Stressed Spice

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Boscos POV:
We all eventually decided on bowling for the evening, followed by some casual drinks before our full day of rehearsals tomorrow. I look through what clothes I have left and try to pieces together an outfit fit the evening. I settle on some loose fitted jeans and a black racer back crop top. I glance over to the bed and see Daya laying out his clothes, a button up shirt and some cargos. He looks at me and smiles, "I'm going to jump in a shower quickly Sco". "Without me?" I pout and hold my arms out for him to pick me up. "Right cmon then" he says scooping me up and carrying me through to the bathroom before setting me down on the unit whilst he turns on the water. My body shuddered as the cold tiles touched my skin, I pulled off my clothes and waited for Daya to strip before he picked me back up and stepped into the shower. He put me down so he could wash himself, and I instantly cuddled around his waist letting the water run down my body. I felt my hair being moved out of my face, and looked up to see Daya covering his hand in shampoo, before gently massaging it into my curls. I close my eyes, letting myself enjoy his touch as he washes the shampoo out of my hair. "I'm surprised you remember how to even wash hair" I tease, "hey I choose to be bald, my hairline was just trash" he laughs back being careful not to let any shampoo drip down into my eyes, "you're such a doll" I say grinning resting my hands on his stomach, gently tracing up over his abs when I suddenly hear my phone ringing from just outside the shower. I reach out and dry my hand off before answering it, seeing that it's Angie calling. "Hey, are yall nearly ready...wait are you two in the shower, did I interrupt something", I laugh "no, no well yes we are in the shower but no you didn't interrupt. We will be at your room in 10 minutes". "Ohhhhh" I hear Willow tease in the background of the call before Angie speaks again "see you two soon, my lovebirds" before she hangs up. "One of these days we will get a shower in peace" Daya sighs as he washes the rest of the soap off of himself before turning off the water, I shiver after the warm water is turned off and Daya quickly wraps a towel around me, then wrapping one around himself and we both head out of the bathroom to get ourselves dressed. I pulled on my jeans and top, and looked at myself in the mirror trying to pull my top down to cover the small scar I had from my injections. Daya looked over and watched me, looking upset at what I was doing. He pulled on his cargos and came over, "don't hide it Sco, it's beautiful and hey look, we match" he said softly, before unlatching the site for his pump and showing me his scar which was in the exact same place as my own. I smiled at that, he always seemed to know how to make me feel better about everything. I kissed his lips softly before watching him reattach his pump and put on his shirt, I decide to just pull my damn hair up into a bun and pull out some face framing pieces, I'm too tired to actually dry it today. I watch Daya in the mirror trying to tuck his shirt in a certain way so his pump which is clipped onto his jeans will be hidden, "hey" I call over to get his attention, "no hiding anything" I smile and reach out for his hand. "Cmon then let's go" and we finally managed to get out the door and along to Angies room where her Willow and Camden are all waiting. "Oh look who finally got out of the shower and showed up" a British accent called out when we walked into the room, Daya smirked and I struggled to hide the redness I felt creeping up on my face. "Hey were you two not in a bath together the other night when I came in to see you?" Willow said looking at Camden and Angie with an eyebrow raised, "well umm" Angie stuttered and I burst out laughing. "God it's like the horniest cast ever" Willow laughed before getting her shoes on, and after we were all ready we headed down to the lobby before walking out of the hotel and towards the little bowling alley down the block. I walk infront a little with Camden, checking in on him after yesterday and just chatting a little about how things are going with him and Angie. "I do really like him" Camden confesses, "and it's been so nice having him around and stuff" I smile back at him, I know exactly what he means, "have you guys, you know?" I ask with a smirk, before Camden smirks back "maybe we have, maybe we haven't you little demon" he laughs playfully pushing me, "I know you and mr big have anyway, I walked past your room door one night and could hear you from the hallway", "yeah right" I protest before we both stop to listen to Angie behind us, "Daya I thought you had brought a damn walkie talkie with you what in the hell is that", Daya laughs nervously almost as if he's embarrassed about it, "it's his insulin pump stupid" I say laughing to try and ease some of his discomfort. "Oh damnn" Angie says laughing, "I was waiting for you to turn around with one on to Bosco" we all laugh before heading inside to the bowling alley. It was jumping inside, me and Camden both slowed down to wait for the others to catch up, judging by the way me and Camden both almost hid behind our partners when they finally caught up to us told me all I needed to know about who was the top in their relationship. We finally got our lane and all headed over to start bowling, it got competitive pretty quick. "I can't wait to be Americas next drag superstar and the best bowler on the cast" Willow said laughing as she picked up the lightest ball there was, and bowled it straight into the gutter, "right... well atleast you still have a chance at drag superstar?" Angie said smugly as we all burst into a fit of laughter. Daya was next, I felt like I had hearts in my eyes as I watched him smash the ball down the lane and knock over all of the pins, we all sigh. "Can someone get this man up out of here so I have a chance" Angie said whilst crossing his arms. "Show off" I mutter as Daya sits back down beside me, putting his arm around my waist pulling me in closer to him. He seems nervous, "what's wrong baby?" I ask him looking up at him, "it's nothing sco, just the guys over there keep checking you out". I had been so set on Daya I hadn't even realised the lane beside us which was made up of about 5 younger guys. "How the tables have turned" I laugh, planting a kiss on his cheek before going to take my turn. After I've bowled I turn to walk back towards my group and I can see the guys staring at me, to make it slightly more clear my boyfriend was with me I sat on Daya's lap rather than the bench, and I felt his hands move. One on my hip and the other on my thigh, I'd never seen Daya stress like this before over other guys, but I figured because of my past he was probably more worried about me being freaked out. I cuddled in to be closer to his chest, and started to fiddle with the chain I got him which he wore everywhere. "I love you" I reassured him, "please don't worry about them I want you to have fun". "I love you more Sco, I just didn't want you feeling upset about it" he smiled down at me and I smiled back at him.

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