Crushes 2.0

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Boscos POV:
We walked hand In hand down to the lobby to meet all of the other girls. "Stop you guys my heart cant take it!" Jasmine called out as she ran across to greet us, "aww mom and dad are here" Kerri said as she gave me a cuddle. I loved both Kerri and Jasmine dearly, we had really gotten close throughout filming, and they both just understood me. They knew what it felt like to not feel right in your body and what it's like to go through hormones and all of that fun stuff. Daya smiled down at me giving my hand a squeeze before letting go and heading off to see Maddy and Deja. It was so funny seeing him with other guys, Maddy in particular and how Daya towered over him both in height and just physicality. "Aww Bosco you are head over heels" Willow teased appearing out from behind Jasmine, "are you guys official yet?". I think for a moment before nodding, I didn't mind the girls knowing, if anything I wanted them to know. "Stop!!!" All three of them shouted "how!! When!!". The commotion caught the attention of the rest of the girls who all looked over at us confused, I felt myself blushing. I had never had this before, I'd never even had a boyfriend before. We all headed out the hotel and started to walk towards the resturant, I had Kerri and Jasmine either side of me and we all linked arms. "So basically we spent a week at my apartment in Montana, then we went to his for a week in Missouri. When we got to his place he had gotten his friend to get his dog a new tag which said be my girlfriend on it." I explained smiling. Both girls beamed smiles at me "Daya you big ass softy over there" Kerri teased as Daya turned around to look at us, I winked at him and he winked back before continuing to walk with Maddy and Camden. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on Maddy" Kerri whispered to us with a smile, I can hardly contain my laughter "I'll get Daya to set you guys up!" I tease as she punches me in the arm softly. I loved times like this, we were like a huge dysfunctional, queer family and it was so nice to be surrounded by other people who just understood me. We arrived at the restaurant, a cute typical all American diner with greasy feeling menus and a jukebox in the corner. I sat across from Daya and placed my feet on top of his, he smiled as I did it. We all placed our orders and started to talk amongst ourselves before Kornbread from the top of the table shouts down to us all "I wanna know who yalls cast crushes were" she said grinning from ear to ear. Kerri went first "from my premier I had a big fat crush on Alyssa, but when we all met I definitely wanted a lil piece of Maddy" we all laughed, Jorgeous and Orion both said eachother which was pretty self explanatory, Camden and Angie had been obsessed with eachother since their premier so that was another obvious one. June and Alyssa both went next, saying they both wanted a piece of Daya when they first saw him out of drag, I couldn't blame them he was the trade of the season. Jasmine went next "I had a crush on Bosco but I thought going from a gay man to a lesbian girl was maybe a bit too dramatic of a change". I felt flattered, and just as I was about to say thank you our dinner arrived and was placed down infront of us. We all go back to our smaller group conversations while we eat, every so often my eyes locking with Daya's. "God he's so hot" I think to myself as I watch him talk and laugh with Maddy. We all finish up eating, and pay before getting up and heading out of the restaurant, "do you guys wanna hang out in my room when we get back?" Willow says as we head back onto the street. Our call time to be in drag for the reunion was 12pm so we decided to just have a relaxed night with no drinking. "Everyone go get changed  into your jammies and we will have a big movie night!" Willow said excitedly as we got back to the hotel lobby, "my jammies are my boxers so I think I'll just wear something comfy" Daya said laughing, "oh no boxers are fine we don't mind" Kornbread said laughing as she playfully nudged my arm. I gave her a smirk before jumping up onto Daya's back, "cmon then let's go get changed" he said as we headed towards the elevators. "Be at my room in like 30 minutes" Willow said as we headed out onto our floor and all went our seperate ways. Daya walked to my door with me still on his back, opening it up and walking over towards the bed, dropping me down onto it so I landed on my back.

Daya's POV:
The way Boscos eyes glistened when she laughed was so intoxicating to me. I threw her down onto the bed and she looked up at me lovingly before putting her arms around my neck and pulling me down into a kiss, I felt so addicted to her. I went down onto my knees, and flipped Bosco onto her stomach. "Baby we don't have long" she whined as I pulled her skirt up and her underwear down to her knees, without talking I put my hands onto her ass giving it a gentle squeeze before spreading it and licking her up and down, before pressing my tongue inside of her. Bosco let out a huge moan and gripped tightly to the sheets which only made me need her more, with one hand I frantically tried to undo my jeans whilst keeping my tounge pressed inside of her. I start stroking myself as I pull my mouth away from her, spitting down onto my fingers before slipping one inside of her. I moan as I pump myself with my other hand, whilst watching Bosco cling to the sheets and writhe underneath my touch, "I'm close baby" I moan whilst trying to keep my eyes from rolling back. I feel her tense up around my fingers and watch as she finishes onto the bed, before long I finish onto her ass, watching as it runs down to her entrance. "Are you okay baby" I pant as I try to catch my breath, "I couldn't be better" she smiles breathing heavily back at me. I go to the bathroom to get toilet roll to wipe up Boscos ass before wiping off myself. We both strip  off and get changed into our comfiest clothes, for Bosco that's one of my tops and a pair of loose shorts, and I opt for a baggy tshirt and a pair of grey shorts. As I pull my boxers back up I stuff a piece of toilet roll down them, hoping itll stop any wet stains from appearing through my clothes. Still mildly out of breath me and Bosco head down towards Willows room, where we are greeted by all of the other girls. "Why are you guys so red?" Camden asks laughing, "oh you know us we were just getting a quick workout in" Bosco speaks before I even get the chance, "disgusting" June Laughs before moving over on one of the beds to make space for me and Bosco to sit down. We all talk about how excited we are for the reunion and the finale, and how we all love our finale looks. As the night goes on girls start to drop off and head back to their rooms to bed, until it is only the top 5 that are left. "I don't want the season to be over, I have had the best time ever" Angie says, as she climbs over on the bed that the rest of us are on. Camden appears from behind me and puts his arms over my shoulders "I'm just so glad we still have press week, we will all be out every single night and I can't wait!" Bosco looks at me from the corner of her eyes giving them a slight roll, jealous of the fact someone else is touching me who isn't her. "Group hug time" Willow says as she crawls up between Boscos legs and cuddles her, I hold onto Camden's hand which is now against my chest and Angie cuddles up behind Bosco so she's next to Camden too. "I'm so happy we are the top 5" Bosco said softly, "god Bosco your turning soft" Angie teased from behind her, Camden and Angie then squeezed us all together before we all laid back on the bed. My head was resting on Camden's stomach with his legs over my shoulders resting on my chest, and Bosco was lying the same way on Angie with Willow curled up between her legs, I slid a hand over to rest it on Boscos thigh. "Well we would be a really cheap top 5 tour" I joke, "they'd only need one hotel room since we all fit on one bed" the rest of the girls laugh before we all eventually decide to call it a night. "Bosco do you mind switching men for a night, I was enjoying my Daya time there" Camden joked as we said goodnight to willow and headed back to our own rooms. "You can have him" Bosco laughed, "he snores and is a duvet hog", "I am not!" I say back pretending to be offended. "Cmon then bedtime" I say to Bosco as I pick her up like a child and have her resting on my hip, "goodnight ladies have fun, but not too much fun" we say as Camden and Angie vanish into the same room, "I wonder what they'll get up to?" Bosco laughs as she rests her head on my shoulder, "yeah, I wonder".

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