A Flirt (Dante x Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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Y/n's P.O.V

It was the end of the day and I went to put some books in my locker.

I closed my locker door after putting my books in only to find Dante the flirt, standing behind it.

"Why hello there beautiful," he said.

I rolled my eyes at him, I had dated him before and he was nothing but a player. There was no chance of me getting back with him after the pain he put me through.

I started to walk away and then felt an arm go over my shoulders.

I knew who it was, and I wasn't in the mood for it today.

"Is being beautiful your full time job?" Dante asked.

I rolled my eyes again and pushed his arm from around me. "Dante I'm not in the mood for it today, so just go away," I told him as I pushed him away and began to way faster, but in about 5 seconds he was back beside me again.

"I normally go for 8's but I guess I'll settle for a 10," he said as I rolled my eyes at him for the third time today.

"If you want a 10, then you may go off and run after another girl because I'm far from a 10," I said as he stopped in his tracks, stunned, but I kept walking.

He then ran up in front of me, grabbing my hands. "Y/n you are the 10 I want," he said gazing into my eyes.

I had to say, I did kind of miss being his girlfriend but I didn't want to let him know that.

I rolled my eyes again and pushed past him, walking out the front doors of the school.

And unsurprisingly, he was still walking beside me, throwing awful pickup lines at me.

"If you were a Berry, I would pick you every time," he said. That one was sooo cheezy, I had a little giggle to myself but of course he heard it.

"Oh, so you like that one?" He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm just laughing at how cheezy it is," I giggled as he rolled his eyes at me.

I has happy when I finally reached my house so I could go inside without Dante following me. I took my keys put of my pocket and was about to unlock the door when I heard his annoying voice behind me.

"I've memorized the first 300 digits of pi. If you gave me the 10 digits of your phone number, I could memorize them too," he said.

"Dante you already have my phone number!" I reminded him.

"I know, I just ran out of pickup lines," he said.

"You, Dante Brosna, running put of pickup lines? Never thought I'd hear that one," I giggled as he rolled his eyes at me.

I turned back to the door to unlock it as I felt someone grab me around the waist.

"Dante, what in Irene's name are you doing?!" I cried.

"Y/n, I want you, the only person I want is you," he said softly into my ear. I blush a little. OK, that's a lie, I blushed a lot.

"Dante, I want you too," I said softly.

I turned to him and he pulled me in close. We stared into each others eyes for like ever before Dante smashed his lips onto mine. I loved it, every bit of it.

We slowly pulled away, still gazing into each others eyes before I looked to my left, only to see my brother Travis standing in the driveway, his eyes as big as sauces.

"Oh, h-heyyy Travis," I said.

"What the fu-"

Yep, I thought I'd end it on a cliffhanger. (Well it's not much of a cliff hanger, more like I thought I'd end it before Travis killed Dante) :)

Anyways, 629 word and 1.6 pages! It's not my longest one but I enjoyed writing it.

Anyways, I've got nothing else really to say so I guess I'll leave it there.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!


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