Board games

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TW: talks about SA ❌
Boscos POV:
We spent the next week or so just doing normal couples things. Going on dates, getting groceries, driving around in my car. All very normal couples activities that we hadn't really done before. I showed Daya my old schools from when I was a kid and all of my favourites teenage hangout spots. Daya was up for anything, he never made me feel like i was talking too much, or he didn't care about what I was saying. He was perfect. We went to a small café for something to eat and as usual I try to take little bits and pieces of food from his plate and he did not mind a single bit, I'm convinced he would let me take his plate if that meant I would be happy. We walked to the local park afterwards and sat on a bench and people watched, Daya instinctively put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. We got a few funny glares from people before Daya laughed before saying "Montana really isn't all that different from Missouri people are still weird". And I had to agree being the way I am was made 100 times more difficult by the fact that I lived in Montana and not a larger city type state such as California. But I had turned a new page in my life and I decided that I no longer cared about what random people thought of me. I was happy and Daya was happy and that was all I cared about. As the Sun began to set and the cool breeze of the evening started to blow, we decided to head back home. Neither of us were hungry for dinner after having such a late lunch so we decided to pull out a board game and have a wine night instead. We settled in guess who and luckily Daya was tall enough to reach out from the top shelf of my closet without me requiring a chair which was another perk of him being 6'5. As Daya pulled the box for the board game out of the closet. A smaller box fell out and the contents spilled all over the floor in front of us. My heart dropped. It was pictures of me from when I was younger, pictures that I hated.

Daya's POV:
Expecting the pictures that I just fallen into the floor to be embarrassing baby ones I immediately bent down to start looking through them grabbing a handful and making Bosco chase me throughout the apartment to get them back. But Bosco doesn't laugh she seemed genuinely upset and when I stopped to see if she was still chasing me, I saw her sat on the bed we shared with tears in her eyes. "Sco?" I say softly, "are you okay? I didn't mean, I didn't mean to upset you I thought these were just kid pictures". "I just have bad memories of some of the people in them" Bosco sniffled, not looking up from one in particular on the floor. I picked it up to have a closer look at it. It was a large family picture. It looked like it could've been taken at a barbecue or something similar. I spotted Bosco immediately. She looked around me about 16 years old but she still had the same curly hair and goofy smile in this picture. I smiled when I spotted her and looked back up to see her starting to cry fully now. "Baby what's wrong?" I said with an eyebrow raised, I didn't understand what had upset her but I sat down by her side and cuddled her into me. Bosco took a deep breath and turned to face me, "before I was with you I had only ever done anything with one other person". I was confused. I didn't understand how this was relevant to her being upset, but I nodded my head and listened intently anyway. "Well it was a friend of one of my cousins", and she pointed at the picture. Putting her finger on the face of a far older man, he looked like he could've been double Boscos age in this particular photo. " it was around this time I was starting to question things about my sexuality and gender and he was the only other gay person in all of Montana that I knew." I wiped the tears that started to fall from Boscos eyes, I was scared for where this story was going and my chest felt tight as Bosco spoke again, " sometimes at these family events we would talk it was nothing bad. I actually quite enjoyed it until one day after one of the events he asked me to go and talk in his car with him. He locked me in and forced me to do things with him. It hurt, it hurt so badly." by this point Bosco was full on sobbing, I quickly threw the photo down onto the floor and wrapped both of my arms around her and pulled her up onto my lap. "Shhhh it's okay Sco it's okay, I've got you don't worry. I'll never let anything like that happen to you ever again" I had to fight back my own tears as I comforted her, this wasn't fair, Bosco was a child when this happened to her. I shuffled backwards in the bed with Bosco still sat on my lap and laid-back so she could lay down fully on top of me, pulling my top off in the process so she could do her usual comfort of tracing around my butterfly. My mind raced I felt guilty. I was worried I could've done something that may have triggered Bosco in one of the few nights that we spent together like that, and she was too afraid to tell me. Once she had calmed down in my arms and I stroked the hair out of her face I whispered, "Sco? Have I ever like, made you feel bad when we do that stuff? Like made you relive trauma?" I held my breath as I waited for her response. "No daya, never. You've made me feel loved every single day since I've met you. You care for me, you go at my pace and you're gentle despite being so big, I love you. I love you so much" she said as she hid her face in my neck. "I love you more Sco, I promise."

A bit of a darker chapter I am sorry! It couldn't all be sunshine and rainbows 💔

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