close my eyes at the touch, she always knows how to relax me, I lie back with her still on top of me. "Any suggestions for what we do later sco?" I ask putting my hands behind my head to help prop it up. She immediately gets distracted by my arms and reaches out to touch along them my squeezing my bicep before smiling at me. "Im sorry I have no idea what you said" she laughed, "what are you like" I laugh before repeating myself. "I say we actually go do something, not just food or the pool for once. Like what about bowling again so I can beat your ass infront of everybody". "That would never happen again" I smirk, "then remember what happened when we got home" she smirked back and my face grew red. How could I ever forget that night, the way it felt to be cared for after, the way Bosco felt inside of me. As strange as it felt for it to be that way around, it was something i secretly hoped would happen again. I was brought out of my thoughts my Bosco flicking my nipple through my top, "ouch!" I say laughing "what was that for!". "I just like to annoy you, it's my job" Bosco laughed as she jumped up off of me before I could get her back, I jump up off the bed too, managing to corner her in the bathroom grabbing her waist and pulling her into me tickling her as I did, "Daya please" she pleads, hardly able to speak to laughing as I get her up over my shoulder so she can't escape. I take her back through to the bed and throw her down before continuing to tickle her and eventually flicking her back. "Hey that's not funny that really hurt!" She whimpers as she holds onto herself. "Sco I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." before I can even finish an evil smile has spread on her face and she lifts up her foot and kicks me in the crotch as hard as she can. "You little..." I hunch over in pain, "aww sorry baby my foot slipped" she laughs as she rubs my back, "let's call a truce". I nod my head, trying to take deep breaths. "There's any chance of us having kids ruined" I whine still hunched over, "aww you big baby, I'm sure you'll survive" she says still rubbing my lower back. I give her the side eye before standing up straight, "right nap time" and before I've even finished Boscos already in bed under the covers waiting for me she's made a pile beside the bed of the top and pants she was wearing, so I do the same pulling off my tshirt and shorts before climbing in beside her.

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