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Daya's POV:
My alarm woke me up, I still felt butterflies thinking about what happened last night once I realised it wasn't a dream. Even though Bosco wasn't physically here, I felt so close to her. It was strange getting into drag alone, I was so used to the hustle and noise of the werk room, the laughs as Camden wound up Angie, Dejas bellowing laugh echoing around the room and Jorgeous telling me stories about random stuff. I put on some music to help drown out the uncomfortable silence I was feeling, and I started to put on my face. Luckily my look for the zoom videos was a marble bust type of illusion look, so I only had to do my face since my neck and the rest of my body were covered. I was so excited to see Bosco on the call and be able to relive some of the best moments from the season since majority of mine were with her anyway, I couldn't wait to see what she was going to wear today but I knew it was going to be hot. That was my favourite thing about Boscos drag, she wasn't afraid to get slutty with it and show off her body because she looked unreal when she did it. I was finally ready and was starting to get my laptop set up in the right spot when my phone rang, I was surprised to see that it was Maddy calling. "Hey Daya!" A happy voice came through my speaker, "hey Maddy, you okay?", "yeah I'm good, I'm just asking if production and the world know about you and Bosco? Just so I know if I can make fun of you guys on this zoom or not." I found it sweet he was asking but he always had to ruin it by saying something mean at the end. "No they don't know so please done mention it, and what do you mean make fun of it you big meany", "aww damn okay, and nothing bad! Just how she turned my 6'5 gay bodyguard into a straight lil loverboy" Maddy teased, "anyway I need to go finish up getting ready, I'll speak to you soon! Love you Miss Betty!", "love you too Maddy!" I reply before hanging up, I laughed to myself before going back to getting my stuff set up, Bosco was on my mind. Once all of my stuff was finally prepared, I called Crystal to see if he could come over to watch Fendi, so she wouldn't be barking the entire way through these zoom videos. With him on the way, I did a last check of my blood sugar before settling down at my dining table. "You look fucking insane, in the best way" Crystal said and he barged into my apartment bending down to fuss over Fendi. "Nice to see you too" I huffed whilst giving him a smile, before he shuffled over to me and gave me a hug. "You look so good! I'm a proud mom!" Crystal said, tucking strands of hair back from my wig and helping me do my finishing touches. "Are you nervous?" He asked, "nah not really, no one knows about me and Sco so we aren't going to have that crygi moment you did" I laugh. "Hey crygi helped me get to the finale, don't mock it" he laughed, "no, this dumb ass hair got your ass to the finale" I said, reaching out and grabbing one of the curls from his mullet and pulling on it, watching as it sprung back up when I let go. "Maybe it did maybe it didn't" he laughed as he shook his mullet at me before heading off down the call to my bedroom to sit with Fendi. Finally it was time to get onto the zoom call, my face beaming as I watched all 13 of the other queens faces begin to pop up beside mine, and it suddenly was a rabble of us all greeting one another. My eyes scanned the screen for Bosco before I eventually found her, she looked incredible. Her blonde little poodle looking wig which I'd made fun of on the season too many times, and a black bra with several black straps filling in the space between the bra and her neck. She looked unreal, on my screen her face was positioned in the middle just under my laptop camera, which was just as well because I couldn't take my eyes off of her. My phone screen lit up beside my laptop, "you look fucking insane!" It was from Bosco, I smiled watching her face as she smiled back, "you are so hot, so glad it's just the top half of my body on camera" I text back giving her a grin, before she gets to respond again the host joins the call and we begin to film the videos. The first is us all being asked a serious of questions about the season, one of which being who the trade is. I watch Bosco as she waits to hear what everyone else is saying so she can just agree, but Deja gets in first "DAYA, I don't care what you all say Daya is my trade". I watch Bosco smirk and look down at the floor to avoid the camera, whilst everyone else agrees on Alyssa. After we wrap on that video, it's just the 14 of us left and we are all to react to our first time in drag pictures, it was a wholesome and funny video and I felt good about it. We all said our goodbyes to eachother and said how much we all missed eachother before my phone lit up again as soon as I left the call. "I'm performing in Montana tomrrow night, I think you should come see me, and then walk to my apartment afterwards and I'll meet you there xo". My heart started pounding in my chest, it sounded perfect. I mean production couldn't be mad because technically we wouldn't be seen together at all, and girls who were from the same states had been going to eachothers shows and no one had said anything. "I'll be there, I might just end up at your apartment before the show too xo", "I'll leave a key under the mat, just don't let the cats out!". I felt like a child at Christmas as I leaped up out of the dining chair and ran to my bedroom. Crystal who was asleep on my bed with Fendi jumped out of his skin when I burst in through the door, "huh what's going on?" He muttered, "can you please take Fendi for a couple of nights? I'm going to see Bosco?" I say doing praying hands in his face. "Omg Daya you are such a lover boy, but yeah I'll take her, you're lucky Gigi is obsessed with her.", "thank you!" I say shaking him and giving him a tight cuddle. I pull out my biggest rucksack and start to stuff it full of clothes and toiletries, before running to my kitchen to fill up Fendis bag with treats, food, her bowls and her lead. Crystal's watched her for the weekend hundreds of times before, but I still write down when she needs to be fed and walked for him. I then crashed down onto the bed beside Crystal to start looking for flights from Missouri to Montana, "I'm going to miss you, I feel like you just got back" Crystal said, placing his head down on my shoulder, his curls tickling my cheek. "I know, I'm going to miss you too but hey atleast you'll have my dog" I laugh, putting my arm around him and squeezing him tightly. He stayed like that while my eyes scanned my phone screen for flights, there was one leaving tonight at 10pm, and it was currently only 4pm. "I can take you to the airport later" Crystal mumbled from my chest, "thank you so much" I replied smiling. Rushing to text Bosco, "make sure my side of the bed is clean, I'll be in it tonight ;)". I'd be getting to Montana just after 2am, so we more than likely would just be crashing out when I got there, but knowing I was going to sleep with Bosco by my side tonight made my heart skip a beat. I felt Crystal go limp against me as I booked my plane ticket, making it a point to only book a one way ticket. I ran my hands through his mullet, besides Bosco, Crystal was one of the other people I loved more than anything in the world, I owed almost my entire drag race package and knowledge to him. He had always been in my corner and done so much for me, I had never expected him to fall in love on the show, and I never would have expected myself to fall in love too. With evertbing booked and me packed up I felt my body relax too, i shake Crystal gently, "do you want something to eat before we have to go?" I ask softly, before feeling him nod against me. I slide up out of bed leaving him and Fendi and head to the kitchen to make us some dinner before heading off to the airport.

