A Prom Heartbreak (Garroth x Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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(I based this one shot off of a Dork Diaries book called Holiday Heartbreak. So Y/n is basically Nikki, Garroth is basically Brandon, Grace and Aphmau are basically Chloe and Zoey, Laurance and Aaron are basically Theo and Marcus and Ivy is basically Mackenzie. If you haven't read Dork Diaries yet, I would recommend it, it's so good and I love it so much that I have every single book. 😅)

Y/n's P.O.V

I was so excited! Prom was tonight and I was so pumped! Especially since I was going with my crush, Garroth! He had asked me to go with him and I happily said yes!

I walked over to my closet and took out my dress. It was still in it's case thingy so I took it out and admired it before I put it on.

I loved my dress, it was so beautiful, it was

I put it on, did my makeup and did my hair in a After I was ready, I sat on my bed, waiting for Grace and Aphmau to come and pick me up so we could all go into Prom together.

I was sitting on my bed, looking through Instagram when I got a text from Garroth. I opened it only for my heart to be broken.

​'Hey Y/n.

I'm not able to go to prom anymore because I came down with a flu. I'm really sorry, I hope you enjoy your night.


Tears started to stream down my face ruining my mascara. Garroth was sick, and there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't even want to go anymore.

I was about to text Grace and tell her not to bother picking me up because Garroth wasn't going when her car pulled up outside.

I heard the front door of my house open and then heard the two of them running up the stairs.

"Who is ready for prom?!" Grace chanted from outside the door.

"I am!" Aphmau chanted back.

"I'm not," I sobbed. There was silence outside my bedroom. I heard my bedroom door creak open and looked over to see Grace and Aphmau peaking around it.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Aphmau asked.

"Garroth isn't going to prom, he said he was sick," I replied.

"What?!" The two of them cried in unison before going quiet. The two of them looked at each other with worried glances as I started to cry again.

They both sat on the bed either side of me and hugged me. "Y/n, I'm so sorry... but the three of us can still have fun together," Grace said hugging me tighter.

"I don't even want to go anymore," I sobbed.

"But Y/n, you have been so excited for Prom since Garroth asked you to go with him," Aphmau reminded me.

"I know, but Garroth's not going anymore," I sobbed, putting my head in my hands and crying.

"Ok Y/n, that's it!" Grace began standing up in front of me. "You've been so pumped for prom for like ever, and when Garroth asked you, you got even more excited. So Y/n, what you need to do is cry yourself a river, build a bridge and get over it. The three of us are gonna go to prom together and have the time of our lives, whether you like it or not," Grace said.

I was shocked, but Grace was right. I'm not going to sit in my room, sobbing all night. Instead, I'm going to go to prom with my two best friends and we are going to have the time of our lives!

"Ok, I'll come," I said trying to crack a smile.

Grace and Aphmau cheered. "Now let's get you fixed up," Grace said, pulling men up off the bed and into the bathroom to fix up my makeup.

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