Punch For Me (Grace x Male!Reader) | Pdh

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Y/n P.O.V

"Wow, I'm so getting lost in this place," I said to my older sister Katelyn as we walked through the school gates.

It was my first day of Freshman year and I was scared for my life.

"Y/n, you'll be fine. Besides, if u get lost, all you have to do is ask another student to help you find your classroom," My older sister Katelyn assured me.

I shook my head. "Katelyn, you know I don't like talking to new people!" I cried. Which was true, I don't like meeting new people, people I don't know just scare me. Don't ask me how I made friends in middleschool because honestly, I don't know either.

I took one good look at the school. It was massive, it looked to have four floors and each floor was huge, no, humongous!

"Katelyn, I might just go home and tell mom that I'm sick so I can't go to school, yeah that's what I'll do," I said and turned to start walking home.

Katelyn shook her head. "Nope, you ain't getting out of this that easily," she said as she grabbed the back of my shirt and back in through the school gates.

She dragged me a few feet away from a group of boys. "Now, go, talk. I've gotta go to the gym and set up my stand, I'll see you later," she said leaving me standing by myself.

'Gee, thanks Katelyn," I thought to myself.

I went to my homeroom and the teacher told us to turn and talk to someone until we headed out to the gym.

I tried to avoid anyone talking to me until a girl with black hair sitting beside me turned to me and started talking.

I eventually ended up having a conversation her her and a boy with white hair. Their names we Travis and Aphmau, we quickly became friends or as we call them, not alone Buddies.

The bell rang and we all gathered at the gym door and then headed inside. There were loads of club stands and me, Travis and Aphmau walked around looking at them together.

After a bit, the bell wrang again and we all headed to our last class of the day.

I wandered the halls for a bit looking for my class but I couldn't find it. My class was FRE12 so I'm guessing it was French because of the FRE at the start.

After a bit more wandering, I found it, but I was 15 minutes late. I know I should have asked someone for help like Katelyn said, but I was just too nervous to talk to anyone.

When I walked Into the classroom, my teacher got mad at me.

"And why are we late?" He asked.

"I-I...." I stammered. I could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on me.

"The old, I'm new and I got lost excuse, eh?" He said cutting me off.

My teacher sighed. "Take a seat, and please try not to be late next time," he said.

I quickly made my way to the back of the classroom and found a seat next to a girl with brown hair.

"C-can I-I sit h-here?" I stammered.

The girl looked up from her book and smiled at me. Her smile was beautiful, she was beautiful and she also looked really familiar.

"Sure, go right ahead," she said sweetly. I sat down next to her and started to take out my books.

"You're Katelyn's brother, aren't you?" She asked me.

I nodded.

She smiled. "I thought you looked familiar, I know that blue hair anywhere,"

I smiled at her. She did seem familiar, she must be one of Katelyn's friends.

"I'm Grace," she said to me smiling.

Grace. Of course, I should have known who she was, She's Katelyn's best friend.

I smiled at her. "I'm Y/n,"

"Well, it's nice to meet you Y/n," she smiled.

We talked for the rest of the class, not even listening to the teacher. French is boring anyways.

She told me a lot about her. She has who brothers but she hates one of them, her dad left her as a child and she loves sports and drawing.

It was the end of the day and I was walking out the front doors as someone stuck their leg out in front on me and I tripped over it.

Next thing I new, I was on the floor looking up at two boys and a girl standing over me laughing.

One boy had dark black hair and blue eyes, the other had dark brown hair and brown eyes and the girl had snow white hair and purple eyes.

"Have a nice trip?" The boy with black hair teased and they all burst out laughing.

I tried to get up but the boy with brown hair pushes his foot on top of my chest, keeping me down.

"Gene, leave him alone," said a familiar voice behind me. I turned my head to see Grace standing there with an angry look on her face.

"Oh would you look who it is," the white haired girl said.

"You always have to ruin our fun, don't you," the brown haired boy groaned.

The black haired boy sighed and walked towards her. "What are you going to do this time, go crying home to mom?" He teased.

'Mom?' I thought to myself. 'I wonder is he Grace's brother that she hates,'

"No, I have other plans," she said, smirking.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" The black haired boy scoffed.

"Like this," Grace said, cracking her knuckles and then rolling her fist into a ball. Next thing, she punched him bang smack on the jaw.

The black haired boy grabbed his jaw in pain and leaned against the wall.

Grace walked over to the brown haired boy and the girl. "Bye," she said sweetly, waving at them. "Oh, and ya might want to help Gene out, he looks to be in a little bit of bother," she mocked pushing the brown haired boy off of me and helping me up.

The brown haired boy and the white haired girl ran over to Gene, leaving me and Grace alone.

I brushed myself off as Grace helped me up. "Who are they?" I asked her.

"That, is my jerk of a brother, Gene, and his two friends, Sasha and Zenix," she explained glaring at them.

I nodded. 'That must be the brother that she hates,' I thought to myself.

"Stay as far away from them as you possibly can. But, if they come and start annoying you, don't be afraid to call me or someone nearby," Grace said turning her attention back to me.

I nodded.

"Wanna walk home together?" She asked.

"Sure," I replied.

"Grace, how did you punch Gene like that? He was in so much pain after it," I asked Grace as we started walking home.

"I honestly don't know, I guess I don't know my own strength. But don't worry, I'll always punch him for you,"

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