Boscos POV:
I spent my full afternoon cleaning up my apartment like a crazy person. Vacuuming, dusting, taking out the trash. Whilst also trying to piece together my look for tomorrow nights gig. When I performed bar gigs I always did burlesque type acts, I was as naked as possible and danced as slutty as I could, usually with a chair of some description. The tips were always great, I probably made more on tips than I would for even taking the gig. I finally get the apartment in a semi decent looking state, and manage to pull together a look for tomorrow night, a black bra and panty set, with some extra straps around my stomach to cinch me in and fishnets. I pack my look into my bag, along with my heels, my wig and my collection of touch up makeup as I like to have my face done before I leave. I jump into a shower, shaving my entire body and washing my hair. Partly for tomrrow night, but mostly because Daya is coming over. I get my hair dried and feed the cats their dinner before cooking my own, it was already 10pm I knew Daya would be in the air right now on his way to me, I was going to try nap before he got here but I was so excited I wasn't sure I'd be able to. I opened my apartment door and slid a key under the mat, just incase I did manage to sleep before he arrived, before coming back inside to start clearing spaces for his stuff. I made space in the fridge, my closet and in the food pantry, ready for his clothes, insulin and sugary stuff for his lows. Once I finally felt prepared, I lay down on the couch and made myself a nest of blankets and pillows before turning on the TV and flicking through the channels. I settled on "the ring", I loved horror films, I feel like my whit and dry sense of humour originated from the fact I used to binge horror films when I was a child. I found comfort in them, maybe that made me a psychopath, but I had always loved them. I didn't feel myself falling asleep, but I woke up with a jump when a loud scare happened on the TV. I checked the time, it was already 1:30am. "Fuck" I groaned, pulling myself up from the couch. I slowly and sleepily pulled myself through to my bedroom and got changed into my pyjamas, knowing that Daya was only an hour away from my apartment made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I pulled on one of Daya's T-shirts, unclipping my bra from under it and putting in into my pile of clothes beside my bed, and then finding a clean pair of his boxers to go with it. Feeling comfy I climbed into bed, eagerly awaiting a text from Daya to tell me he was on the way, every time a notification came up on my phone I scrambled to see who it was from, it was our S14 groupchat. "I had so much fun today guys, I love you all so much!" Jasmine typed into the chat, and the rest of the girls started replying. "Where's Daya and Bosco at? Neither of them are replying?" June asked, "probably screwing don't worry about them" Camden replied. I smiled at my phone, I love how they all assumed we were together. My smile grew even wider when Daya finally text, "I'm on the way sco, if youre awake I'll knock x". My apartment was only about a 10 minute drive from the airport, I knew these were going to be the longest 10 minutes of my life. I paced around my apartment nervously, longing for a knock on the door. And it finally came, I raced to the door and swung it open and there he was. His tall stature looming over me, I grabbed him and pulled him inside, closing the door behind him and leaping up into his arms. "My baby I've missed you so much" he whimpered, squeezing me tightly, the distance id felt from him was gone in an instant as I was pressed tightly against his chest. I kissed his lips gently, taking in every detail of his face that I had missed so much. "How was the flight baby?" I asked, knowing how nervous flying made him. "It was okay, I missed having your hand to hold when we were taking off though" his smile beaming as he stared into my eyes. "Aww my girl" he whispered, "you look beautiful, my Sco". I smiled up at him, my hands gripping onto his shoulders, I didn't want to ever let him go, never again. He walked over to the fridge first, with me still attached to him, putting his insulin vials inside of it. Before he then made his way to the bedroom, to put down his bag and flop onto the bed with me still attached to him. "I'm exhausted baby" he said softly, and I had to admit I was very tired too, I watched his body as he pulled off his tshirt and shorts and climbed into bed next to me. I had missed everything about him, his soft skin, his smell, his tattoos and now here he was. Infront of me again. I cuddled into his chest, pressing my own against his. He pulled out his phone and smiled while he read the messages he'd missed in the groupchat, "lets wind them up a little bit" Daya said smirking as he took a picture of me and him cuddled together and sent it in the chat, captioning it "hey guys what did we miss?". "What have you just done" I say laughing as we watch the replies and reactions start popping up. "I knew it yall!" Kerri typed, with Alyssa and Orion reacting the laughing face. "Can I join pls" Deja typed, "anytime" I typed my reply in before turning off my phone and the light. I lay my head onto Daya, tracing his tattoos and listening to his heartbeat. "I love you so much", he said softly, ruffling my curls and kissing my head, "i love you more baby".

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