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Daya's POV:
It felt nice to be back in New York, me and Bosco sat hand in hand in our van from the airport back to the hotel. "I can't wait to see all of the girls" Bosco said excitedly as she took in the sights from the van window. Today was Thursday and we weren't set to film the reunion until Saturday, so we have all planned to go out tonight and then probably going out for some sort of a meal tomorrow. I loved all of the girls from our cast and I couldn't wait to tell them about me and Bosco even though I was pretty sure majority of them had already figured it out, "if they ask you about sex stuff you don't have to tell them okay, it's none of their business" Bosco said sternly to me before breaking into a smile. "You just know what they're like I don't want you feeling weird about it, that's all". "Why would I ever feel weird about it, you're my girlfriend and I love you, is it not obvious it's something we would do" I smile back as she leans her head into me. We pull into the hotel and are taken inside to be given back our room keys. "308 & 309, welcome back" the clerk behind the counter says with a smile. "Are we the first back?" Bosco asks with a smile, "no, Camden, Angie, Jorgeous, Alyssa and Orion all have checked back in so far" he smiles before me and Bosco thank him and walk back to the elevators hand in hand. As we step out onto our floor we both hear a familiar British accent "MY BABIES" Camden shouts as he ran down the hallway and jumped up into my arms almost knocking me down when he did it, before planting a kiss on mine and Boscos cheeks. "I miss you guys so much" he said, still clinging onto me. "We missed you more Lady" I said giving him a cuddle before setting him back down on the ground. "Cmon we are all in my room" Camden said, excitedly leading us down the hallway to his room. I look at Bosco smiling, she smiles back. "Look who I found!" Camden shouts as he presents us to the rest of the girls. We greet them all with hugs and smiles before we sit down on the bed beside Jorgeous and Alyssa, who are like the embodiment of teenage girls. "So" they said in unison with their legs swinging, "what have you guys been up to?". I turned to look at Bosco smiling and she rolled her eyes. "Yes we've done it, yes it was amazing, yes he's big" Bosco tells them laughing. "Is that what you wanted to know?", "perfect thank you" Jorgeous replies laughing before hopping off the bed and sitting on the floor beside Orion. Angie appears from the bathroom where he's been since we got here, "my daya!" He shouts before rushing over to give me a cuddle, I notice a small strange mark on his neck and whispered to him "was that Camden" laughing. He looks at me embarssed, "possibly" I see him scanning my neck for any marks but I knew he wouldn't find any, me and Bosco were more gentle than that. I smirk at him before he goes to greet Bosco too. Me and Alyssa watch as black vans come and go from the hotel lobby, trying to guess who would be the last queen to turn up. "Definitely June, she's late for everything" Alyssa said confidently, "have you met Kerri?" I laugh, "I'll be surprised if she even makes it here for Saturday!". "Daya Betty don't tell me you're talking shit again!" A familiar voice calls out from the room door, it was Kerri. I smile and walk over to greet her, "you know I'm just playing with you chile, I missed you" she said giving me a cuddle and a gentle kiss on the cheek. As more and more of the girls return we all decide to head back to our own rooms to get ready for the night ahead, "it feels so weird being back here" Bosco said as she flopped down onto her bed, "I'm so excited for tonight though, I better start getting ready" and with that she skipped off to the bathroom to start putting on her makeup. I watched in admiration from the bed before I got up to decide on my outfit for the evening, I picked out a white vest top with a checked over-shirt and jeans. I put on my clothes for the evening, before heading through to the bathroom to check on Bosco. "Wow" she said smiling as she eyed me up in the mirror,  "wait I got something for you" she said whilst digging in her makeup bag, "close your eyes" and I felt her hands touch my neck softly and cold metal press against me. "There she said proudly" I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror to see a silver chain around my neck, with the letter B in the centre of it. "B for Bosco or B for Blair I'll let you pick" she said smiling. "Sco it's perfect" I say trying to keep tears from forming in my eyes, "I love it, thank you". I cuddle her into me and kiss her head softly. Bosco was almost finished her face when her phone started to ping rapidly, she pulled it out to see it was Deja saying he had just arrived back to the hotel and how excited he was to see us. Then another message pinged through asking if we wanted to have predrinks in his room, "sounds great see you soon!" Bosco replied before she took her hair down from its usual bun and started to brush through it. I pulled her hair out of her face and took her brush and started to brush through it myself.

