Pool party

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Boscos POV:
The day felt like a blur, I couldn't believe how lucky I had truly been. "That's what you get after not letting me have that damn part!" Camden laughed as we walked through the lobby of the hotel. "You're right, next time when you say you want something you'll be getting it!" It may sound cringe, but both me and Daya now had been told to go home, and both me and him were still here. It was almost as if fate was forcing us back together every single time. I felt myself be lifted off of the ground by Daya and thrown over his shoulder like a backpack. "Put me down you big bully" I shout as I grab onto his tshirt to steady myself. "Not a chance" he replies as Deja and Willow laugh. "Don't even think about it" Camden says to Angie as he eyes him up, "I couldn't lift you like that if my life depended on it" Angie laughed. "I was about to ask if you recall the night Daya had to carry your drunk ass home but I can already tell you wouldn't" Deja chimed in laughing. "Right guys that was mean" Camden said with a pouted lip. "Aren't brits allowed to drink at 18? You had a 3 year start over all of us and you still can't handle it" Jorgeous added as the elevator doors opened and we all headed our seperate ways to our rooms. Daya swung open my room door and ran in before dropping me down onto the bed with a thud, "I'm so happy you're still here!" He said excitedly shaking me by the shoulders, "right get off you big oaff" I laugh as I put my feet against his stomach and push him up off of me, "oh is that how we are doing it" Daya says with a raised brow, flopping down ontop of me, "DAYA! I can't breathe!" I laugh as I struggle to move his massive body off of me, "you're like a dead weight!" I shout as I managed to finally free my arms and push him off, before returning the favour and getting up on top of him this time. He reaches up and pushes my hair behind my ears, making my heart melt as I lay down onto him. I put my arms up his top onto his bare chest, "I'm not close enough" I whine as I try to fit my head up his top too, "right wait A minute" he says, sitting up slightly and pulling his top over his head. I bury my face happily into his chest, lightly tracing his collarbones with my fingertips as his breathing slowed and his eyes closed. "You really are a big baby for affection aren't you" I say softly, "when it's from you then yeah, maybe" he laughs without opening his eyes.

Dayas POV:
I had never been loved like this before, I had had both boyfriends and girlfriends in the past. But I was never the receiver of affection like this, I was always the one being made to give it. That's why my love for Bosco felt so effortless, she made it so easy to not only love her but to feel loved too. Her phone pinged in her pocket so she pulled it out to look at it, "how have I just discovered this hotel has a pool!? Meet us there in 10?" It was from Willow. "I hope you can swim" I laugh, willows just found out there's a pool here we're to go in 10. "I love swimming" I reply as my eyes ping open, "I'll be checking you every 10 minutes" Bosco said with a serious tone as she stood up, "yes mom" I joke as I stand up and say "what colour trunks should I wear I have pretty much the full rainbow at this point?", "do you have any Grey?" Bosco asks with a raised brow, "yes why?" I reply suspiciously. "Oh good, wear those! I love grey" she laughs.
As I head back to my room to get ready, I pull on my grey trunks and an open button up shirt just till we get to the pool. I unattached my pump from my stomach for safe keeping, but make sure to bring all of my essentials, sugary juice, insulin and a needle just incase but I had been pretty steady all day today. I meet Bosco outside her door and we head up to the top floor of the hotel where the pool is, luckily for us it was dead and our group of 7 were the only people here. I slide off my overshirt and jump into the pool, closely followed by Camden and Willow. Bosco laid down on one of the sun loungers in between Deja and Angie, with Jorgeous on the floor frantically trying to blow up her rubber ring. Me Camden and Willow started to challenge each other to a handstand competition, considering the water only came up to my waist I was at a slight disadvantage, so I spent my time shoving over Camden who was getting more and more annoyed with each turn.

Boscos POV:
"Miss Bosco" Angie said sweetly, "yes baby" I replied, "if you and Daya are as close as I think y'all are, I don't know how you are still walking". I played dumb and acted as if I had no idea what they were on about as I watched the three big kids in the pool try to drown each other, before they all climbed out to do a cannon ball competition. Dayas grey trunks clung to him as he got out of the water and I watched Dejas eyes widen, "Jesus" he said to himself quietly. "Daya you're out here making me feel self conscious and shit, my man's right there" Angie called over the pool laughing. Daya blushed and tried to unstick his shorts from his bulge before jumping into the water followed by the other two. I turn to look at them both "do you really think it's that big?" I question them both, "bitch do you have eyes?" Angie laughs. "I'm glad it's not just me who thinks so" I say as I wink at them both. "You dirty little vixen" Deja says whilst shaking my arm. "You two have definitely hooked up I know it" he insists. I wave them both to come in closer, "twice" I whispered as they both erupt "I KNEW IT" Angie shouts before realising and coming back in close to whisper to me "how was it bitch?", "look at him and tell me what you think" I say with a raised brow, "you lucky whore" Deja says sighing and falling back onto his sunlounger.  "I'm jealous" Jorgeous says from the floor, face red after finally managing to blow up his ring. "I ain't even had a cuddle since Orion left", "maybe one of you will get lucky and we will invite you over for a three way" I laugh, as I turn my attention back to a blissfully unaware Daya in the pool.

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