Truth or dare

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Dayas POV:
"Morning Bosco, time to get up" I woke up with a fright as I heard the producers banging on the door. I must've been wriggling in the night as I'd woken up spooning Bosco, her back pressed against me. "Good morning baby" I heard her quietly say before yawning, "good morning" I reply, "I better go get ready" so I head back next door to throw on my clothes for the day and head down for breakfast. I had a good feeling about today and I was excited for whatever challenge awaited us. "I hope it's acting" an excited Camden said at breakfast "I love to act" as she stood up and did a pirouette, "we sure know you do darlin" a tired Angie said, trying to be supportive. I had a fire under my ass, I wanted to win a challenge not just for myself but for Maddy too. Sure enough it was an acting challenge, I got the perfect roll and had Willow as my scene partner I couldn't wait. The physical comedy me and willow are able to pull of just due to our size differences already gave us an advantage over the other girls. Plus I was OBSESSED with my look for tonight's runway, I usually wasn't a fan of chaps but this was one of my favourite looks in my full package. While filming the challenge I felt confident, I was getting a lot of laughs whilst delivering my lines and all positive critiques. Bosco was also killing it, her dramatic entrance into the scene was hilarious and I couldn't wait to watch it all back. Before the runway I couldn't get over how amazing Bosco looked, a long blonde wig and a gorgeous pink leather chaps look with loads of tassels. It was so Bosco and I was obsessed! Daytona wind turned out hilarious and me, Bosco and Lady were all high! I couldn't believe it. Me and lady had to lipsync for the win, I knew I had no chance but gave it my all and was just so happy to have been high and not just safe finally! "We did it we did it" me, Bosco and Lady cheered as soon as we got off the main stage, I cuddled the two smaller queens, this was the happiest I had felt in the entire competition.

Boscos POV:
Daya was glowing, I was so happy for us. There hadn't been an elimination today so all of the queens were excited. "I say we have a drink at the bar back at the hotel" Angie called out, "to celebrate my little lady and Daya!". "That sounds good angie!" I called back to her, although I was crushing hard on Daya, I loved the full cast of girls dearly and couldn't wait to celebrate tonight. Back at the hotel we all went back to our rooms get ready, my shower had sadly been fixed so I hopped in it alone in my own room. After my shower I sat in front of the mirror on the floor and started to do my makeup, my hair still soaking wet in a towel, when I was interrupted by my door being knocked. "Who is it?" I call out, and I hear Dayas familiar voice, "just me, I got ready fast and I'm bored". "Come in then" I shout as he opens my door and comes inside. "Wow" he says "you look hot". "Shut up Daya im not even ready yet" I scold. He sits down on the floor behind me one leg either side of me, "do you want me to dry your hair for you?" He asks softly. "I'd love that" his wigs are always immaculate so I have no problem letting him go to town on my curly hair. There was something so intimate being sat between his legs as he carefully styled my hair, being cautious to not tug on it at all. I leaned back into him and looked up at him, admiring every feature of his face. He cupped my face with his hands and leaned down to plant a quick kiss on my lips. I stood up afterwards "I just need to get changed then we can head" I pulled out a plain sleeveless top and a skirt, "cute but causal" Daya chimed in. I could feel him watching me as I changed and he stood up when I was finished, "see something you like?" I joke as I see him fumbling around with his jeans around his crotch, "god your so easy" I say as drape my arms over his shoulders and start to kiss him again, he fights his way into my mouth this time and I return the favour, his hands frantically going from my jaw to my waist and back again. I put my hand on top of his and guide it to my lower back, I feel him smile as he gives it a squeeze. I slowly pull my hands down his chest, teasing him when I get to his lower stomach, before finally sliding it down to his crotch and feeling him through his jeans. I gasp when I feel the size of him, "fucking hell" I mutter, whilst still kissing him. "What" he replies between kisses, "I'm 6'5 what were you expecting". I think we would've stayed there all night had a chap at the door not interrupted us, "you guys ready to come celebrate!" Camden shouted out from the hall, "I can't wait" Jasmine replied. "We better go" I say while frowning, I want to stay here forever. I give him one last kiss and feel up before touching up my lipstick and letting Daya sort himself out before we head downstairs to meet the others. Everyone cheers as we sit down at the table and shots and thrust in-front of us, "y'all need to catch up" a drunk Kerri says as she hands us even more shots. We down the lot, I'm a lightweight as it is, and drinking fast definitely doesn't help. "Let's play truth or dare" a drunk Jorgeous says, "yes!" Everyone agrees. Everyone is getting relatively boring truths or dares, until it's my turn "truth" I say, everyone goes quiet trying to think of something before Willows shouts out "have you and Daya kissed yet!?" My face goes red, Dayas goes even redder, I don't even get a chance to answer before everyone's cheering "I knew it" they all shout. We try to play it cool and laugh it off " a few times" Daya chimed in which made everyone freak out even more. Daya then moved this arm from his side to around me and had his hand resting on my hip, we usually kept affection to a minimum in-front of the rest of the cast, but now they know we are kind of a thing what is there left to hide. Then it was Dayas turn "truth" he says hoping there aren't any embarrassing questions left "how big is it!" A now very drunk Kerri shouts out, the rest of the girls look at him waiting for an answer, "big enough I guess" he says with a laugh, "I know that's damn true" I thought to myself, we all drank up some more before producers came downstairs to usher us all up to bed, "right queens bed time" they say as we all start to pack into the elevator. Daya still holding my hips from behind me and resting his head on top of mine, we arrived back at our rooms and he gave me a gentle kiss "I'm pretty fucked up Blair, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything so I'm just gonna head to bed" he said, which was fair enough. He really had drank a lot tonight. As sad as it made me, his morals did make my heart flutter. "Goodnight Trenton" I say as I give him a kiss and a cuddle and head off to bed myself.

I'm really loving writing this so far! Please leave any suggestions or moments you'd like included! Thank you x

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