She Just Kissed Me! (Travis x Fem!Reader) Mcd

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Y/n's P.O.V

When I had just got back to the Phoenix Alliance Island after my five month long, trip, Aphmau told me that Travis had started living in the mountains.

I hadn't seen him in nearly half a year and honestly, I miss him. He was my closest friend when I left and then though he is a pervert, I still really like him as more than a friend.

I decided to go up the mountains and see him. When I found him, he was stilling cross-legged in a cave, in front of this blue glowy thing, that was surrounded by fire.

"Hault! Who goes there?" Travis asked in a deep serious voice. I rolled my eyes at him. "Travis, it's me, Y/n," I said. Travis stopped for a second.

"Y/n?" I said in a questioning tone before standing up and turning around to me. "Y/n!" He cried, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Travis... Can't... breathe," I chocked out. "Oh, heh heh, sorry about that," he giggled as he let go of me.

"Y/n, I haven't seen you in ages, where have you been? Travis asked. "I had to go on a long journey, but that doesn't matter. But what does matter is, my are you living up here all alone," I asked.

Travis stopped for a second before taking a deep breath. "Because, they all hate me down there," Travis said, jesturing to the town. I raised an eyebrow. "But why?" I asked. Travis sighed.

"Well, I went for a walk around one day, and I saw one of the Demon Warlock's imps attacking a young girl. I tried to fight it off and save her but it was stronger than any of the imps we have faced before," Travis began.

"The only way to stop it was to turn into my demon form, so that's what I did... I killed the imp and saved the girl but she cried at the sight of me. Her cries attracted other villagers and they accused me of attacking the girl. After that, no one liked me, so I came up here to live in the mountains alone," Travis finished.

I was shocked to hear that. People really can be cruel. "Travis, I'm so sorry to hear that," I began. "But you're not alone, you'll always be my little demon," I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said my goodbyes before I headed back down the mountain.

Travis' P.O.V

I felt the wet spot on my cheek where Y/n has kissed me. She kissed me, she really did! The woman I love most in the world just kissed me!

I tried to keep calm on the outside but inside, I was jumping with joy. I couldn't believe it, I really couldn't.

Y/n L/n just kissed me!

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