Die Young (Garroth x Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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Garroth's P.O.V

The school day was over and Y/N and I were walking back home. I normally walk her home since we're pretty close friends. Although we're good friends, I can't help but have a crush on her. Yes, she's only a freshman and I'm a Sophomore but I can't help but like her. Laurance would kill me if he found out though since he is her older brother.

Her H/C hair blew in the wind as we walked. After a bit of walking, we finally reached her house.

"Hey Garroth, do you want to come in for a bit?" Y/N asked me as she ran up to the front door of her house.

"Sure, why not?" I said as I walked up to the door after her.

"Great! Don't let Laurance see you though, or he'll get all protective," she said as she opened the door quietly. We quietly walked up the stairs before Laurance called to her.

"Y/n, is that you?" he called.

"Yeah, I'm just going to my room," she answered as we both ran upstairs.

We headed into her room and she closed the door. "Whew, that was close," I said.

"Yeah," she agreed as she took out her phone and started playing Die Young by Kesha.

She threw me one of her hairbrushes off her dressing table and started singing into another.

I watched as she danced around, her H/c hair flying everywhere. I joined her, we both started dancing around the room and singing into hairbrushes.

I knew every word of the song, Y/n plays it every time we hang out since it's her favourite song. The words are imprinted into my brain at this stage.

We danced around for the three and a half minutes of the song and when it was over, we fell back onto her bed laughing.

When we stopped laughing we turned to each other and stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. He E/C eyes were so beautiful, they sparkled in the light.

I finally got the courage to do what I've wanted to do since I met her, I pulled her in close and kissed her for what seemed like forever.

When we finally pulled away, we smiled at each other and got up off her bed.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in.

"Y/n, I love you," I said, staring into her beautiful E/c eyes.

"Garroth, I love you too," she said as I pulled her in closer and we kissed again.

Then Y/n's bedroom door opened and an angry looking Laurance stormed in. "What in Irene's name is going on in here?!" he cried.

Y/n and I pulled away and quickly looked at Laurance with innocent faces.

Oh shi-

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