I'll Be Here... (Malachi x Fem!Reader) | Mcd

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Y/n's P.O.V

When Lord Aphmau brought a ghost back to the village, I didn't know what to think of it. My parents, Molly and Dale brought me to visit at Lord Aphmau's house that night.

Aphmau said she had adopted the ghost as one of her own sons. I was six years old, same with Levin. Levin and I would always play together since out parents were friends.

That night, when Mom and Dad brought me to play with Levin, that's when I met the ghost. I was weary of it at first, but then I started to talk to it.

It's name was Malachi. We became friends and after that, Levin, Malachi and I would always play together. When Malachi was turned into a human, I was so happy. It was easier to play together now since he would just go right through things before.

Eventually, we became best friends, playing together every day. When my mom told me that we were running away from Phoenix Drop, I was scared I would have to leave Malachi, until I found out he was coming too.

We stuck together the whole time and when we came back and he found out that his mother was gone, he got so upset. I stuck by him those years she was gone, and honestly, I started to get feelings for him.

-15 years later-

"You okay?" I asked Malachi. He was sitting on the bed across from me in the sleeping room of the ship. He had to go on some business meeting and had asked me to accompany him since I was his best friend.

"Y-yeah," he stuttered, zoning back in. I walked over and sat on the bed beside him. "Malachi, what's wrong?" I asked him. "What? Nothing is wrong," he quickly said.

"Malic, I know when somethings wrong with you. Just tell me, you can trust me," I said.

Malachi sighed. "Today is the fifteen year anniversary of my mother's disappearance," he said, looking at the floor.

That's right. Fifteen years ago, Lord Aphmau sent all the children and people who were unable to fight, away from Phoenix Drop since they were going into war with O'Khasis and Scaleswind.

When we all came back to Phoenix Drop, Lord Aphmau and five others were missing. I don't really remember them but the five others were meant to have been great guards of Phoenix Drop. I think their names were Garroth Ro'Maeve, Laurance Zhavl, Grace Brosna, Katelyn and Aaron.

Zane Ro'Maeve also went missing. He was a huge enemy of Phoenix Drop and most people think that he's the reason for their disappearance. Grace was meant to be the sister of Dante, the head guard of Phoenix Drop. Malachi said that he always talks about her, along with Garroth, Laurance and Aphmau.

I put my hand on Malachi's shoulder. "Malachi, I know that I can't do much to help, but just know that I'll always be here," Malachi looked at me with his beautiful, emerald green eyes. "Y/n, thank you, that means a lot,"

"Anytime Malachi," I said smiling. "I'm going to see if Logan or Alexis needs any help on the deck," I said standing up off the bed.

As I went to walk to the door, I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Malachi standing up off the bed.

"Y/n, I've always been scared to tell you this but... I love you, I always have," he said as he grabbed my hands. I stared into his emerald green eyes. All my dreams were coming true, the boy I've loved for the past five years loves me back.

"Malachi... I love you too," I said smiling. Malachi pulled me close to his chest. I closed my eyes and felt the weight of his lips on mine.

When we pulled apart, we smiled as we gazed into each other's eyes. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Now let's go help Logan and Alexis, together," he said, gazing into my e/c eyes. I nodded. He held my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walked upstairs to the deck. 

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