A family

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Boscos POV:
I missed Daya. It had been weeks since we'd managed to see eachother and I felt like apart of myself was missing. After our night out in vegas, we were all instructed to go home, alone. Because of covid implication, rather than have a press week we were going to be filming a series of videos talking about moments from the season, and reacting to pictures of ourselves and things like that over zoom. I had called Daya every day, but nothing could fill the hole I felt in the bottom of my stomach, only he could fill that. I was dying to fly over and see him, but producers had told us we couldn't, afraid people saw us together and started to speculate while the season aired. I had spent every minute of every day with this man for months, slept with him, showered with him and now I was completely without him. I dreaded taking my shots without having Daya around to comfort me, "cmon sco, you need to take them" he said softly from my phone. "I don't want you, it's going to hurt" I whined trying to hold back my tears. I could tell it was hurting him that he wasn't able to come and protect me, he was checking up on me constantly throughout the day, and if he went out with his friends he would text me updates all night long. I finally plucked up the courage and injected myself in my stomach, whimpering as I did it. "Good girl Sco, good girl" Daya praised from my phone. His words made me feel good, I loved to please him. "I'm going to go make dinner baby, I'll talk to you later, I love you" Daya said with a smile, "I love you more baby" I reply smiling, but feeling crushed inside that he was going. I disposed of my shot and went through to my bedroom, Daya's smell still lingering on the sheets from the week we'd spent here together. I did my best to get comfortable, knowing that my body was about to ache all over, I stared at my outfit for our press week videos which was hung up on my closet door. It was a black leather bra with lots of criss cross fabric over the chest of it, it was slutty, but not crazy slutty which was perfect for me. I hadn't been in drag for weeks, so I was having to mentally prepare myself to go and do an everything shower tonight, and make sure my makeup and wig were laid out so I wasn't running around crazy trying to find stuff tomorrow. When I finally felt motivated enough to get out of bed I started to feel cramps in my stomach and a horrible burning sensation in my chest, I reached for my phone to message Daya. "Pains have started :(", I sent the text and then put my phone down, feeling like I did when I first started texting him. The nervousness and butterflies returned, was he going to find someone else? Would he realise he doesn't really miss me? My self doubt got louder and louder in my head before my phone pinging brought me out of it, "ugh Sco I feel so bad I can't be there with you, go put on one of my hoodies and get into bed <3". I smiled at my phone, little did he know I'd been living in the hoodie I had of his since I got home, I had his T-shirts all over my apartment and Atleast 3 pairs of his boxers which were my favourite thing to sleep in. My phone pinged again and it was Daya sending me a picture of him making his look for tomorrow, he was topless and my eyes studied every inch of his body. It was like I could feel the way his skin felt through the phone. I gazed as his collarbones, his shoulders and biceps and his gorgeous collection of tattoos. It didn't feel fair that I was apart from him, it was like my security blanket had been torn out from under me, my phone rang and a smile spread across my face assuming it was Daya, but that smile soon fell when I realised it was my doctors office. I hated talking to the doctor.
"Hey Blair, just a quick phone call to go over some of your details again, and so I can reevaluate your prescriptions, is now a good time?" The doctor spoke soothingly putting me at ease, "yeah, now is good"
I reply hoping it would be a quick call. It was all of the same questions as usual, and my answers were all the same as usual, before he asked the dreaded question, "And are you sexually active?"Before my answer had always been no, but things were different now. I felt a lump in my throat before finally managing to stutter out "Y-y-yeah I am"
God why was that so hard I thought to myself, "okay perfect" he replied and in could hear him writing things down, "and is that protected or unprotected?". I freeze almost not wanting to answer, we had done it unprotected almost every single time but that was only because we trusted eachother and we'd both been tested for things prior. I pondered what to say, scared about the ideas it would put into the doctor's head if I said unprotected. "Blair? Are you still there?" I hear the voice on the other end of the line say, "yes I am, and yes it's protected" I lie in order to save myself the embarrassment and judgemental thoughts. "Okay you're all set, your prescription is going to be the same for now, is everything going okay and as planned?" He asked whilst continuing writing things down. "Yeah everything is good, I just get really sore all over after I take each hormone shot, is that normal?" I wanted this call to be over so badly, I hated talking about this stuff to people I don't even know. "Yeah that's normal, you'll have a lot of tenderness around your chest and possible stomach pains and nausea". He wasn't joking, it hurt to breathe I was so tender up top. I finally managed to get him off the phone, feeling very hormonal and overwhelmed I turned off my bedroom lights and lay down in a nest of Daya's clothes alone.

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