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Boscos POV:
As the Sun starts to set and a cold breeze begins to blow. I decided it's time to head back to the room for the night and prepare for the day ahead of us tomorrow. "Cmon shamu" I laugh as I call Daya out from the pool like a child, he shivers as the cold air hits him and I rush to drape a towel over his shoulders to try heat him up. "Let's go get you warmed up in a shower baby" I say as I rub his back. "Goodnight from us girls" I say waving to the rest of the queens as they finish packing up their things. "Dddd did you have a nnn nice night?" Daya asked as we entered the lift shivering as he did so. "Yes I did honey" I reply tucking the towel tighter around him, his shivering made me feel so protective of him. "I hhh heard you guys laughing, was it at me?" He asked looking down at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. My mind raced back to the other girls asking about what he's like under his shorts, as happy as I was that I knew the answer it did bother me how interested everyone seemed in Dayas size. "No babe" I replied as the elevator doors opened onto our floor, "they were just asking about like, you know" as I pointed to his crotch whilst opening up his room door. "What do you mean?" He replied sounding concerned, "did they make you feel uncomfortable?", "no baby not at all they didn't ask anything too crazy, just asked how I can still walk after being with you" I say softly as I start to run a bath for Daya to heat him up. He looked embarrassed and looked at himself in his wet swimming trunks in the mirror, and tried to unstick them from himself. "Don't worry baby, they were all very impressed" as I kissed his back, "your baths ready cmon" after a brief struggle to unstick the wet shorts from himself he gets free and sits down into the hot bath, and I see him immediately feel better. "Arm" I say as I get his phone to check his levels, I was not making the same mistake as last time. "You're good" I say relieved, as I sat down beside the bath. Running my hands across his chest gently, "you're tired aren't you?" I tease as I stroke his face with the back of my hand gently, he nods slowly. "Cmon my baby" I say taking his hand and leading him from the bath, wrapping him up in a fresh towel and leading him to bed. The more time I spent with Daya the more I found the softer side of him and I loved it. I wanted to take care of him and when it was just us alone he always let me. As he lay in bed I got him a clean pair of boxers from his fresh washing pile which the hotel had sorted for us, and slid them up onto him, before turning off the lights and climbing into bed myself beside him. I decided to sleep topless too, longing for that close feeling that only skin to skin could provide. Daya turned over and started to spoon me, with one arm on my waist and my head on top of the other one, as he tucked it around and rested it on my chest. It felt nice to be touched in a non sexual way sometimes, just having him appreciate my body made me feel good. I said goodnight and kissed his hands and felt myself drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face. 

Dayas POV: 
"A roast? Shit" I thought to myself, this was the challenge that before filming I was most nervous that we'd have to do. The theme was Ross Mathews, which only made me more nervous. Me and the rest of the girls were spread around the werk room as we all tried to think up and write down some content for the roast. Bosco excelled in challenges like this, and her pen hardly lifted from the paper the entire time we were trying to think up our jokes. I know I'm not going to end up winning this challenge, but I just pray that I can be at least safe. My eyes dart over to Jorgeous, who looks just as stressed as I feel. I jump when I feel a hand on my back and I turn around to see Camden, "this is hard" he says as he rests his head onto my shoulder. "I'm nervous" he whines, "this is so hard" I reply putting my pen down onto my notepad. "How's Angie getting on?" I ask as I turn to face a frail looking Camden. "He's okay, nervous but okay", "how's Bosco?", "I haven't spoken to her but judging by how much she's writing she's doing just fine". We are interrupted by a producer coming in telling us it's time for our walkthroughs with the judges to help narrow down our content. As expected my walk though doesn't go well and it only amplifies the self doubt I have in my mind. I'm shakey as I get ready for tonight, everyone is quiet, going over their jokes as they get ready trying to prepare themselves. Bosco knows she has a lot to prove after nearly going home yesterday, but I have complete faith in her that she's going to smash this.
I was right, "Bosco, you're a winner baby" it was music to my ears, I was so proud of my girl. I crossed my fingers praying id still be here to enjoy her win with her. I'm in the bottom three with Deja and Jorgeous. As I replay the roast in my head and try to think who was the best out of the three of us, my heart sinks. "I'm sorry my dears all three of you will lipsync tonight". Great, I was against one of the best lipsyncers the shows ever had, and a girl who'd already sent me home before. I need to do this for Bosco, I know this song and I have to embody it, and that I do. "Daya Betty, shantay you stay". I almost collapse, as sad as I am to see two of my friends go, I had to stay. Bosco needed me and I need her. As soon as we leave the stage Bosco runs to me and cuddles me with tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy you're here, I was so worried" I cuddle her back and tell her how proud I am of her win. The werk room feels empty as we de drag, there was only 5 of us left. Meaning more than likely there was just one challenge left until the finale, I had almost made it. It was strange seeing only one van waiting for us rather than two or even the three we had at the start of the season, we all piled into the van Bosco quickly laying her head down in my lap, Camden and Angie cuddling up into each other and Willow putting in her headphone to drown out all the forming couples around her. As a treat, since so few of us were left production gave us the option of room service for dinner rather than meeting in the lobby for it. We all smile and decide to all have dinner together and watch a film in someone's room, "mine is pretty clean, and I may or may not have two beds like what Jorgeous had" Willow announced, "why did the two smallest bitches in the whole cast get the biggest rooms!" Angie laughed as she replied. We all give production our order for the night and agree to meet in Willows room at 7pm, we arrive at the hotel and head our separate ways to get ready for a chilled evening.

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