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Daya's POV:
We lay in bed together like that for a couple hours, and I could tell the hormones were starting to cause chaos in Boscos body. She went feverish, feeling warm to the touch but shaking, and just in general was in alot of pain all over her body. She struggled to get comfortable against me and kept wriggling around getting more and more exhausted each time. "Shhh it's okay Sco" I said comfortingly as I started to rub her lower stomach, hoping that if she had a nap she'd feel slightly better when she woke up. As I massaged her my phone lit up with a text from Camden, "pool today? Pls don't have any more diabetes attacks though". I chuckled to myself before replying "sorry I can't today Cam, Boscos on her you know what. Have fun though!" And almost instantly he had replied "aww shit tell her I'm asking for her, if you guys need anything brought to your rooms just message me, see you guys later :)". As much as I loved spending time with all of the other girls, my favourite time was just being with Bosco. It hurt me to see her in so much pain and knowing this was going to happen to her every other week for the rest of her life. Every time I thought she'd managed to fall asleep, i would hear her whimper and start to move again, it was hurting me to see her like this. "Baby is there anything I can do, anything at all?". She looked up at me with her glassy eyes "I just want to be on you but everything h-hurts". I frowned, pulling off my tshirt so she had access to my chest and letting her come into me, terrified I'd hurt her more. She looked at me before flopping down in between my legs on her back, using my crotch as a pillow. "You have a really nice body Daya" I heard her faintly say as she finally settled, her compliments always taking me by surprise and feeling just as good as the first time she would say it. "If you think mines is nice you should see my girlfriends" I say playfully, hoping to get a laugh out of her. It kind of works, I see her smile before exhaustion takes over her and she goes limp on me. Even though I know she's asleep, I reach down my hand to play with her hair, just incase she wakes up again. "Is Bosco okay? Camden told us at the pool why you guys aren't here. We miss you x" a text from Kerri pings through onto my phone. Kerri had been so good to have around, especially for Bosco. It gave her someone who knew exactly what she was going through and someone who I could ask questions if I didn't want to seem clueless to Bosco. "She's okay, she's struggling just now though. Thank you for checking up on us :)" I reply, constantly looking down in my lap to make sure Boscos still asleep. "Was it her hormone shot that's messed her up do you think? X" Kerri replied again. "Yeah I think so, she was like this at my house a couple weeks ago with it, but she seems worse today. She's in a lot of pain but won't tell me where". I was hopeful Kerri could give me some sort of insight into what was actually going on inside Boscos body. "It'll be her chest and hips that hurt the worst, she's effectively going through puberty as a teenage girl right now. So anything you learned in 5th grade health class about girls is happening to her right now x". Although it seemed obvious I hadn't thought about that before. I wanted to cuddle her so badly and tell her it was going to be okay, but the fear of disturbing her stopped me in my tracks. I kept playing with her hair, and I started to think about our further together which was getting closer and closer every day. I thought about what state we were going to live in, if we would get married, have kids. I had always wanted kids, I didn't care how we had them, I just wanted some eventually and I knew Bosco would be the most perfect mother to them. I felt Bosco starts to stir again and I watched as she sat up from my legs and crawled up beside me again slowly lying down on her side with her face on my chest, nuzzling me softly.

TW: talk of Sa ❌
Boscos POV:
Daya was always so warm and his skin was so soft. Even feeling as shitty as I did he was just such a massive source of comfort to me. "What's everyone up to today" I whisper quietly, "they're just at the pool baby nothing exciting" Daya says softly, combing through my hair with his fingers. "But you love the pool, you can go Daya I'll be fine here on my own for a couple hours". Daya laughed before I even had the chance to finish. "I would never leave you on your own anyway sco, never mind when you feel like this. This is my favourite thing in the world, the pool doesn't even come close". That made me smile, "Kerri was texting me about you" he said softly, "oh really? What did she say" I asked curiously, it was nice that we were missed when we didn't go to the big group days out. Daya handed me his phone to let me scroll through the messaged and I felt my heart melt. The way he spoke to people was just so nice, and asking Kerri about what was actually going on so he could try to help me better. I kissed his chest where my head was before hanging him his phone back. "Youre perfect did you know that?" I say softly, and I hear his heart start to speed up in his chest. "I'm not sco i...", "no you are Daya and I really mean it" I cut him off, not letting him speak badly about himself. "You're the first person in my life I've ever willingly had sex with, you had no idea about anything that had happened to me, or my body count. Yet you still were gentle, your nature is just to be gentle with people", Daya smiled before replying "I wish I knew about what had happened to you before though, I would've went slower. I just know that I'm a big guy and I could really hurt someone if I'm not slow you know". His words always made me feel like I would melt, I mustered up the strength to lift my head to kiss his lips softly, before kissing him deeper. His hands sat on my waist before I pulled them up to my chest, as sensitive as I was there I felt him gently squeeze me before using his thumbs to rub over my nipples gently. I let out a sharp moan, "I want to do it Daya but I'm just so...", "it's okay sco I know your body's aching I would never expect it from you anyway. I just want you focussing on feeling better okay?" I smile up at him, "do you think they feel bigger?" I ask smirking up at him, "yes they did, what size are you now do you think?", "I was a B, maybe now I've creeped up to a C, when we get home I'll go get remeasured and let you know officially.", "oh I can't wait" Daya said laughing before his face fell again, "Sco?" He said quietly, while ruffling up my hair. "You know how you said I was the first person you'd even willingly had sex with, did um, did that man make you do that?" I nodded, I didn't think I'd ever be ready to speak about it but Daya made my worries feel so much lighter and not so bad anymore. "He pinned me down the back seat of his truck and pulled my jeans off me. I remember crying and being so confused about what was happening, then he spat on me and pushed himself inside. I bled for a couple days after that, I was so embarrassed about what had happened I went to get tested for any diseases alone but I was lucky and I was all clear." I was stopped when I felt a tear hit my forehead and looked up to see Daya crying whilst looking down at me. "Daya? What's wrong" I ask him concerned id done something wrong. "I just can't imagine doing that to anyone, let alone you. It's sick and it's horrible and I hope he gets what's coming to him one day". I wiped Daya's tears from his face, "I have you now, I'm safe" I say smiling, I knew while Daya was around nothing bad would ever be able to happen to me again.

Sorry guys another sad chapter! Next few chapters will be set in rehearsal week for the finale so let me know if there's any topics or moments you want me to cover with these two cuties. Thanks for reading <3

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