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Boscos POV:
The neon lights of the Las Vegas Strip pulsed like a heartbeat, a vibrant rhythm echoing through the bustling crowd. I felt the familiar warmth of Daya's hand intertwined with my own. He squeezed my fingers gently, his massive frame for once seemed dwarfed by the towering casinos and the immense LED screens showcasing the latest promotions and shows. We waited patiently to see the advert for Drag Race Live, and how we all dreamed that one day we'd get to be apart of it. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Daya?" I asked, my voice barely audible over the noise. "Just after the last few times we've been out I feel like someone's always been blackout drunk or fighting" I laugh staring back at him. His eyes shimmering with all of the lights. Daya leaned down so he was closer to my face, i could hardly hear his voice over the hustle and bustle of the crowds, and the noise from the rest of the girls as we were all trying to not be seperated. "You're my best girl, Bosco. We can handle anything together." He smiled back at me giving my hand another squeeze. He was right, we could handle anything, hopefully without any violence this time. Alyssa who was already drunk after drinking a lot in his hotel room was bellowing a song request to a street performer. "Too bad you didn't sing like that in the super tease, maybe your ass wouldn't have been in the bottom" Kornbread laughed as she patted him on the shoulder. Kerri and Jasmine were deep in conversation, their laughter echoing across the sidewalk. Jorgeous was trying to look ahead, scanning the crowd, and trying to figure out which would be the best bar to start with. With this many people around I felt smaller and more delicate than normal, until I felt a wave of affection wash over me. Despite his imposing stature, Daya had always been incredibly gentle and protective with me, I knew he was always there, a reassuring presence that kept me safe in the chaos. We finally reached the entrance of a casino lead by Jorgeous who had been put up on Orion's shoulders, its bright lights shimmering with gold leaf and intricate carvings. Inside, the air felt thick with the scent of smoke and expensive perfume hitting you in the face as we walked through it towards the bar. The rhythmic rumble of slot machines and the excited chatter of gamblers filled the air, it was quite the atmosphere. Daya led me through the casino, his hand firmly placed against my back, guiding me through the maze of flashing lights and gambling tables. He knew how easily I felt overwhelmed in places like this, so positioned himself behind me almost like a protective barrier, and I had Deja in front like a bodyguard helping to clear the way. We eventually  found ourselves in the VIP lounge, a haven of plush velvet couches and crystal chandeliers. "How the hell did you manage this?" Willow shouted over to Kerri who was grinning from ear to ear. "I have my way with men" she winked, smiling over at the security guard who gave her a shy wave. "I love having slutty friends" Camden laughed and we all smiled back. "This is so nice," Daya said, his voice softening again after having to shout when we were out on the street. I settled down onto a plush couch next to Jasmine, my red dress hugging my curves perfectly. Daya, whose height made him seem like he was dominating the space, pulled up a chair beside me. He watched as my face lit up with genuine delight at the sight of him, having only seen him a few moments before.

Daya's POV:
I watched with delight as Boscos face lit up, I loved seeing her happy, seeing her blossom into the confident woman she was always meant to be. Suddenly I heard June who I realised was missing from the group, his laughter echoing through the lounge as he burst into it. "Ladies, you're missing all the fun! Come on, let's hit the dance floor!" He called out excitedly, "yall know me I'll never say no to a dance!" Jorgeous said excitedly, standing up and practically scrambling over me to get out onto the dance floor. The rest of the girls followed, the energy infectious in the club was infectious, even me who cannot dance for shit was excited about reaching the dance floor. The quiet of the lounge suddenly had been transformed into a whirlwind of shimmering gowns, high heels, and flamboyant performances. I could tell Bosco was initially hesitant with so much going on around her, but she eventually found herself swept up in the energy of the room, her body moving beautifully to the rhythm of the music. I watched her with a smile, my gaze never leaving her, there was nothing else in the entire world I felt like I'd rather be looking at than Bosco, I couldnt help it. I felt a surge of possessive love for her, I wanted her to be mine forever, so no one could ever harm her again. I knew she was the one, the missing piece of my life. Deep down I'd always known since the day I met her, I knew she was so perfect for me. I had never felt this connected to anyone, this safe, this secure. She had seen and touched every inch of my body, and each time she did it was just as special as the first time. I felt myself getting lost in thkight but was brought back to reality by Bosco putting her hands over my shoulders and starting to dance with me. Her eyes staring into mine, causing me to blush and slide my hands onto her waist, partly because it was my favourite place to hold her and partly because it meant I could keep her steady from any wobbles or pushes that could happen when the dance floor is as busy as it was tonight. The night flew by, it was filled with laughter, dancing, and the thrill of the finale being over. We managed to get through the night without anyone getting lost, or anyone having to fight which was a miracle considering this groups track record. We all decided it was probably time to head back to the hotel, all 14 of us stumbling along the street holding eachother up as we walked. I had Bosco on my back as usual, and Kerri and Jasmine linked onto each of my arms. "Look at Daya and all three of his girls" Bosco teased from my back, letting her head fall down gently on my shoulder. "Hey Atleast these two can walk" I tease back, "ugh my babies yall are too cute" Kerri says making a sad face, and cuddling my arm. We eventually all make it back to the hotel, which was far nicer than the one we'd been in New York. They had went all out for the finalists, and me and Bosco had our own suite. The suite was a huge space, decorated in a luxurious, modern style. A large king-sized bed took up the majority of the room, it was great to have a bed I actually could lie down straight in without having to bend my legs to fit. We all felt exhausted after our night of dancing and drinking, so all headed upstairs to our rooms after giving everyone a cuddle and saying goodnight. As we arrived back into our room, I felt my eyes following Bosco, I admired everything about her and pondered how someone could be so perfect. I helped her out of her dress, I watched her shudder at the touch of my hands against her skin, I gently ran my fingers up her stomach, taking her body in. I felt a surge of warmth and pleasure go through my body, I had always known that I appreciated her beauty, not just as a queen, but as a woman. I pulled her close, my arms felt strong holding her securely, her warmth making my eyes feel heavy as she cuddled into me. "I love you, Daya", she whispered, her voice soft against my cheek. "I love you too, Bosco," I responded, my voice low and husky after a night of having to shout to be heard in the club. I felt her breath quicken against my skin, and i could sense the unspoken desires simmering beneath the surface, as her hands began to wander up and down my body before she let them rest on my chest letting her fingers stroke over my nipples gently. I jump at the touch which makes her laugh, "shhhh baby you're so sensitive" she whispers, sending shivers down my body. Before I can reply she's let her hand slide down my stomach to the waist band of my boxers. My breath hitched as she moved her hand inside my underwear and gripped onto my length tightly, "shhhh, it's okay baby" she said softly, I could smell the alcohol on her breath as I rolled over onto my back and let her do what she wanted to me. She laid her head on my chest cuddling into me, as she pumped my length hard and fast. The mix of alcohol and tension made me come undone so fast, I felt my legs start to twitch and I finished inside of my boxers. "Fuck" I moan trying to catch my breath, as I watch Bosco go under the covers and I feel her tounge press against my tip. She licks up my entire load leaving nothing behind, "goodnight baby" she whispers, kissing my cheek and settling back onto my chest as if nothing happened. As my breathings steadies back out, I close my eyes letting my hands run through Boscos curls. "Goodnight Sco" I reply trying my best to get some sleep.

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