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Boscos POV:
I jumped awake having no idea what time it was. Still in my bikini but I had 2 blankets wrapped around me, the room was dark so I knew it was late but I could make out Daya's faint outline beside me fast asleep in his underwear. My phone was on charge beside me which made me smile, i tried to get up as quietly as I could to get changed and I heard Daya stir as soon as I got out of bed. "Sco?" He said softly, "are you okay?" Turning over to face me. "Yeah it fine baby don't worry I'm just getting changed" I said running my fingers down his face as he closed his eyes, "I was going to change you, but you were sleeping and I didn't want to scare you" he whispered, trying to not fall back asleep. "You're so sweet baby, it's okay though. Nothing you could do would ever scare me". I get up and strip off my bikini before pulling on a pair of shorts and getting back into bed topless. I was due my hormones tomorrow so I wanted as much skin to skin contact as I could before I was too sore. I curled up against Daya, the feeling of his skin against my back was so intimate and special. I loved nights like this. I felt his arm wrap around my waist, pausing slightly as he realised I didn't have a shirt on before he let it rest on my stomach. "It's okay baby, I touch you there all the time" i say as I move his hand up towards my chest. "I know" he whispered, "but it's different for you, you're a girl and I don't want to make you uncomfortable" I cut him off "I'm your girl Daya, i promise you, it's okay". I felt him cuddle in closer to me, letting his hand rest on my chest and nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. I tried to fall asleep again but I was nervous for tomorrow. I loved what the hormones did to me but I hated the process of getting them, I had a tablet to take first, then an injection into my lower stomach with a massive needle. I can only compare the way I feel for the next couple days after it as the same way my girlfriends describe being on their period. My stomach cramps up, I feel exhausted, my body aches and I feel as if I just want to curl up into a ball in bed and cry. But that was before, I had Daya now to take care of me and I knew he always would be there to help me. I focussed on the feeling of him against me and it helped me finally manage to drift off to sleep. I was woken up again a couple hours later by Daya talking in his sleep, I couldn't make it out at first until I finally realised he was saying "sco" over and over again, which I thought was wholesome until I felt his hips rocking back and forwards against me. "As if I don't fuck him enough, he's fucking me in his sleep" I move my bum away from his crotch to try eliminate any friction he would have been getting at the hopes his dream would end but I wasn't so lucky. I felt his legs twitch, so I reached my hand down and his boxers were soaked through, warm and sticky. "Fucking hell Daya are you 14 or 26" i thought to myself laughing. I checked my phone, 9:26am. Atleast it was a reasonable time to be up at I guess. I got out of bed to start running a shallow bath for him to clean himself up once I woke him, and it looked like we'd be cuddling in my room today whilst we stripped off these sheets and let the hotel clean them. His bath was ready and I pondered the best way to wake him up without embarrassing him completely, "cmon angel" I said gently shaking him, "let's go get you cleaned up". I watched him start to wake up so i stroked down his face comfortingly, "cmon ive ran a bath for you". Initially he looked puzzled, untill he looked down and saw the mess all over himself "fucks sake" he whined hiding his face under the covers from me, I reached out for his hand and led him to the bathroom to show him the bath I had ready. "Thank you Sco" he said giving me a slight smile, and awkwardly waiting for me to leave the bathroom so he could take his boxers off. "Dont be daft" I say to him as I help him slide them down before putting them into the sink to hand wash. He quietly got into the bath and started cleaning himself up, he was almost silent and definitely feeling embarssed about the whole thing. "Does that happen to you alot?" I asked him, trying to be as normal as possible. "Not really, but usually I... you know do that every night before bed. But since being here I've not done it really at all so I guess it's been building up". I kiss his head softly, "it's alright, don't worry about it okay".

Daya's POV:
Bosco always managed to make me feel at ease, I was mortified about what had happened. My dream just felt so real, it was just like normal me and her in bed doing whatever we usually do. Next thing I know I'm getting woken up, covered in my own cum. My schedule getting messed up being here was definitely making me over active down there, and I think being around Bosco so much wasn't helping, she could turn me on at the drop of a hat and it was all getting too much for me to hold in at times. I got myself out of the bath and dried off and put on fresh underwear, shorts and a hoodie for the day. I saw Bosco in the fridge, looking through her assortment of medications. "You okay honey?" I ask her, "yeah I'm okay, I need to get a shot today". I watched as she got a large pill out of the foil wrapper and swallowed it with a gulp of water. Before pulling out a thick needle, "can you please hold my hand?" Her lips tremble as she asks me, I rush over to hold onto her feeling her nerves go through the roof. "It's okay baby, you help me with my stuff, I'll help you with yours". I brush the hair out of her face before helping her unpackage the needle. "Do you want me to do it?" I ask, watching as her eye gloss over with tears and she nods her head. She guides me to the right place on her stomach and I can see a scar where she usually gets them, she holds the skin together to try and limit the pain she feels as I slowly insert the needle into her and start to inject the hormones. I hear her whimper and I want to stop so badly but I know she needs to have the full injection for it to work. After what felt like an eternity it was over and I pulled the needle back out of her and disposed of it. "Good girl Sco you did it" I say kissing the top of her head, she whimpers again and holds out her arms for me to pick her up. I carry her through to her own room which Atleast has dry sheets and we climb into bed together. I rub around her stomach to try and ease the pain of where the needle was, and we both wait nervously for the effects of the hormones to kick in. "All my friends in high school were girls Sco, I know how to handle girls on their periods easily" I say in an attempt to comfort her as she lay cuddled into my side, "Thank you Trenton" she said as she laid a hand ontop of my butterfly and traced around it. Her saying my name still gave me butterflies and I returned the favour by tracing out love hearts on her back.

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