Boscos POV:
I loved when Daya would do my hair for me, the way he took such care with it made my heart melt. After my hair was brushed I went into our room to pick out an outfit for the night, "this or this?" I ask Daya as his eyes widen seeing the outfits. Both are skin tight minidresses with various cut outs, one black and one red. "B-b-b-black one" he stutters back to me. "Dont wet yourself now" I tease pushing him lightly and kissing his cheek, "not funny" he replies flopping down on the bed, while I get changed. "You ready" I call over once I had slipped into my dress, "yes" he replies looking me up and down, fiddling with the chain on his neck, "you look beautiful Blair" he said smiling. "Not bad yourself" I smile back at him, as we walk hand in hand down towards Dejas room. Before we even managed to knock the door swings open and Deja pulls us both into a tight hug, "I heard you guys coming!" He said squeezing us so hard I felt my back crack. As we entered his room Willow, Jasmine and Kornbread were all spaced around the room drinking a variety of cans and bottles of alcohol. "Help yourselves guys it's going to be a messy one tonight!" Jasmine says whilst handing over a bag filled with cans, we both pick out a couple. Before Daya even cracks open his can I give him a gentle shove "no fighting tonight, I mean it". He smiles, "okay I won't, I promise" before he chugs down his can almost instantly. By the time it's time to leave the hotel Daya is already swaying on his feet and slurring his words, "cmon guys let's go!" An excited Willow calls out as we leave the hotel and walk down a couple blocks to a gay bar, hoping to avoid any sort of altercation tonight. Before long majority of our group are drunk, Daya being the drunkest. As we were on the dance floor I was dancing with Kerri, when a guy approached Daya and started to talk to him, Daya being drunk and a kind person spoke back to him. Before long the man put his hands onto Daya's waist and I feel myself fill with jealousy. I walk over trying to stay calm before I see him reach up to touch Daya's face, "Trenton let's go" I say as I appear I between them grabbing Daya's hand and pulling him away from this guy. "Just give us a minute" the man replies pulling Daya back by his other hand. Daya's head flopped back and forth with each pull, he was completely out of it. "Get off of him" Deja says appearing behind me, "are you his boyfriend" the guy asks Deja, "no but I'm his girlfriend" I reply. "Girlfriend?" The man looks puzzled, "this is a gay man" as he looked Daya up and down. I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my stomach, Daya had been a gay man and to an extent he still was, it was something we had never spoke about before. A feeling of self consciousness started to overwhelm me, "how in the hell would you know what he is" a slightly drunk Kerri came over to intervene. The man looking a little embarssed nodded his head before leaving. "Are you okay Bosco?" Kerri asked before giving me a cuddle. "Yeah I'm okay, do you think he is going to be" looking at Daya who was struggling to stay on his feet. "I'll get him a water" Kerri smiled as she vanished briefly before returning with a water for him. It perked him up and he seemed to be Atleast conscious again but he was definitely still drunk, I decided to keep our talk about what he now identifies as till tomorrow when he was sober. For now I just wanted to enjoy my night, Daya put his hands onto my hips and pulled me backwards against him, that made me smile. "I love you" I whispered looking up at him, "I love you Sco" he slurred looking back down at me. As Daya started to sober up, my anxieties of the night started to fade and I ended up enjoying myself. Daya always wanted me near him, if we were sat down I was on his lap, if we were stood up he had me against him it was the type of affection I loved. It was well after 3am when we all decided to call it a night, all of us clinging to eachother as we walked back towards the hotel. Jasmine clung onto Maddy as he carried her, Jorgeous was on Orion's back, Camden was stumbling along being help up by Angie and the rest of us were all staggering around on our own. Well I wasn't alone, Daya had picked me up and I spent the full walk back trying to keep my dress down so the full street couldn't see my pants. "Here" Daya said as he handed me his overshirt so I could cover myself up with it. Leaving him in just a vest in the cold of the evening, Willow smiled at me as she held hands with Kornbread and I smiled back. After a walk which felt like it went on for hours we were finally back in the familiarity of the hotel. We all went back to our own rooms, too exhausted to even continue drinking, after saying goodnight to the rest of the girls we made it back to my room. I wiped off my makeup and got changed and when I got to bed Daya was fast asleep in it still fully clothed. Knowing he was a little drunk I didn't want to undress him incase it freaked him out. So I pulled the covers up over him and cuddled into his side, drifting off to sleep myself.

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