A Princess Tale #2 (Garroth x Fem!Princess!Reader) | Mcd

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Garroth's P.O.V

As the guards dragged me away, I saw Y/n trying to run after me but Grace and Aphmau held her back. I'm glad they did, Y/n would get hurt if she tried to save me.

Not only that, her father was also trying to hunt her down and if she tried to save me, his guards would have found her. They guards chained my hands behind my back as they walked my along the dusty roads, back to the palace.

Y/n had told me what they were going to do, they were going to execute me because they thought I killed Vylad. I didn't kill Vylad, I would never kill my brother, but they didn't believe that.

We arrived at the and we walked across the long drawbridge. The castle doors swung open and inside, sat the king on a golden throne.

"Garroth Ro'Maeve, son of Lord Garte," his booming voice came. The guards pushed me to my knees, putting their weight on my shoulders.

"Why? Why would you kill your own brother?" The king's booming voice came again. I lifted my head up to look at him, "I have already told you! I did not kill Vylad!"

"Lies! How dare you lie to me, king of Ru'aun!" the King yelled at me. "I'm not li-" I began before the king cut me off.

"SILENCE!" he yelled. "The execution will happen tonight! Lock him in the dungeon!" The guards obeyed, walking me down the stone steps and into the dungeon.

They pushed me into a cell, my wrists still chained up, and locked me in. No matter what I said, the king wouldn't believe me. There was no way in stopping the execution, this was my faith and I had to live with it.


The night came quickly and so did the time for my execution. The guards came to get me out of the dungeon and brought me outside, to where the execution was going to take place.

There were torches lit with fire spread around the area and crowds gathered around a that stood on top of a wooden frame.

The guards pushed me over to the pillory, locking my head and my wrists in as the King walked up to me, smirking. "You will pay for what you have done!" his booming voice came and the crowd cheered.

"Your highness, I did not kill Vylad," I said, but the king didn't believe me. "You say you did not kill Vylad, but all evidence points towards you!" he yelled.

"I didn't kill him!" I yelled. There was silence as the king glared at me. "You dare speak to your king like that? Let's get this execution started shall we?" the King asked the crowd and they all cheered.

"No!" a familiar voice came. That's when a golden wyvern came into view with four figures on its back. The wyvern was Ungrith and on his back, stood Aphmau, Grace, Laurance and Y/n. I smiled as her Y/n's h/c hair blew in the wind, she was beautiful, she truly was.

"Father, please don't do this," Y/n called to her father. The king shook his head, "Y/n, he is a murderer! Y/n, he killed your best friend! Are you really going to let him live after what he has done?"

A hurt look spread across Y/n's face as her father reminded her of Vylad. "Garroth did not kill Vylad. I know he didn't! He wouldn't!" she cried.

"Well I'm sorry to say Y/n, but he did!" the king yelled at his daughter before turning back to the guards who stood behind me.

"Do it! Now!" the king yelled, and the guards nodded. 'This is it' I thought to myself. 'This is the end for me'

Grace's P.O.V

I saw the pain on Y/n's face as she looked down at Garroth. I wasn't going to let thing happen, Garroth was a close friend of mine and I couldn't loose him.

I turned to Laurance who was directing Ungrith where to go "Laurance, tell Ungrith to fly down over where Garroth is and I've got it from there," I said quietly to him.

Laurance nodded, before whispering in Ungrith's ear. Ungrith flew to exactly where I told him to and I jumped off his back, landing in front of the guard who were about to execute Garroth.

"Hey there!" I smirked before whipping out my sword and stabbing one of the guards. The other one tried to continue the execution when I saw him.

"You aren't getting away that easily," I said before running over and stabbing him too. 'They aren't much of guards' I thought to myself as I freed Garroth from the pillory.

"You okay?" I asked him. He nodded, "Yeah, thanks." The King growled. "Get them! Both of them!" He ordered all of his guards but before they could do so, Y/n jumped off of Ungrith's back, landing in front of her father.

"Dad please, Garroth didn't do anything wrong!" Y/n cried. The king shook his head, "He killed his own brother!"

"NO HE DIDN'T" Y/n screamed at her father, which shocked everyone. "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT!" The king yelled at her.

The king went to push Y/n out of the way when she drew her sword, stabbing him in the stomach. The King fell to his knees as he pumped blood.

Tears filled Y/n eyes. "I'm sorry dad, but it's the only way to stop you," she sobbed as she looked down at her dying father. "Y/n..." he chocked out as he fell to the floor, dead.

Tears streamed down Y/n's face as Garroth rushed over to her and hugged her. "It's okay," he said softly, as she buried her head into his chest. "There was no there way, he wasn't going to listen to you."

Ungrith landed next to them and Aphmau and Laurance slid off his back, wrapping their arms around Garroth and Y/n. I quickly ran over, joining the hug too.

Y/n's P.O.V

It has been a few days since we have arrived back in Phoenix Drop and I was still feeling guilty about killing my father. But like Garroth said, there was not other way.

I decided to go to the Irene statue to pray to Irene, asking her to keep my father safe. It was peaceful up on the hill, the sun was sparkling on the water that surrounded the Irene statue.

I heard footsteps walking up the hill behind me, I turned around to see Garroth standing there. He gave me a crooked smile as he stood behind me.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, softly. I nodded, still looking up at the Irene statue. Garroth took a deep breath before holding both of my hands.

"Y/n, since I've met you, I've really liked you. You are such a kind, beautiful person, and you even came and saved me when I needed you to," he said.

A smile crept across my face, I knew what was coming, and I knew what was answer was going to be. "Y/n, I love you," Garroth said softly. I smiled, "Garroth, I love you too."

I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, I felt the weight of his lips on mine. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Garroth asked as we pulled away. A smile crept across my face and I already knew what my answer was.

"Garroth, I would love to be."

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