Devil fighter

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Boscos POV:
My mouth felt dry as I waited to the side of the runway waiting for my name to be called. Angie was walking down the runway and looked unreal, we both were wearing blue but hers was more grand, and mine was more horns and shape. Daya was after me so was waiting across the way from me, he looked amazing in his purple showgirl look. "You've got this" he mouths to me with a wink as I hear "BOSCO" be announced by Michelle. I couldn't Believe the roars I heard from the crowd as I walked down the main stage, everyone on their feet standing clapping and cheering for me. I focus all my attention on trying not to fall or trip as I was clumsy especially when I was stressed. I turned to walk back, the roars from the crowd still echoing in my ears, I finally made it back to the safety of backstage and turned to watch the monitor to see Daya walk out. The crowd roared for him which made me smile, he deserved this, Angie ran up behind me and squeezed me tight. "Did you hear the roar Bosco! I can't Believe it!" He was beaming from ear to ear. I heard the familiar klip klop of high heels and before I knew it Daya was running towards me, and Angie was fixated on the monitor watching Camden walk. "That was crazy!" Daya said beaming, then pulling me in for a gentle kiss. We wait backstage for Camden and Willow to appear before having a group cuddle. "Right let's go get ready and perform!" Willow says trying to hype us all up which works as we all take off for our dressing rooms. It was funny even though we wouldn't know who had actually won today, we wouldn't know untill the viewing party in a couple months time. We would however know if we at least had a chance or not judging by the top two. All of the performances tonight were in alphabetical order so it was Angie first followed by me then Daya, Camden with Willow going last. I was obsessed with my reveal look for this performance. It was a latex sort of material so it wasn't the most comfortable to wear, but I loved it. It was spooky and weird and everything that Bosco is but in outfit form, it was a body suit and thigh high heels so I kept the shoes off until it was my time to go on stage so i could atleast bend my knees until then. The idea was that I was to look sort of angelic at the start of my number before looking like a devil at the end. So my initial look was a large flowing white and gold gown, and I also had a headpiece with feathers on it which moved with a switch to give me some movement. I did my usual Bosco face, but put in some crazy looking white contacts, and some red dye into my mouth so it looked like there was blood in it, it also meant you could see my mouth better from stage. I decided on a long pin straight black wig and I was finally ready to hit the stage. We were told to wait in our dressing rooms until it was our turn to go, we all had monitors so we could watch eachother though. Angie did a high energy number based off of her track record, it was good, but I could tell Angie was in her head and not giving it what i know she can, "you ready Bosco?" A producer says as he appears at my door, "as ready as I'll ever be", I nervously laugh as I'm lead to the stage. My dancers in their costumes waiting for me with the large white feather props. I sing the song in my head over and over making sure I have the lyrics down, and I have one last run through with the dancers so they know where to be and when. I hear my video playing on the main stage, and know I'm only a couple of minutes away from going on. "God I hate the sound of my voice on video" I mumble as I am taken into the wings of the stage. "Give it up for Bosco" Ru says into the microphone as I hear the crowd erupt. My performance seemed to happen in a blur, I was glad it was recorded because i couldn't tell you a single thing that happened on stage. But it went well, I knew that and based on the crowds reaction, they loved it. As I was being taken back to my dressing room I heard Daya's voice start to play on the main stage and I knew he would be going on any minute. I wished I could see him to wish him luck, but I knew we'd be back together soon and he needed to focus. I rushed to get back to my dressing room so I could watch Daya on my monitor, I wondered if he had watched me, I hoped he had, I definitely looked hot. Daya's music starts, and it's a mix of pop and rock and I love it. His look is unbelievable and is a great nod to him eating that dragonfly on the season, the way the spines move was mesmerising and I couldn't Believe he had thought of this full concept himself. I beamed with pride when his routine finished, the idea of competition had gone from my head, I was just so proud of him.

Daya's POV:
The buzz from the crowd was insane, I could hardly catch my breath when I was talking to Ru. As I came off stage I felt so proud of what I'd done, and I knew whatever happened that I gave it my all, I just couldn't wait to see Bosco. Her performance was incredible and visually stunning, and her face was amazing. I was taken back to my dressing room to watch Camden and Willows performances. Both were amazing, I couldn't Belive the talent of this cast, everyone's routines had been so different and diverse and it was going to be a really difficult decision to name the top two. A producer came to usher me back to the main stage for Ru to make his decision, and I was put in line behind Bosco who without turning around shot her hand out the back of her to hang onto me. I put my hand into hers, squeezing it three times before whispering "I'm so proud of us Sco". Before she had a chance to reply we were taken out onto the stage, Angie and Bosco were on Ru's right whilst me, Camden and Willow were on his left. As disappointing as it was to not hear my name because for the top two, I reflected on how proud I was of myself for even getting to this point. After being sent home my first episode I never could've expected being here, and I never would've expected meeting someone like Bosco. Myself, Angie and Bosco are taken backstage to a small couch with a monitor so we can watch the top two lipsync, and then we had to head back onto the stage to film both crowning. " I'm going to celebrate a little bit harder for Camden's crowning just so he can't say I didn't celebrate for him." Angie laughed as we relaxed onto the couch, Bosco managing to sit herself on my knee and cuddling into me. "I'm so proud of all of us" I smile cuddling Bosco and Angie. "Season 14 really fucked it up!" Bosco laughed as she pressed herself harder and harder into me. We eagerly watch the top 2 lipsync, I can feel Angies nerves for Camden radiating off of him. I genuinely didn't mind who won, I think anyone in this top 5 could've won and it would've been deserved. They both killed the lipsync and it was time for us to head back out to the main stage for the crownings. I of course got put to the back being the tallest, but Bosco got put infront of me which was great, we could talk and laugh in between takes and I could check out her ass the whole time. After filming has wrapped, the full season 14 cast have a massive group hug. It's great to see the rest of the girls again and for us all to be in the same place for once. Press week was coming up very soon though so we were all going to be spending a lot more time together, and in a way I was happy I wasn't top two. I felt like I could now enjoy the show and events knowing I made the finale, but I didn't have the dread of knowing if I was going to win or not. Bosco felt the same, she was glued to my hip whilst we spoke to the other girls. "Can we please go get lit on the strip tonight" Jorgeous said, "to Camden and Willow!". We all looked at eachother smiling before nodding our heads in agreement. "Fuck yes let's go!" Alyssa chimed in putting Jorgeous into a headlock. I couldn't wait to go out and be able to fully let loose, and for me and Bosco to be able to relax. This was going to be a great night.

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